Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1215: Longfeng Tower

Longfeng Tower, the first restaurant in Tianlong City, is also the place where Wan Shouwang visits almost every day.

It is said that the original Longfeng Restaurant was only a small restaurant, but because the dishes were extremely delicious, Wan Shouwang had been praised once after eating it, so he invested to expand the restaurant and changed its name to Longfeng Restaurant.

Later, Wan Shouwang often banqueted the leaders of major first-rate forces and officials of state cities in the Longfeng Tower. With these big names, Longfeng Tower naturally became the first restaurant in Tianlong City.

The Longfeng Building has nine floors.

The ninth floor will not be open to others, because it is the exclusive site of Wan Shouwang. Every time he eats or entertains others, he will be on the ninth floor.

According to an elder who went to the ninth floor for a feast, the ninth floor of the Longfeng building is extremely luxurious, the floor is made of precious jade, and the tables, chairs and benches are made of strange wood. In addition, there are also Many ornaments are also some precious refiner materials.

Even dishes and dishes and drinking glasses are magic weapons.

The elder also revealed that the cost of the ninth floor of the Longfeng Building reached 10 million yuan.

You must know that all the assets of a third-rate ancestral gate are no more than a million inferior spirits. That is to say, a dining place on the first floor is equivalent to the total assets of the ten most powerful third-rate ancestors. Luxury.

The spirit beast car all the way across the city to Longfeng Building, and everyone who saw it evaded, because everyone knows that the master of this altar, Taiyijiao, has a bad temper, and once a teenager accidentally bumped into his frame As a result, his entourage was severely injured with a whip on the street. After the incident, the teenager died after being wounded for three days.

After a while, the beast car came to Longfeng Tower.

In front of the building, a beautiful young woman is leading a group of people in Longfeng Building to welcome Wan Shouwang.

This young woman is called Jiang Luolan. She is the owner of Longfenglou and the best cook in Longfenglou. There are rumors that she has already gone to Wan Shouwang's bed. Otherwise, Wan Shouwang would not share in Longfenglou.

"Have met my lord!"

Wan Shouwang hugged and walked away from the beast car, Jiang Luolan quickly bent down to worship.

"Roland is getting more and more beautiful!"

Wan Shouwang stepped forward and caught Jiang Luolan's tenderness. If no one touched it, then the two spoke, and walked into the Longfeng Tower in a loving manner.

There are already many diners in the hall. When they saw Wan Shouwang coming, they quieted down and stood up to salute him.

In this regard, Wan Shouwang went straight upstairs, and these low-level personnel were not worth him to look at.

Soon, Wan Shouwang ascended the ninth floor.

The maids who had been prepared had come to hold the dinner plates and put them on the dinner table.

"Come, Roland, and drink a few drinks with me." Wan Shouwang beckoned to Jiang Luolan.

"Yes, Roland obeys!"

When eating and drinking, Wan Shouwang's hands were not in order. From time to time, she put oil on the bodies of the two women around her, making the two women continue to make sounds, and her cheeks were crimson.

Jiang Luolan sitting aside felt awkward.

Thinking about his current life, Wan Shouwang couldn't help but sigh, because he was nine years old and became one of Taiyi's preachers because of his talent. His only task was to become stronger.

It took only 1,600 years for him to reach the late stage of distraction, and he can be regarded as one of the more outstanding disciples.

However, during a mission, he encountered an ambush by a master of Vulcanism. As a result, his army was almost completely annihilated. He escaped by chance and returned to the Taiyi religion but was questioned. He fled.

In fact, he really escaped, thinking that he had no evidence of death, but he was still questioned.

As a result, he was assigned to Long Shenzhou as the master of the division.

At the beginning, he was still very depressed, but slowly he found that being an altar master is more comfortable than being in the general altar. Here, all the major gates have stabbed him, even the officials of various regions of the Dragon Gods have great respect for him. .

So, he started earning money madly and marrying a concubine.

Although hundreds of years later, his cultivation has not improved much, but in such days, I don't know how many times it has been moisturized. Even if he returns to the altar, he may not be willing.

"Altar master, the urgent order from the general altar!"

Just when Wan Shouwang was so excited, he planned to send a small cricket around him on the table, and suddenly someone came to report.

This made him very dissatisfied.

He recruited his subordinate and said coldly, "Bring it!"

The other party presented a jade Jane, Wan Shouwang opened it, but it was an order he ordered to hunt down a dragon named Song Yan in Dragon God State, and this order was actually given by a real teacher.

Afraid in my heart, dare not neglect, get up and go back to the altar.

But just then.

A middle-aged man stepped towards the ninth floor.

"Come here!"

The two practitioners guarding the entrance of the corridor stared coldly at the humane.

But the visitor did not stop at all.

The two practitioners guarding the corridor could not help being furious. One of them waved his chest.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man raised his right hand, and his fingers showed two energies.

The energy entered the bodies of the two like lightning, and then the two discovered in horror that their bodies became stiff and unable to move. At the same time, the energy broke into their Yuan Ying directly, making their Yuan Ying Extremely fast disintegration.

"What happened?"

The other practitioners in the corridor saw the strange appearance of the two, and walked over to see the middle-aged man who had stepped up to the ninth floor.



They instantly understood that the two strangers should be related to this middle-aged man.


A ray of silver spewed directly from a population into Song Yong.

At the same time, another person had a long sword in his hand. When the sword was swung, it was like Dian Guang cut off at the middle-aged man.


Similarly, the middle-aged man flicked his fingers, and the silver light disappeared into a silver flying sword and fell to the ground. The sword light was also defeated by vigor.


Next, the middle-aged man bounced his fingers with a burst of energy. Instantly, more than a dozen men and women in the corridor were shot with energy, and when the body became stiff, all the infants in the body began to collapse.

"Don't blame me, if you blame you are too educated!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and walked towards Wan Shouwang's room.

At this moment, the door of the room opened, Wan Shouwang hugged the two beautiful women and saw the men who were constantly exhaling breath in the corridor. His face suddenly became cold, and he stared at the middle-aged man: "What are you Man, who made you come up? "

"I'm here to kill!" The middle-aged man said lightly.

"Kill who?" Wan Shouwang asked subconsciously.

"Wan Watch!"


The two bodyguards behind Wan Shouwang were furious and stepped forward, wielding their swords at the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man spit out an icy word, and when his sword flashed, two heads flew up.


Seeing the dead personal guard, Wan Shouwang couldn't help but be shocked. However, they were in the middle of distraction and were actually killed by the other sword!

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [td97350590] [Look at you and me] [Soul break, red face] [Lan Xiaofeng] [Bu Tian] These big rewards

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