Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1224: His Majesty's Sword Hall


Chen Changsheng stood up with a cough of blood and looked at the old man with a deep taboo: "What is your name?"

"The old man is His Majesty the Elder Di Hall of the Sword Hall," said the old man proudly.

Hearing the temple name again, Chen Changsheng, Ning Yue, and Jin Tianjiao all showed their doubts. They were sure that there was no temple in this state.

And just the elder Jiantang, how powerful he is, then the master of the Jiantang is probably the master of the fit period, and the head of the temple and the suzerain may be stronger.

In the next moment, the eyes of "Di Changyu" fell on the stunned young man: "This young man is a traitor in my temple. The old man will take him away, everyone has no opinion!"

Hearing that Chen Changsheng's three faces were all sinking, thinking that there was news about the ruins of the Xian family in the teenager, they were extremely unwilling.

Just then, the stunned boy suddenly woke up and put a palm on Wolf Tian's chest.


Langtian vomited blood and flew, and the young man escaped and fled to the city.


Di Changzheng waved a punch, and his fist print went straight to the youth vest.

"Stop him!"

Chen Changsheng screamed, his body moved out of the way, and he punched his fist at the mark. Ning Min and Jin Tianjiao also shot.


The energy burst and the void shook.

Then, the three of Chen Changsheng couldn't help but retreat dozens of meters to stabilize their figures.

For a moment, they were shocked in their hearts. This Di Changzheng was too strong. They were both strong in the late stage of distraction, and they joined forces to block the punch of each other.

However, their purpose has been achieved, as long as the teenager is still in the state city, the three of them can find him.

"Master, it's a careless idea!"

The wolf stepped forward to ask Di Changyu for sin.

"Waste, don't go get the little thief up yet!" Di Changshu growled.


When Wolf Tian turned around, he was going to chase the boy but was cut off by the distraction of Chen, Ning and Jin.

"What do you mean? Are you going to fight against my shrine?" Di Changyu glanced at the three Chen Changsheng coldly and questioned.

"Authentic friends come from afar. As our three owners, we want to invite Taoyou to have a few drinks. I don't know what the friendship is?"

Chen Chang's business is very meaningful, but his eyes are flashing inexplicable light. Although the other party is strong, but here is the home of the three of them, all of them have integrated masters, so even if the other party is more powerful, it is difficult to really turn the waves .

"You are going to fight against my temple?" Di Chang asked sharply.

"Do not misunderstand the authentic friends, we don't mean it, we just want to get close to the friends." Jin Tianjiao frowned and smiled.

"Stay out for my husband!"

Di Changzhen's eyes narrowed, and he stepped up into the air, his fists burst out in a row.

Hum! Hum! Weng!

The mighty fist will broke out, mixed with extremely strong forces and rammed into the three Chen Changsheng.

"not good!"

As soon as they felt this will, all three of them changed their faces and exerted all-out resistance, but the result was that they all vomited blood.

Countless people saw this scene, they were all shocked. This Di Changzheng was too powerful. Actually, the three parents could not fight back.

The next moment, Di Changzhen walked in the air and waved his fist again.

The punches swarmed like torrents.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Suddenly, the three distracting masters snorted and slammed one by one, and the encirclement was instantly torn open a gap. Langtian waved with the nine distractors and rushed out, chasing in the direction of the disappearance of the teenager.

"Who dares to be wanton here!"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and then, the figure flickered, and there was a middle-aged man in front of him.

"Taishan Seal, town!"

The middle-aged man in the Qingpao threw his hands and printed a knot, and suddenly a black mountain peak appeared out of thin air and smashed towards ten people including Langtian.

"Boom boom!"

Ten men wore swords to meet each other, but at the next moment, they were hit and flew back to the original place.

"Homeowner is here!"

There was a happy expression on Ning Yun's face, but it was Ning Yue, the owner of his Ning family.


A cold hum came out of Di Chang's mouth, and then punched two fists at Ning Yueyao.

The fist print contains Supreme Will. Feeling this will, Ning Yue's complexion instantly became dignified. I saw that his body was walking in a small area, his hands were constantly stamped, and then he turned into a double-fist print of his son and mother. Go up.

Click! Click!

The next moment, the fist prints collided in the void, and a powerful force was generated, tearing the void into cracks. Then, the fist seal of the mother and the mother broke, and the fist seal of Di Changyu continued to bombard Ningyue. .


Suddenly, a sound of Jin Ge sounded, but there was a brown guqin in Ning Yue's hand, and his fingers brushed, and the light cyan piano pattern flew out and hit the fist prints, breaking them.


Ning Yuepan sat in the void, with both hands and fingers stroking the strings, a pattern of piano strings was created, like the same Dao Sen's cold sword spirit, constantly attacking Di Chang.

"Hate Heaven Fist broke me!"

Di Changquan burst into drink, throwing his fist again, punching out of the void, and at the same time, his body turned into a streamer to meet those piano patterns.


Every pattern of piano strings was broken open by the fist. The next moment, Di Changxi bullied himself, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

cut! !! !!

The mighty sword intention filled the void with the cutting of this sword, and everyone felt the chill in their hearts when they felt the sword intention, especially the three faces of Chen Changsheng near the battlefield were extremely ugly, After feeling this sword, they understood that Na Dichang had a lot of reservations with them before.

At this moment, Ning Yue's face sitting in the sky appeared painful, but their fingers moved the strings faster and faster, only to see the afterimage.


Suddenly, a hundred-foot sword flew from Guqin.


The collision of sword intention and sword gas, a big explosion sounded, at the same time, a circle of transparent ripples radiated quickly around, wherever they passed, all buildings were turned into powder.

As for Chen Changsheng and others, they have retreated thousands of meters away and watched this scene in shock.


Ningyue vomited blood, and his face suddenly settled down.

On the other hand, Di Changyu, volley standing with a sword, his robe fluttering. Mighty.


Ning Yan whispered.

At this moment, two afterimages radiated from a distance and landed around Ningyue.

"Why brother Ning?" One asked.

"It's okay, I ate some small losses!" Ning Yue smiled bitterly.

When Chen Changsheng and Jin Tianjiao met the two people, their faces appeared happy, because they were the heads of their family, Chen Jiansheng and Jin Shitian.

"Your lord is really presumptuous! We haven't taken our three homes into account at all!"

"Oh! Just three small families!"

Di Changbi gave a quizzical lip.

Hearing the other three as a small family, the three owners are extremely uncomfortable, they are all first-class families, they are actually called small families, it is unbearable!

[Digression by the author]: Two more, thank you [My dream is flying] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [handsome endorsement] [L small sword] [soul break, red face] [quiet start] [Chinese steamed bun] [cool Xia] [Lone Ranger] [Zhou Lele] [Xinde] These great rewards

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