Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1240: Xie Tianmu

Seeing Xiandian take the initiative to fly into Xie Tianmu's hands, the other ancestors of the fit felt very depressed, because the chance of obtaining Xiandian inheritance was a little smaller.

"Xie altar master, now that you have obtained a fairy book, then you should quit the next battle, should you leave here so that everyone can rest assured?"

The old ancestor of the Chen family said, when it comes to injustice, I am afraid that the three people in the presence are the most wronged. Therefore, knowing that Xie Tianmu Xiu is profound, his tone is not very polite!

"Rest assured, now that I have obtained a fairy book, naturally I will not participate in the competition of the other two fairy books!" Xie Tianmu assured, after all, he would not dare to anger, or anger the thirty masters, even if they Six people will die together terribly.

But at this moment, another fairy book flew out. The fairy book was extremely fast, and it flew to Xie Tianmu's presence instantly. The ghost made a difference, Xie Tianmu reached out and grabbed the second fairy book in his hands.

Seeing this scene, everyone else's face turned green. Doesn't the projection of the nine heavenly monarchs say that one person can only get one inheritance of fairy books?

"Thank you altar master, give up this fairy book, it does not belong to you!"

The ancestor of the Jin family shouted loudly. At the same time, she and the ancestors of the Chen family and the ancestor of the Ning family moved in a tacit manner to surround Xie Tianmu to prevent him from escaping.

Xie Tianmu's thoughts turned sharply. Although he promised not to compete for the other two immortals, but this immortal flew into his hands, not to mention, the Liangzhou sub-altar was destroyed. As the altar master, he would surely He was punished by the general altar, but he dedicated a second book to the general altar.

A fairy book is much more precious than a separate altar. At that time, not only will he fail, but the general altar will also reward him heavily. Thinking of this, he has decided that he cannot hand over the fairy book anyway.

But just then.


The last book of Xianxian flew out of the wooden house, and the direction of the flight was actually Xie Tianmu.

For a time, those masters of integration no longer care about restraint, and they started to grab the fairy code.

But at this moment, the speed of Xiandian increased greatly, and actually avoided the attack of the crowd and landed in front of Xie Tianmu.

"Does God care for me?"

Xie Tianmu froze slightly, but did not hesitate to grab the third book of immortals in his hands, and then his body suddenly rose into the sky, intending to escape there.

All three Xiandians fell on his hands, and Liangzhou's one-fit masters would probably go crazy. Therefore, Liangzhou could no longer stay, and he could take Xiandians directly to the altar.

Cultivate one yourself, and dedicate the other two to the general altar.

This kind of meritorious service of the two Xiandians has made him qualified to compete for the position of teaching master.

"Leave me!"

An old ancestor with red eyes and unreservedly launched an attack on Xie Tianmu.

How terrible the combined masters are, let alone more than thirty combined masters, yes, more than thirty, because even the five combined masters conquered by Xie Tianmu turned back, as long as they can get a fairy book, Hiding in cultivation and reaching the end of the robbery period, even the Taiyi Religion can't help them.


The entire void was annihilated, covering the entire valley.

For a time, most of the distractions in each family issued short screams, and then died in the angry attacks issued by the thirty-five combined masters.

As for Song Yong, as early as the third Xiandian flew out, he quietly left the valley.

,next moment.


Xie Tianmu's blood-stained figure fell from the air, and looked extremely embarrassed.

When the aftermath of the attack dissipated, in addition to the thirty-five combined members in the valley, there were less than ten people left, including Gongsun Yu.


The next moment, Tian Zhenzong's ancestor patted Gongsun Yu with a palm, and directly photographed it thousands of kilometers away.

Xie Tianmu glanced around and found that he had fallen into the siege of thirty-five fit masters.

He glanced glanced at the five who betrayed him: "If the five of you return to my Majesty now, nothing I can do is happen!"

"Xie altar master, you are too greedy, you should not take the other two fairy books!" Feng Fen shook his head.

Before waiting for Xie Tianmu to speak, the owner of the Chen family yelled, "Xie Tianmu, hand over three fairy books, or die!"

"Give up the fairy tale, otherwise you will have no choice but to die!"

Another fit master yelled, now that he has torn his face with Xie Tianmu, a fairy book is given to him.

Suddenly, Xie Tianmu's look changed because he found that the power of his primordial spirit was rapidly dissipating.

"How is this going?"

He yelled in his heart, but his face returned to coldness, and at the same time he urged Gongfa to suppress the power of the Yuanshen, but no matter how he suppressed the seal, the Yuanshen collapsed very quickly.

"It's been calculated!"

He had a terrifying thought in his mind. The **** subconsciously sank into the three immortals of the storage spirit ring, and found with anger that all three immortals were smeared with an extremely powerful poison.

Suddenly he realized in his mind that this was a game against him.

"Who is it? Who in the end uses Xiandian for layout?"

For a time, Xie Tianmu's face became extremely ugly, and even a little frightened in his eyes.

"Thank you altar, I advise you not to be stubborn, even if you are in the late stage of integration and not the opponent of so many of us, let alone you are only in the middle stage of integration, is it important to Xiandian or life!"

The ancestor of the Ning family persuaded.

"Yes, hand in the three fairy books, we can't kill you!" Shouted another ancestor.

"Well, you want Xiandian, I'll give you!"

Xie Tianmu smiled resentfully, captured the three immortals from the storage spirit Jiesong, and flew away in three directions. At the moment he threw the immortals, his body rose into the sky again.

And seeing the three immortals, where did the thirty-five members take care of Xie Tianmu, they went to the three immortals.

But just then!


The three fairy books suddenly burned, and in an instant they turned into a ball of ashes and dissipated in the air.

"Do not!"



Seeing this scene, all the masters couldn't help screaming.

"It's Xie Tianmu, it must be Xie Tianmu's god-slayer who fiddled with Xiandian!" A fit ancestor shouted angrily.

"Yes, it must be him. He has lost our chance to obtain Xiandian. We must not forgive him. We must kill him!"

The old ancestor of the Chen family shouted hysterically. At this moment, he felt almost mad.

However, the moment Xian Tianmu was thrown out, Xie Tianmu cast a teleportation and fled. Now even if this group of masters wants to chase, I am afraid they will not catch up.

In the empty space, Xie Tianmu is making rapid teleportation, and each teleportation can go to tens of thousands of miles.

But each time he used Teleportation, his body's gods would break up by one more point, but he didn't dare to stop, and the moment he went in the ripped space, he also saw Xiandian destroy himself.

If he is caught by those crazy fit masters, he will definitely be miserable.

Thinking of this, he was full of resentment against that layout planner, too cruel and terrible.

Dozens of teleportation, Xie Tianmu has left the area of ​​Liangzhou.

But he couldn't support it because he felt that their cultivation would fall out of the fit period, so the most important thing at the moment is to stop the cultivation from continuing to drain.

Thinking of this, he found a cave, then threw out a few array flags, simply laid out a hidden array, and sat down inside the cave.

[Digression by the author]: Two more, thank you [Walk alone] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [td103845329] [Lone Ranger] Four big rewards

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