Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1247: Reach an agreement

Shao Yangzong, an inconspicuous courtyard, but five masters gathered together.

Chen Shaoyang beckoned to Song Yan, pointing at the other four fit ancestors and introducing them, "Little friend, this is the senior of Huayang Jianzong."

"I've seen Senior Yue." Song Yan quickly saluted.

The other side nodded easily: "Song Xiaoyou need not be polite."

"This is the Murong senior of the sunset sect ... This is the senior Zhou of the cold domain sect ... This is the Situ senior of the fairy fish sect."

After some courtesy, Song Yan took his seat, and the four fit ancestors were quite polite.

"Little friend, why don't you invite our old guys?"

Huayang Jianzong's fit ancestor asked.

Song Yan glanced at Chen Shaoyang.

The other laughed, "Little friend, it is better for you to tell them the specific thing."

Song Zheng nodded, but understood that Chen Shaoyang did not tell the four ancestors of the ancestors for the sake of confidentiality, so as not to leak the news.

"Four seniors, this is a little bit of the junior!"

Song Yong directly took out four jade bamboo slips and handed them to the four ancestors.

All four were old monsters who had lived for more than 9,000 years, so three of them didn't even see it, and threw Jade Jane directly into the storage ring, because they didn't feel the jade given by Song Yan. What is Jane's precious thing, but the ancestor of the fairy fish ancestor checked out the contents of Jade Jane out of curiosity.

But at this point, he was stunned, and then browsed all the content at a very fast speed, and then he could confirm that this is a very clever method. When he reaches the peak, he can reach the early stage of integration.

If he revises this method, the united **** will definitely be higher than the current one.

So he looked at Song Yi with a deep meaning: "This gift from the little friend is really too heavy!"

"A trivial gift is nothing." Song Yan smiled.

But the other three were curious and asked, "Situ, what did the little friend send?"

"You know what it is," said the ancestor of the fairy fish ancestor.

As a result, the three of them took out Yujian and looked at it, and the careless expression suddenly became very exciting.

"This is actually a top method that surpasses my Huayang Jianzong Gongfa. This gift is really heavy!" Huayang Jianzong ancestor sighed, looking at Song Yan with a little surprise and shock. .

The other two also looked at their own jade slips, and found that this was a top-notch method that surpassed their own methods.

These exercises can definitely be regarded as an inheritance of a first-class sect, but the people in front of them gave them to the four, and for a moment they were curious about the origin of Song Yong and what they were looking for!

"Little friend, now you can talk about business!"

The ancestor of Hua Jian Jian Zong urged that he felt a little hot when he was so polite.

"I want to ask the five seniors and the younger to join forces to destroy the Taiyijiao division!" Song Zheng directly stated his purpose.


The four ancestors lost their voices, and then each one changed greatly.

"Sorry, my friend, I'm afraid I can't promise this!"

The ancestor of the angelfish ancestor said, and returned the jade Jane: "Please ask your friend to take it back!"

Song Ye smiled and waved his hand: "The things that are sent out are like water splashing out. How can there be a reason for recovery? Since the seniors did not agree, I still want to send this gift!"

When the four heard the words, they all nodded secretly, and appreciated Song Yan a little more.

Chen Shaoyang on the side suddenly said, "Don't be too busy to refuse, listen to the conditions of the little friend first."

Song Zheng gratefully glanced at Chen Shaoyang and continued: "If the four seniors are willing to agree, after the event is completed, the younger generation will send the four seniors' follow-up exercises, which can be practiced to the middle of the union, and the senior players’ resources are You can take 1.5% off! "

"Cultivate to the middle of the fit!"

It was said that the four of them were blindfolded, but their hearts were very emotional. They were in a similar situation to Chen Shaoyang. If they could not break through in a few hundred years, they would probably run out of life and die.

They did not know how much effort was spent in this state of practice, and how they died willingly. Therefore, they definitely valued the exercises of the middle period of integration more than Song Yun imagined.

Hesitating to meet the four.

Chen Shaoyang said again: "Very old friends, we are asking for wealth insurance. We can say that these old guys are already half-footed into the coffin. Why not gamble?

In addition, this little friend has successfully wiped out the four divisions of Taiyijiao. It can be said that he has rich experience and has his plan. I believe that the chance of success this time is great! "

Upon hearing that, all four looked at Song Yan in wonder: "You are the Song Yan?"

Song Ye's body wriggled for a while, restored her original appearance, and said: "Four seniors are unwilling to take risks and understand the younger ones. After all, there are still gates behind the four seniors to guard, but the younger generation has something to say. The monks have been practicing against the sky, and dare to rebel against the sky. What is it about Taiyijiao? Why can they ride on us for blessings? Why can they practice advanced exercises, I ca n’t wait for everything Why can they have countless resources, but we can only plan for the resources? Even two or two combined masters can't afford it. "

"Well, my friend, put away your radical generals, the old man promised you!" The ancestor of the sunset sect who has been silent said.

The ancestor of Huayang Jianzong sighed: "My friend said it well, my monks should have a fearless and enterprising heart. Now it seems that the older I live, the less daring I am. As you step into the coffin, why not accompany your friends to gamble! "

"Well, since you two old guys agree, if I don't agree, wouldn't it be a joke to you, I agree!" The ancestor of the fairy fish sect said.

At the moment everyone's eyes fell on the ancestors of Han Yuzong.

The other party laughed aloud: "You old guys have the courage to gamble, how can you have me!"

Seeing all four of them agreed, Song Ye was overjoyed and quickly said, "Thank you for your help from the five seniors!"

"Haha, you're welcome!" The five ancestors laughed.

"By the way, when are you going to do it?" Chen Shaoyang asked.

"Tonight!" A slew of killings flashed through Song Yan's eyes.

The reason Song Yan did not choose to start immediately, but he still had some arrangements to make.

Time passed slowly and it was night.

The Taihuangzhou sub-alternate is very guarded even at night. There are a large number of disciples inside and outside the sub-alternate, because they all know that Song Kun who destroyed the four sub-alternates is a master of martial arts. Because of the formation of the formation method, it was necessary to send personnel to patrol around the division.

"Brother Wei, do you think that our patrolling so hard is useful, we have three fit ancestors sitting in the altar, even if we lend the ten courage to Song Xiaomo, he dare not come!"

In a patrol squad, Jia Yun, a patrolman, complained a little.

Known as Brother Wei is the captain of this patrol squad, who has the practice of Yuan Ying in his later period.

Brother Wei Shen said: "Whether he comes or not, we can't be sloppy. I heard that Song Xiaomo's method was extremely vicious. The four sub-altars attacked by him were even revoked. If If you don't want to abolish the practice, give me a good patrol and don't let Song Xiaomo's people get out of it! "

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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