Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1255: Fight


The patrol captain could not help but show embarrassment.



The silver light flashed continuously, and the patrolmen were startled, and they would dodge subconsciously, but at this moment, the silver light flying to them slowed down, and they also saw what the silver light was. All of them showed surprise and grabbed them.

"It's a reward for you, hurry up the way!" The lazy voice continued to sound.

"Thank you for your reward!"

The patrol members smiled for a while, because the silver light flying to them was a piece of superb crystal.

"Brother Zhao, the distinguished guest in the car is a friend of the altar master. Hurry up and give way, don't offend the distinguished guest!"

"Brother Li, hurry your people apart, don't wash away the distinguished guests of the altar master!"

"Wang Qiu, you are bold. The car owner is a noble guest. You dare to offend even if you do n’t leave me!"


Along the way, Song Zhi's spirit beast car encountered no fewer than ten patrol squads, but without waiting for him to come out, the patrol squad worked very hard as a messenger, so less than half an hour later, the spirit beast came In front of the gate of the snowfield state.

"My son, the villain and others will continue to patrol, and I can only take you here!" Said the captain of the patrol squad, bowing into the carriage.

"Well, for your hard work, see the reward!"

A few more silver lights flew out, and six patrolmen added a superb miracle.

"Thank you son, thank you son!"

The six patrol members hurried to thank them. ,

After just taking a road, I got two superb Lingjings, which turned a profit.

Thinking of the grandeur's grandeur, the captain of the patrol quickly ran to the gate of the sub-altar and whispered to the four guards there: "Brothers, the owner is in the car. The distinguished guest, the brothers just gave him a way, and rewarded us with two pieces of Super Lingjing, seizing the opportunity, don't blame the brothers for not reminding you! "

After speaking, the patrol leader quickly left.

The four guards guarding the gate looked at each other and saw the envy and jealousy in each other's eyes. Then, there was a burst of light in the eyes of the spirit beast car driving towards the gate.

"My son is a friend of your Lord of the Altars, so go and report!"

Chen Shaoyang stepped out again, Yi Yiqi's words.

As the gatekeeper, the most important thing is not cultivation, but eyesight. These four have been guarding the portal for decades, and they have all learned their eyesight.

From the old man's demeanor and tone, they can be sure that this old man will certainly be an ordinary practitioner, at least distracted, especially if the old man just goes there for a while, he can bring them pressure.

This old man is still so extraordinary as a servant, not to mention his son.

Remind the reminder of the patrol leader, the four of them immediately made a decision, one person said: "Since they are friends of the altar master, wherever you need to report, please come in!"

"Well, yes, Lao Chen, reward!" A lazy voice came from inside the beast car.

"Yes, son!"

Chen Shaoyang answered, and with a wave of his hand, four superb spirit crystals flew to the four of them.

After receiving the reward, all four were overjoyed, and quickly hurried to the side to signal the Spirit Beast Car to drive in directly.

In this way, the six members of Song Yan appeared in the sub-altar in Xueyuanzhou.

"Son, what shall we do next?"

Inside the car, Chen Shaoyang asked Song Ye again.

"Now that everything is coming in, of course it's yours!"

Song Yan smiled and walked out of the beast car. I don't know if the owner of this division was too careless or confident, and the defense formation in the division was not turned on.

The next moment, his body suddenly rose into the sky, and he waved his hands, and more than a dozen arrays fell into all corners of the sub-alternate. With the movement of the tactics, a giant array of law suddenly rose to the top, All wrapped up.

"what happened?"

As soon as the formation method appeared, the big and small disciples in the altar were shocked.

The three masters of Beilingfeng were all stunned in their hearts. They subconsciously released the consciousness and shrouded the entire altar. Then they discovered the existence of Song Yan.

As the master of the altar, Yeluchi also found Song Yan, but he did not show any panic, but was a little happy.

Figures flashed through, Yeluchi, Beilingfeng, Chi Shengtian, and the four-person combination of Red Cloud appeared at the same time in front of the beast car.

"You are the Song Ye Song Xiao Mo?"

Yeluchi looked scornfully from the sky, and Song Ye who fell on the roof of the spirit beast asked with a drink.

"Yes, it's all down here, the Lord of Yelu altar is polite!" Song Yan smiled and hugged his fist.

"Brother Yelu, be careful, this Song Xiaomo has many tricks, don't do anything about it!" Bei Ling Feng Shen reminded, he faintly felt that since Song Xuan dared to appear in front of them, there must be another arrangement.


Ye Luchi issued a disdainful weird smile: "In the early days of a distraction, he still had more tricks than he could beat me in a punch!" Having said that, he stared at Song Yan with abusive eyes: "Heaven has a way If you do n’t leave, you have to go to **** without a door. Song Xiaomo, the biggest mistake in your life is to come to the owner of this altar, and say, how are you going to die! "

"My son, it is better for the old slaves to teach the skills of the Lord of the Altars!"

Chen Shaoyang, who was standing on the carriage, asked for it.

"Go, be careful!" Song Zheng nodded.

With the consent of Song Yong, Chen Shaoyang flew out and squeezed out a gold seal to cover the head of Yeluchi.

"Hey, good job!"

In the face of Chen Shaoyang's attack, Yeluchi did not dodge or hide, waving his fist to meet him.

Bei Lingfeng stared at the Lingsong driveway: "I'm here to fight, Lao Chi, go and get that Song Xiaomo!"

He had a feeling that there were masters hidden in the beast car.

"Song Xiaomo is dead!"

Chi Shengtian sighed coldly, a long knife appeared in his hand, and the long knife stunned. A ten-foot-long turquoise blade suddenly appeared on the blade body, and the blade body turned and split into the song.

"Presumptuous, dare to hurt my son!"

A figure rushed out of the spirit beast car, blasted a punch, and smashed the attacking swordmang directly. Then, he repeatedly punched several punches and smashed into Chi Shengtian.

A strange prohibition was set around the spirit beast car. Even Beiling Feng could not use the divine knowledge to investigate the situation inside, so he did not know how many masters were hidden in it, but Song Xiaomo dared and appeared in There must be complete certainty here, for a moment, he could not help but feel a little uneasy.

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hand and banged a punch, the punch was so powerful that it swept across.

At this moment, two more figures rushed out, followed by his punches, and then flew towards Beiling Wind together.

Two masters again!

Beiling wind was shocked.

"Lao Zhou, don't hide it, come out!" Song Yan's voice sounded, and then another person walked out of the spirit beast car, and stared at the red cloud as soon as his eyes turned.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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