Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1258: This can't be yours

This middle-aged master is the last master of the Xuanyangzhou division. With his fall, no one can stop the collapse of the Xuanyangzhou division.

Then, the six major divisions cooperated, and four went to discard the cultivation of disciple disciples, while the other two went to the divisional treasure house to seize resources.

An hour later, Song Ye left with six fits, leaving a disciple of howling crying.

Destroying an Xuanyangzhou division is not enough to vent the anger in Song Yong's heart.

In the morning of the second day, the Shenyuzhou Altar was destroyed; in the afternoon of the second day, the Luotianzhou Altar was destroyed.

In the next three days, another seven altars of the Taiyi religion were successively destroyed.

The number of Taiyi Church divisions was destroyed to 17, which is arguably the worst loss since the establishment of the religion.

The news spread like the hurricane throughout the Tang Dynasty at the fastest speed. Countless people sighed that this Song Xiaomo was so cruel that he was about to break the sky.

And the senior leaders of Taiyi Religion are completely panicked. If the division is destroyed in this way, it will really hurt the foundation of Taiyi Religion.

We must send stronger experts to sit in the altar.

Therefore, in the next few days, a large number of Taiyijiao ’s mid- and late-parties were sent to the remaining 101 sub-segments.

Inside a hall in Shaoyang Sect.

Chen Shaoyang and others were all in red. In just five days, they completely destroyed the eleven sub-altars of Taiyi Religion, and the resources they received also reached as many as 150,000 superb spirits.

With so many resources, it would be more than enough to expand their ancestral gates three or five times.

"Son, which state do we start with?" Chen Shaoyang asked.

Song Yan shook his head: "The operation has ended."

The first part of his mad slaughter of the Taiyi religion was to vent his anger, and the second was to fulfill his promise to the Lord of the Vulcan religion.

Today, the ten altars near the border of the Ming Dynasty have been destroyed. It is considered that the promise to Zhu Ronglu has been fulfilled. The other party should also release Tuoba Xianer. After destroying so many altars, His anger slowly subsided, considering how to take away Li Tianluo.

He can predict that the current Wangcheng city has become a dragon net in Longtan Tigers' Cave, and people from the Taiyi religion are waiting for him to drill inside.


Hearing Song Shu's deadline, Chen Shaoyang and the other five ancestors were very disappointed.

Song Yi said: "First, I have to plan an important thing. Second, we have destroyed so many divisions. The Taiyi Church must have been anxious. There must be a large number of integrated masters in other divisions. Be hard! "

After listening to Song Yan's words, Chen Shaoyang and others calmed down, realizing that they and others were dazzled by the large amount of resources, and ignored the power of Taiyijiao.

Song Zheng reiterated: "In the next period of time, you can rest assured to develop your own ancestors and promote your own cultivation!"


The five ancestors vowed in unison.

After explaining a few words, Song Ye left the Shaoyang Sect. He has decided that even if the Longtan Tiger Ancestral Temple has laid the Tianluodi net, he will go to Wangcheng to take away Li Tianluo.

As for why he didn't take the five ancestors with him.

Because he knew that even if they took them together, the five masters seemed to be a powerful helper, but they were nothing in front of the Taiyijiao, such as the master.

As for how to save Li Tianluo, Song Yan has not been a bit clue so far, because he can be sure that there must be experts around Li Tianluo to monitor her and will not give her the opportunity to take her away in advance.

After leaving Shaoyangzong, Song Yan went directly into the temple.

Now there is eleven days before Li Sixuan and Li Tianluo's marriage. According to the hundred-fold time in the temple, he still has three years. After more than three years of hard work in the temple, he should be able to reach the late stage of distraction.

But this strength is not enough.

Therefore, he intends to use these three years to practise the method of formation.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Xuan released the emperor's emperor, and he read the books of the study of the array of laws, while he continued to study the art of Fu Ji, and strove to break the third tier of the five-parcel banner in three years.

Tai Yijiao, a single courtyard on the beautiful Lingfeng.

Li Tianluo, who was stunned, was standing in a daze in front of a field of flowers, and Xiaoyu, who was not far away, could not help worrying about seeing this.

I don't know how long after that, Li Tianluo made a long sigh, and now she has become a bait to capture Song Yan. At one time, her emotions were very complicated. She hoped that Song Yuan would come, and he didn't want to come.

I want him to come because he wants to take her away, because she doesn't want to marry Li Sixuan, but she also knows that once Song Huan appears, I am afraid that she will end in death.

If he doesn't come, Tai Yijia's calculations will naturally fail, but she will become someone else's wife.

"What should I do?" She asked herself in her heart.

She thought about escaping Taiyijiao, but there were at least ten fit master guards around her Lingfeng, and she couldn't escape based on her cultivation.

"Hey, it's all me who killed him!"

Thinking of this, she had the urge to cry.

Xiao Yan aside wanted to comfort the maiden, but opened her mouth but didn't know how to speak.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Tomorrow Li Sixuan will go to Taiyi Church to marry his maiden Li Tianluo.

Li Siwu, who had never heard of Song Yi, couldn't sit still, and came to Piaoxian Pavilion in person.

"Did you reach him?"

Li Siwu asked Bei Qiongyuan.


Bei Qiongyu shook her head. Song Yu left her with a jade charm at first. As long as he crushed the jade charm, the other party would come to see him, but after she crushed the jade charm, Song Yi still could not show up.

Hearing that Li Siwu's face sank immediately, anxiously walking around the room, saying in his mouth: "What to do, what to do tomorrow, Li Sixuan and Li Tianluo will get married tomorrow. If the second brother ventures rashly You will be dead by the time of Wangcheng! "

"His Royal Highness, in fact, you don't have to worry too much. With the wisdom of Song Gongzi, you must have seen that this is a round, and he may not show up!" Bei Qiongzhen comforted.

"I hope so!"

Li Siwu sighed that he admired Song Zhi's wisdom, and only hoped that he would not be stupid this time. If he really plunged into Wang Cheng, I am afraid that no matter how high his wisdom is, he would end up dead.

The next day, the Six Princes' Palace was full of lights, and the guests were full.

At the same time, Li Sixuan, the groom, has taken Taiyijiao with a long welcome team.

At this moment, when Li Sixuan changed his decadence, he looked extraordinarily brave and valiant. He went straight ahead, and soon came under the spirit peak where Li Tianluo lived.

The courtyard on Lingfeng is also full of festive lanterns and other things, but in the quiet small courtyard, Li Tianluo still refuses to change into the robe.

"Sir, the welcoming team has arrived under Lingfeng. Change your clothes!"

The two middle-aged servant women persuaded in perplexity.

"You don't have to say more, I won't change it!" Li Tianluo said coldly.

"It's up to you!"

A voice sounded, and then saw that Ying Xue stepped in, raised his hand and pointed out, and sealed Li Tianluo's baby, then said to the two servant women: "Hurry up and change her robe , Delay time, I ask you! "

[Author off topic]: Two more

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