Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1263: Stop wasting

"It depends on whether you have that ability!"

While talking, the emperor shot violently, clapping at the black widow.

"I don't know if I live or die, I dare to do something to my old mother at the beginning of a distraction!" The black widow sneered and greeted her with the same palm.


Collision of vigor, shaking in the void, black widow vomiting blood and flying backwards, with an incredible expression in her eyes, do not understand why the strength of an early distraction is so powerful.

You should know that although her cultivation has fallen from the late distraction to the middle distraction, the true elements in her body have been condensed to the extreme. She is sure that even in the normal late distraction, her true elements are not strong.

"I need to know the condition of the demon prison!"

The imperial concubine stood up and looked at the black widow lightly: "Don't play tricks, tell me everything you say and know, or die!"

The black widow's eyes turned, and she didn't care to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth and stood up, and said with a smile: "Thank you brother for your mercy, and you must know everything."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" The imperial urging urged.


The black widow nodded cautiously, and then began to speak.

According to the black widow, the demon prison is divided into nine levels, and now they are in the first level. There are eighty-three demonists in this aspect, including nine demon practitioners.

Demon repair strength is generally strong, nine demon repair teamed up, no one else dares to provoke.

In addition, there are several practitioners lurking in the dark. They may have special means to keep their cultivation from falling, they have not been able to hide, and they have never hunted or killed other creatures.

The Nine Great Demon Xiu occupy an area alone, while the seventy-four human races are scattered sand, each occupying a site.

However, there are private rules among the 83 monks, who must not attack each other, otherwise they will be attacked by others.

Because there is no vitality in the demon prison, before being put into the demon prison, everyone was robbed by the Taiyi religion of the stored spirit ring and magic weapon, so if you want to keep the cultivation, you can only hunt and kill new people and devour them. Their flesh and blood, and the aura they drew, preserved their cultivation.

At the same time, there is a passage to the second sky somewhere on the first sky.

That channel can only enter and cannot retreat. As long as it is in the double sky, it cannot be returned to the heavy sky. Therefore, the black widow does not know the situation of the double sky, but I heard that all the detained in the double sky are fit-level repair By.

"How long have you been in the demon prison?" The emperor asked, looking at the black widow.

"It should be more than 800 years!" Thought the Black Widow.

"What caused it?" The emperor asked again.

After hearing the words, an anger flashed in the eyes of the Black Widow: "A careless disciple who offended Taiyijiao accidentally!"

"Have anyone escaped from demon prison?" Song Kun continued to ask.

There was a sneer on the face of the black widow: "Many new practitioners who want to escape into the prison are trying to escape from this ghost place, but have never succeeded."

Hearing this, the emperor could not help showing a thoughtful look.

"Last question, is there someone in Tai Yijiao supervising the demon prison?" Song Yan asked, staring at the black widow.

"Once this ghost place enters, even the masters of robberies cannot escape, how can the disciples of Tai Yijiao supervise it!" Said the black widow.

"Then you want to leave here?" Huang Yan's face had a meaningful smile.

"Think and dream!"

The black widow smiled bitterly: "But this place is a fan cage, you can only go in but not out!"

"What if I could take you out?" Said the emperor again.

Hearing that, the black widow stared deeply at Song Yan, and after a short while she smirked: "Hey, if you can really take your aging mother out, the aging mother is happy to be a cow and a horse for you!"

But apparently, she did not believe that the emperor could take him away from here.

The emperor smiled and stopped saying more, but found a place to sit down and start healing.

Seeing that the emperor no longer cared about himself, the black widow disappeared without notice.

Six Princes' Palace.

Li Sixuan's wedding was full of guests. Although Tang Tang did not arrive in person, he also sent his **** to present a congratulatory gift.

That night, Li Sixuan was so drunk.

Go to the new house with the help of two guards.

Soon, Li Sixuan came to the courtyard where the new house was located. As soon as he thought about it, Li Sixuan forced the alcohol out of his body. Suddenly, a very strong taste of wine appeared in the air.

"You all step back!"

Li Xuan waved his hand and strode toward the courtyard.


Li Sixuan kicked open the door of the new house, his eyes fell on the bed and Li Tianluo was sitting there wearing a hijab.


He made a weird laugh, thinking that he could immediately hold Song Yong's woman under his body to play with it, and a fire broke out in his lower abdomen.

At the moment, Li Tianluo Xiu was sealed without blood, and her body was sealed by Li Sixuan, so she couldn't move at all. When she heard Li Sixuan's weird laughter, she couldn't wait to die immediately. Unfortunately, she can't even commit suicide now.


Li Sixuan pulled Li Tianluo's red hijab and tossed it aside.

He stared at Li Tianluo with a burning gaze, and said with a strange smile: "Li Tianluo, Li Tianluo went to the Japanese temple and thought you were an iced and pure woman. I didn't expect you to have a leg with that Song Xiaomo, but this is not important anymore. Being thrown into demon prison, there is no possibility of turning over again, tonight, I will take good care of you on your behalf! "

During his speech, Li Sixuan gave a flick of his finger to release the seal on Li Tianluo's body.

Although her body recovered her freedom, Li Tianluo did not move. She stared indifferently at Li Sixuan and said ruthlessly, "You kill me!"

"Kill you?" Li Sixuan smiled strangely: "How is it possible that you are the maiden of Taiyi religion, how can I kill you, rest assured, I will spoil you and make you my plaything, hahaha!"

Thinking of this, Li Sixuan couldn't help laughing.

"Is it funny?"

A sudden noise sounded.


Li Sixuan turned his head abruptly, and then his eyes widened, and he shouted unbelievably, "You ... how are you here?"

When Li Tianluo saw the person coming, a surprise light burst into his eyes, and he cried with joy: "It's great to see you are fine!"

"Tian Luo, made you worry!"

As soon as Song Yi's figure fluttered, she came to the bed, caught Li Tianluo's hands, and said gently.

Seeing this scene, Li Sixuan could not help but grit his teeth, but he knew that he was not Song Yong's opponent, and now the most important thing was to keep his own life down, so he rushed out of the new house.


But as soon as he rushed to the door, he was bounced back by a barrier.

"Drive me!"

A long sword was added to Li Sixuan's hands, and a burst of brilliant light burst out towards the barrier.

"Don't waste any effort, even if the master of the fit comes, you can't break the formation I laid!"

Song Yan's voice sounded lightly.

[Author off topic]: One more

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