Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1280: Shaken

Sting! !! !!

The black sword flickered, stabbed at the Lion King faster than lightning, and at the same time, a mysterious sword followed, and the Lion King was enveloped in an instant, making him breathless, stiff, heart Fear.

"Breaking Sky Sword" is a fairy-level exercise method, and is the top-level exercise method in the fairy class. The main thing is that this is a set of sword repair methods, and sword repair is the best at fighting.

Previously, due to the lack of cultivation, although Song Yan learned the five styles of the nine-style sword strokes in "Breaking Sky Sword", he has never been able to exert the true power of the sword strokes.

Appearing in his cultivation has reached the late stage of distraction, a true element tempered even more than the middle of the fit, close to the late part of the fit.

Therefore, once again, "Break the Sky Sword", even if it is the same move, but the power released is vastly different.


The void was torn, and the spirit sword carrying the sword of "thorn" was killed in front of the Lion King. The gas mask formed by the demon element outside his body was up to two meters thick, round and smooth, perfect and seemingly impossible. broken.

But the spirit sword stabbed into it easily, the sword was excited, the sound of booming, the gas mask shattered.

Looking at the sword that pierced the hood and rushed straight to himself, the pupil of the Lion King suddenly shrank, his hair exploded, and at the same time, the viciousness of his heart was not aroused.


He showed his body instantly, rolled with energy, and instantly turned into a swirling black hole.

"Swallow the world!"

A mighty sound came from the swirling vortex. Then, a huge suction composed of thousands of different strengths and strengths pulled Song Kun's body and rushed into the vortex.


Song Yan coldly hummed, instead of breaking away from the sucking force, he accelerated into the swirling vortex.

The star map in his body was already lit, and the star body was unfolded, making him glowing and radiant, a mysterious force that isolated all the complex forces in the vortex.

But this enchantment swallowed the world is the inheritance method from the beast swallowed Tiens. It is not as simple as imagined. Therefore, after he did not want him, thousands of forces came out and swept into Song Yang.


Song Ye sensed a threat, and the spirit sword in his hand urged again, waving in a certain mysterious trajectory.


Sword intention erupted at the same time as a sword qi, and an "annihilation" of the sword sensation agitated in the vortex instantly, as if it were destroyed, hundreds of feet of black sword qi were chopped in all directions.

The sword was invincible. After it fell, there was a hint of light.

The vortex was chopped off.

"Come again!"

The sword qi burst again, waiting for the vortex to heal itself, and fell again.


Like a rag, the swirls shattered directly.


The lion king showed his figure, his wolf went backwards, and he vomited blood constantly.


Song Yan rose into the sky with a sword, sternly empty, and his robe danced without wind. He slowly raised the spirit sword on his hand and pointed at the lion king who barely stabilized his body. He said lightly, "How is my strength? "

The Lion King gave Song Yan a deep look, but it was a bit complicated, but he scolded him in the heart. Where the pervert came, he could even break my breath with the cultivation in the late distraction.

You know, he had just been thrown into demon prison, and was besieged by more than a dozen enemies of the same rank. He used this trick to swallow the world and swallowed all the more than a dozen guys, and he also stepped in Fit period.

"Why, not convinced?"

Song Yan's face suddenly became cold, a long sword was raised, and a hint of blood fluttered from the sword. At the same time, a blood filled the blood, covering a few kilometers, and the Lion King was thrown into it. The battlefield filled with hundreds of thousands of corpses.

There are millions of dead bodies, and the blood flow is endless.

"Don't stop, I surrender!"

Shouted the Lion King.

As his voice fell, the feeling disappeared, leaving him light.

"In order to prevent you from betraying me in the future, I need to leave a restraint in your Yuanshen. Do you have any opinions?" Song Zheng put away the spirit sword and said to the Lion King.

"Does my opinion matter?" The Lion King asked.

"Not important!" Song Yan replied.

"Fuck, since it's not important, then you ask for a woolen yarn!" The Lion King said ruelessly, and then the Zhenyuan scattered all over his body urged Song Yi: "Hurry up, and take me out of this ghost place!"

Song Xun did not enslave the Lion King with his magical powers, but left a complex prohibition in his Yuanshen, and at the same time made him swear by Heaven Robbery, and he also sweared by Heaven Robbery in order to reassure the Lion King, and then left here, Will take him back to the real world.

Inside the Piaoxian Pavilion.

The table full of dishes has become a mess of plates. The Lion King drank 36 pots of wine before he felt his stomach and said, "Fuck, this is the life of a man!"

"Rest assured, for everyone is coming from one place, even if you want to eat and drink like this every day!" Song Yan smiled.

"Hey, no matter how hard it is, labor and management are all in the late stage of integration. Such a super thug should take it for granted!" In talking, the Lion King picked up a toothpick to remove the shreds from the teeth, and said lazily: "You This boss, how much Lingjing is going to give labor to January? "

Hearing words, Song Zheng slowly raised a finger.

Suddenly, the Lion King opened his eyes and was dissatisfied with the words: "Ten thousand? No, at least 20,000 a month will be used to rank Lingjing, otherwise the labor and capital will not work!"

Song Yan rolled his eyes and couldn't help expressing: "Can you be a little bit better, I will give you a million yuan of Lingjing every month!"

"one million?"

Suddenly, the eyes of the Lion King were rounded, and then he smirked: "One million in January, and that year, there will be 12 million in labor and capital. Haha, I can't imagine that labor and capital can even reach annual salary of 10 million yuan. Niu! Labour is so **** nirvana! "

"Earth!" Looking at the Lion King with a smirk on his face, Song Yan smiled silently. Twelve million Xipin Lingjing also had twelve superb Lingjing. For him, it was only nine cows and one hair, not even At first, the wages of soliciting girls were expensive.

But when you think about it, you are relieved. This guy was still in the demon prison in the late stage of distraction. He hadn't seen a Ling Jing for thousands of years, and it was normal to get so many Ling Jing at once.

"Here, give you a year's salary first!"

Song Kun threw a storage ring to the Lion King.

The Lion King smirked again as he watched the lingering lingering spirits inside.

At present, Song Xun uses the best spiritual crystals for his cultivation. These lower-quality spiritual crystals are all obtained by copying the Taiyi religion.

"Tuk Tuk!"

The knock sounded.

"Come in!"

The box door opened, and Bei Qiongzhen led the four princes Li Siwu and Bada in.

"Second Brother!"

Seeing Song Yong, Li Siwu's expression was quite excited. He walked up quickly, holding his hand and exclaiming, "It's great to see you, yes, how did you escape from that place?"

"It's too much to say, by the way, what's going on with you now?" Song Yan smiled.

"Very well, the sixth son was abolished, and he is no longer eligible to fight with me. The second son of Li is not even worth mentioning!" Li Siwu said suddenly, Li Siwu looked suddenly, and said: "The father is going to abdicate in advance. He intends to retreat and impact the robbery period! "

Speaking of which, Li Siwu's eyes were more excited.

"Congratulations, then!"

"I can't have it today because of your credit."

The two talked for a while, and Li Siwu left something because Li Tianxing was going to retreat and impact the robbery period. Therefore, everything about the Tang Dynasty fell on Li Siwu, so now he is really busy.

After half an hour.

In an elegant room, Song Ye was drinking tea. In a short while, she was wearing a white dress, and the teacher and girl who were facing the sky came to hold the guqin. Under the care of Pei Qiongye, the teacher and girl no longer played music for the guests. Instead, she acted as a tutor and learned that Song Yong was here, and she specifically asked Bei Qiongyi to come and play a song for him.

"I've seen Song Son."

The girl Shi Shi slightly slumped, saluting Song Qin with the piano.

"Girls do not need to be polite." Song Zheng raised his hand slightly.

"Song Gongzi can call me a teacher!" The other side smiled sweetly at him, then he took the guqin and sat down in front of the case, moving his fingers, and a beautiful tune followed.

The sound of the piano is the sound of the heart. Listening to the sound of the teacher and girl, Song Ye felt the change of mood.

After a while, Song Ye invited the teacher and girl to come and drink tea.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Song Yan asked.

"This world is very big, and the teacher wants to walk around." The teacher quietly whispered.

"Good idea," Song Yan praised.

"Where's Song Gongzi?" Shishi asked, looking at Song Ye.

"Oh, I might leave the Tang Dynasty."

Song Kun said that he was going to complete the second task of the promulgation of the system of the Great Zhou Emperor. However, before leaving, he also planned to destroy several Taiyi religion divisions.

"Where is the son going?" Shishi asked again.

"Big Zhou emperor!" Song Song said.

"Oh." Shishi nodded, no longer talking about the topic, but talking about the rhythm.

After an hour, the girl Shishi left.

Begion went in.

"Does the son intend to leave?" Bei Qiongyun's expression was resentful.

"Take it!"

Song Xuan threw a jade bamboo slip to Bei Qiongzhen and said, "If you have any trouble in the future, go to the Four Princes."

"Thank you son!"

Soon after, Song Yong left the Piaoxian Pavilion with the Lion King. When he left, a string of sounds suddenly sounded. At the same time, Bei Qiongyu opened the jade Jane in his room. The contents of her face showed a sense of movement and shock and gratitude.

This is a powerful exercise method that can be practiced until the later stage of integration, and its value is unimaginable.

Five days later.

A word spread in Wangdu, and the Taiyi religion's altars were destroyed again. The number reached twenty, and the twenty altar masters and the eighty masters who sat in the altar were killed.

The altar was destroyed more than half, and the foundation of Taiyi religion was finally shaken.

[Author's digression]: Today's update is complete. Thank you everyone for your reward. When this time has passed, add more

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