Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1283: The Bane of Fairy Maple City

Of course, this price is more expensive for ordinary practitioners, but for a local tyrant like Song Yong, a piece of Zhongling Lingjing is really nothing.

Therefore, he directly booked three premium rooms.

Watching Song Ye and Li Tianluo step into a room together, Lin Waner's eyes flashed a gloom, and secretly said, Brother Song and Sister Tianluo were a perfect match. You are just an ugly girl with a low ability. Brother Song.

The city's main house, the main hall of deliberations.

The atmosphere seemed quite depressing. A pair of boys and girls were kneeling in the middle of the hall. At the moment, their faces were scared and disturbed.

Sitting in the main seat is a middle-aged man in a long robe with a long robe. At this moment, his complexion looks abnormally gloomy, but there is a deep worry in his eyes.

There were no smiles on the faces of the dozen or so people sitting on either side of the hall, or anxious faces, or sighs softly.

After a while, the middle-aged middle-aged man in the green robe yelled coldly, "You two little beasts, look at the good things you have done. The whole city of Xianfeng will be implicated by you!"

"Father, we know it wrong!"

The boy kneeling on the ground trembled, terrified.

The middle-aged man in Qingpao saw this, and there was a sense of intolerance in his eyes, but he knew that the fact that his own son and daughter had run into it was too great. Once it was not handled properly, it would be a catastrophe for Xianfeng City.

It was the girl who heard the words, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Father, it was the snake demon who took me away first, and it was not our fault at all!"

"To shut up!"

The middle-aged woman in the Qingpao screamed angrily, making the girl feel aggrieved, and her tears continued to fall like a broken bead.

Seeing this, the middle-aged middle-aged man in the robe sighed in his heart. Why didn't he know that it was not his son's and his daughter's fault, but who killed them was the son of the king of snakes?

The Serpent King lays secretly in the black sky mountains, usually stays in peace with Xianfeng City, and even has an agreement with Xianfeng City in private, allowing the repairers of Xianfeng City to go hunting outside the Black Sky Mountains.

Today, a pair of their children and a pair of guards went hunting on the outskirts of the Black Mountain Range, just happened to meet the seventh son of the King of the Serpent Demon King. The other party had just become Jindan and turned into a humanoid. Run everywhere, want to come to the human world to see insights.

Because the King of the Snake loves this little son so much, the other party is the kind of lawless in the Black Forest.

This time I ran out and came to the periphery of the Black Sky Mountains. I just ran into the boy and girl who went hunting.

Snake nature is kinky, and Jutian moved his heart as soon as he saw his daughter Shi Ling, because the king of snakes loved him so much, and a banshee in the black sky forest was not badly affected by him.

Therefore, he had an idea in his heart, and he did not even care about the existence of a master of Yuanying level, and shot Shiling directly.

Shi Hao, the eldest brother, saw his younger sister being taken away, and was furious, and immediately took the guard to chase him up.

Finally successfully intercepted Jutian.

Although Jutian was just a repair of the Jindan period, the other party had several high-level artifact protections. Unexpectedly, a Yuan infant guard was actually killed.

This time, Shi Hao was completely enraged and ordered the guards to kill Jutian with all his strength.

Under the siege of five yuan infants, even if Jutian possesses several advanced artifacts, they are still killed.

After killing him, Shi Hao calmed down but felt something wrong. How could a Jindan period demon possess so many advanced artifacts.

Therefore, the lifeguard searched him, but found a dragon dragon order.

This dragon dragon order is a token of the serpent king, and when he sees it, it is like the king of the serpent monster came in person.

The five guards changed their faces as soon as they saw the dragon order. Only the relatives or sons of the king of snakes can hold such important tokens. The body is a snake demon, and it can be held only by Jin Danqi. If there is a dragon dragon order that complies with this condition, I am afraid that only the youngest son of the king of snakes.

Because some time ago, the city owner also sent a gift to the past because of Jutian's breakthrough into Jindan's successful transformation.

The Serpent King is the power of the fit period.

And Xianfeng City's strongest strength is the city owner Shi Yun, but his cultivation is also distracted.

Knowing this, brothers and sisters Shi Hao knew that they were in trouble, and hurried back to Xianfeng City to report the incident to their father.

Knowing this, even if Shi Hao and Shi Ling were their own children, Shi Yun did not dare to hide, and immediately convened a team of senior officials from Xianfeng City to discuss how to resolve the matter.

"You guys, talk about your opinions!" Shi Yun, the city's owner, looked around, speaking in a somewhat lonely tone.

After hearing the words, everyone did not answer, and the drills were low. This time, it was a pair of children of the city master. They did not dare to talk casually.

Seeing that everyone didn't respond, Shi Yun couldn't help but be a little angry: "Why, everyone is going to sit until dawn?" Then his eyes fell on an old man: "Wu Zhifu, talk about your opinion."

Knowing that she couldn't get rid of it, Wu Zhifu only brazenly said, "Go back to the city, the subordinates think that they can ask Fengxian City for help first, and let them send experts to station in Xianfeng City."

The Emperor Zhou Dynasty took the "city" as its administrative unit.

The city is divided into the upper city, the middle city and the lower city.

The owner of the city has relatively large autonomy. In addition to the prefecture of a city prefecture and the defender of the city, they must be appointed by the court.

At the same time, the officials of the Emperor Zhou Dynasty adopted the nine-pin system, with the master of the upper city as the third product, the master of the middle city with the third product and the master with the lower city as the fourth product.

Shi Yun is an official of the Four Emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As for Zhifu and Shoucheng generals, they are all from Shipin.

The city of Fengxian in Wuzhifu's mouth is the middle city, and there are masters sitting in the city.

"Far water can't hydrolyze near thirst, even if someone sends a full flight to Fengxian City, it will be a day later!" Shi Yun sighed: "But this is not necessarily a solution, I just hope that the King of Serpents will come later!"

At this moment, a guard rushed in and hurried in, kneeling to the ground: "The Lord of the City, the Messenger of the King Serpent has arrived!"

"What? So fast?"

Everyone, including Shi Yunzai, changed his face.

After a long while, a demon demon who was distracted was invited in. The other person's expression was very proud. He glanced at Shi Yun and sneered: "Shi Yun, my king will be immortal tonight." The city will discuss justice for His Royal Highness. Prepare yourself in advance! "


Shi Yun and others have changed again. It has been less than two hours since then. But how good this is, even the opportunity to ask for help is gone.

The Serpent King's messenger left, and the hall became more dull.

"Come here, push me these two **** into the prison!" Shi Yun pointed to his children.

After his sons and daughters were detained, Shi Yun said very lonely: "This incident was caused by my two daughters. My officials will take all the efforts and let everyone go!"

[Digression by the author]: Three more, thank you [Finally if] [mud] [falling cloud] [also in the account] [angel wings and demon fire] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] These are great Rewards, updated today

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