Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1285: Shi Yun is dead

Nine men and women of various shapes are standing behind the King Snake Demon King. They did not hide their own demon spirits. Therefore, even Jin Danxiu on the city wall can see that they are the big demon of the late parting.

On the other hand, besides the city of Xianfeng, in addition to the main part of the city, Shi Yun and the defending general Ao Hui, are in the late stage of distraction, there is no late stage of distraction.

Can it be stopped?

Can Xianfeng City hold up?

Most people have deep worries and fears.

In addition to the Serpent King and the nine demon monsters on the dark cloud, there are hundreds of demon repairs in the distraction period. Under the black cloud, there is a black demon repair that is more than half a million. .

The strong reached the late stage, but the weak was the early stage of Jin Dan.

"Brother Serpent, it's been a long time!"

Just then, Shi Yun stepped to the city head, facing the cold eyes of the serpent king.

"Lord Shicheng, it's been a long time!"

The Serpent King nodded slightly, his tone seemed extremely cold.

Hearing that, Shi Yun couldn't help sinking in her heart, but she smiled a little, and continued, "Brother Serpent, what do you want to bring to Xianfeng City with so many people?"

"Oh!" The serpent devil chuckled slightly.

At the same time, a big demon behind him stepped out and pointed at Shi Yun and yelled: "Shi Yunyou, the old boy, is ignorant and confused, and handed over the murderer who killed the young master. Otherwise, our army will settle on Xianfeng City. ! "

Shiyun was pointed at his nose and scolded, Shi Yun's eyes flashed with anger, but it was related to the safety of the entire city of Xianfeng. Even if he was reborn, he could only endure, Shen said, "Brother of the snake, I deeply regret the encounter, but there is still some misunderstanding in this matter. I hope Brother Serpent will give you the next opportunity, and at the same time, you will also give Brother Serpent an explanation! "

The serpent demon king sketched a faint sneer: "Shi Yun, the king is not an unreasonable person! If he surrenders the murderer who killed his king, the king can not blame Xianfeng City in the past, otherwise, his king Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers are not vegetarian! "

Listening to the words of the Serpent King with a strong threat, Shi Yun's face became extremely ugly.

And everyone on the city's head stared at him with anticipation, waiting for his response and decision.

For a while, Shi Yun felt pressure.

But it was his sons and daughters who killed the Serpent King, and the venomous tiger was not a child, how could he bear to give the sons and daughters to the Serpent King.

"Why, do you want to protect the two murderers, or are they because of your children?" The Serpent King's voice sounded again, and his heart was sorrowful, and all the practitioners on the wall looked at Shi Yun's eyes. A little bit strange.

It turned out that the murderer who killed the son of the snake king was actually the child of the city owner.

Thought of this, many people have a bit of resentment in their hearts.

"Master of the city, there is a saying below. If you don't give up the murderer, we may be killed by the King of Serpent and Demon King. Compared with the millions of souls in the city, you can't hide the murderer! "

The speaker was Zheng Tianya, the owner of the Zheng family who later rushed to the city.

Hearing that, Shi Yun trembled slightly.

The voice of the owner of the Zhou family followed closely: "Yes, Lord City Lord, although it is uncomfortable to destroy relatives, but the practitioners in Xianfeng City will remember your great deeds!"

"Master City Lord, we are not at all the opponents of the King Serpent and Demon King. What are you still hesitating? Do you want to kill the entire Fairy Maple City because of your children, if Fairy Maple City is really destroyed for this, your body It is hard to wash away sin even if it jumps into Tianhe! "

This time speaking to a silver-haired old man, he is still the patriarch of a homeowner in the city.

Then, the patriarchs of the various families of Xianfeng City spoke one after another, soft or hard, asking him to surrender their children.

Listening to their words, Shi Yun's heart was extraordinarily desolate, secretly, you guys really thought that I surrendered my children, and the King of the Serpent and Demon King would give up, and his real purpose was to kill Xianfeng City. A fair, why do you bring so many demon repairs, can Xianfeng City still trap him as a fit master?

Thinking of this, he felt a chill in his heart for a while. This snake king was not only powerful, but also extremely tactical. In just one sentence, he provoked hostility from all forces in the city.

The next moment, Shi Yun got upright, stepped out of the formation, levitated in the sky, and stared at the Serpent King:

"King Serpent King, my pair of children are still young and need to be more important. I hope you can remember the villains from adults, as long as you let them go, I am willing to confess my sins!"

The serpent demon king heard the words, and thoughtfulness appeared on his face.

It is the various practitioners on the city wall that have a look of expectation on their faces. If Shi Yun's death can be exchanged for the safety of Xianfeng City, it is worth it.

However, Wu Zhifu and Ao Hui both sighed helplessly.

Although Shi Yun is their Shangguan, he is better regardless of personality and person, and he also supports them.

But at this moment, they can't think of any way to resist the army of King Serpent Demon King, so even if they don't want Shi Yun to die, they don't dare to speak rashly.

"Okay! The king agreed!" The Serpent King nodded.

Seeing the Serpent King nodded, a cloud of joy appeared on Shi Yun's face, and a group of people on the city's head were relieved.

"Brother Serpent, I hope you can swear by heaven, after I confess, don't embarrass Xianfeng City!"

"Shi Yun! My king can promise you that you have given your face so much, you don't have to go in the inch, shame your face!" The former demon jumped out and cursed again.

"No more, no more! I believe that the reputation of Brother Serpent will not fool me!"

While speaking, Shi Yun had a sword in his hand, and swiped towards his neck, his skull flying high.

At that moment, the big demon suddenly shot, and with a single palm shot, he photographed Shi Yun's head together with Yuan Ying.


"Master City Lord!"

Seeing this, Wu Zhifu and Ao Hui couldn't help exclaiming, and then Ao Hui stared angrily at the big demon: "You are too much, why do you want to destroy the city lord's infant!"

"Hey, how expensive is my young master? How can this old boy compare!" The big monster sneered.

at this time.

The snake king of Enron sitting on a purple gold dragon chair suddenly stood up.

Seeing this scene, a practitioner on the city's head was shocked, and the white-headed owner shouted, "What do you want to do, giant snake king, do you want to ruin your promise!"

"Haha! Humans and demons are natural enemies. Where do you trust? To blame, you can only blame Shiyun and the old boy for being stupid!" With a big laugh, the king of snake snake monster slowly raised his palm. A huge acre of handprints in the sky quickly formed, and then the handprints fell abruptly, heading straight for the moat of Xianfeng City.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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