Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1288: 290,000 demon repairs

At the same time, the slaughter of the demon repair army also stopped. They were deterred by Song Yan, and they abandoned their targets and stepped back, because, just two or three breaths, there were demon repairs of five thousand golden Dan period and Yuan infant period. Under his sword.

It was only two or three breaths, and five thousand demon repairs died.

This speed of killing is really too fast, it is too horrible.

The figures flashed again and again, and seven demon monsters fell around Song Yong, and their eyes were dark or staring sharply at him.

"Boy, you're so brave, you dare to slaughter our people!" A distracted demon Xiu coldly yelled.

Song Yan stood with his sword in his robe, no wind agitated, his eyes faintly swept around, showing a sense of coldness, and the next moment, he slowly spoke: "You should be anti-killed when you are slaughtering people Prepare, not to mention, I killed only a group of beasts, you are not qualified to be called humans! "

"court death!"

A distracted demon Xiu was furious and waved a magic weapon in the shape of a mace in his hand, slamming into Song Yi.

Seeing this, Song Yan shook his head slightly, then popped a finger.


The finger strength appeared directly in front of the demon Xiu's brows, and then quickly pierced through his skull and the Yuanying in the skull.


Seeing this scene, the other six demon gods Xiu suddenly widened his eyes.

The guy who was killed was in the middle of distraction. He was killed without resistance, even in the late distraction.

For a while, there was a coolness in their bodies, and there was so much fear in looking at Song Ye!

At the most conspicuous position on the city wall, a purple gold dragon chair was placed, and the serpent demon king sat safely on it. When he saw a distracted hand, his eyes couldn't help but look a little, revealing a hint Sharp.

"Demon King, do we want to go?"

A distracted man standing behind him took the initiative to ask for martyrdom.

"No need to take a look!" Said Serpent King lightly.


The next moment, the six sub-demon monsters overcame the fear in their hearts, and urged Qi Magic or cast Taoism to kill Song Yong.


Song Yan hummed with six vigors.


The sound of piercing through the body sounded one after another, and then I saw that the six demon gods had a thumb-sized blood hole in their eyebrows, and then they showed their bodies, large or small, falling from the sky.

Kill six sub-demons in an instant?

Seeing this scene, the demon repair army was stunned. Even the human repairmen hidden in the building stared at the thin young people in the sky with a bright look, and they felt a glimmer of hope.


The snake snake king's palm was re-photographed on the armrest of the Zijin chair, and the armrest broke off.

"You five go round him!"

The next moment, the Serpent King ordered the five demon monsters behind him.


The five distracting monsters came out in response, and turned into five afterimages.


Seeing the five distracting monsters coming from the laser, Song Ling's spirit sword flew out.

At five o'clock, the small sword light passed away.

The five figures in mid-air came to an abrupt halt. Then, they all revealed their bodies, dropped from the mid-air, and hit the ground heavily.

"Oh my god!"

"How can it be?"

"Have my eyes gone?"

Seeing this scene, hundreds of thousands of monsters are unbelievable, because these five dead monsters are the strongest five under the king of the snake demon king, but now they died in the hands of a teenager!

"Good kill!"

"Hahaha, we are saved!"

"Son, you are our savior, please worship us!"

"Son, please worship us!"

Human race practitioners burst into cheers and laughter, and then someone suddenly fell to his knees and bowed to Song Kun in the sky.

Then, more and more people ’s monks kneeled down and bowed down to Song Kun with five bodies throwing their feet down. Seeing this scene, hundreds of thousands of monster repair troops showed their fear.

As for the King Serpent King's face became extremely gloomy, the look towards Song Kun was even more intense.


Just then, Song Yong waved the sword again.


A hundred-foot-long sword awn overflowed from the spirit sword in his hand and was chopped off.


The snake king drank coldly, and formed a huge palmprint detective.


Hundreds of feet of black Jianmang easily split the paw print of the King of Serpent and Demon King, and then bombarded in the army of demon repair.

"Ah ah ah!"

A lot of screams sounded.

"I don't want to die!"

Some monsters looked at Jian Mang's fall, and fled quickly. Unfortunately, Jian Mang's speed was extremely fast. They just rushed up and were directly vaporized by Jian Mang.

After a long while, the dust and blood mist spread away, and a ditch with a length of thousands of feet and a width of several tens of feet appeared. The monster repair in that position has reached tens of thousands.

Is that all?

"Good death! Good death!" Among the ruins that broke you, an old man with a broken arm was tearful. Just now, his son, daughter-in-law and even his eight-year-old grandson died in the demon In the hands of the army.

Then he turned to the ground, regardless of the sharp objects on the ground, and worshipped Song Ye in the sky: "You are the benefactor of the little boy, the little boy is willing to be a cow and a horse for you!"

"You don't have to be a cow or a horse, but I can kill a few more monsters for you!"

While talking, Song Yong waved his sword again. Suddenly, a more horrible Jianmang appeared on the sky!


The demon repair army was in chaos and rushed towards the outside of the city.

"Jack, stop for King!"

The serpent demon king stepped into the air with a somber face, and a pair of tiny eyes flashed with mad anger, he repeatedly punched out, intending to break Song Jian's sword.


But he overestimated his own strength, and just came into contact with the Jianmang, all the attacks collapsed, and the whole person was also split and flew.

The next moment, Jian Mang fell into the army of Yaoxiu again.

Suddenly, more than 10,000 monsters were killed by this sword.

"It's impossible, impossible! Who are you? How could Xianfeng City have such a strong man as you!"

The King Snake climbed from the ground, shed his hair, and yelled at Song Yan in the sky. He had planned Xianfeng City for over a hundred years, so he knew the Xianfeng City very well.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to succeed, he suddenly found such a peerless master, which made him feel unacceptable.

Song Xuan did not answer him, but just slashed with a mad sword.

Thousands of demon repairs were slaughtered at least after each sword was dropped. After a short while, Song Ye closed the sword. Except for the giant snake demon king in Xianfeng City, there was no living demon repair.

And the monster demon who fled the city alive was only about 10,000 people. In other words, Song Xie slaughtered 290,000 monsters.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [td95688474] [zhiyin] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] [Suiyuan] These great rewards

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