Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1290: Come from Fengxian City

Early in the morning the next day, Jinwu rose.

Some practitioners found that there was suddenly a behemoth on the square in the center of Xianfeng City, lying there motionless, as if dead.

"what is that?"

Several practitioners approached with courage, and then exclaimed: "What a big snake!"

The snake was red and faintly tinged with gold, a hundred feet long, and its thickest place was several times larger than a bucket.

"No, this snake is not dead!"

Suddenly, a monk who had spared his tongue made a frightening call and fled back out of the square. Several other monks fled after seeing this.

But after escaping a certain distance, a monk turned back subconsciously, and found that the giant snake was still lying motionless in the center of the square, and did not follow him at all.

So he shouted, "Don't run, the snake didn't follow me at all!" Then a little doubt appeared in my heart, staring at the one who said the snake didn't die: "Zhang Yang, are you wrong? Is it a dead snake at all? "

Zhang Yang, who found that the snake was not dead, retorted, "It's impossible, I can see it clearly. The snake just stared at me, and I felt a cold!"

"Or else, let's confirm it?" Someone suggested.

"it is good!"

So the five practitioners in the foundation period offered the magic weapon and approached the giant snake carefully.

Ten steps.

Nine steps.

Eight steps.

They were getting closer and closer to the serpent, and their hearts were almost in their throats. Fortunately, the serpent was still moving.

Finally, they came to the giant skull of the serpent.

Suddenly, all five eyes widened, and the giant snake's eyes stared round, showing a charming coldness.

"Oh! This snake is not dead, run away!"

Although they couldn't distinguish the cultivation of this snake demon, depending on its volume, at least it reached the Golden Dan period, but they didn't know why it was lying here.

Looking at the four companions who fled away, Zhang Yang's feet seemed to take root, nailed in place, his eyes fell on the belly of the giant snake, where there were two huge wounds.

The discovery of giant snakes in the city square was quickly spread, and more and more practitioners gathered.

An old repair stared at the giant snake for a while and said, "This giant snake should be the body of the giant snake demon king!"


As soon as this word came out, a large number of practitioners stepped back in shock.

"Huang Lao, you read that right, the Serpent King has been captured by Song Gongzi, how can it appear here?" A stern linger said suspiciously, and one night was enough to find many things.

Although Song Zheng didn't say his name, yesterday he went to Fuyu to apply for an identity token and left his image, so his identity is no secret.

"Although old age is old, a pair of eyes are not too dark!" Lao Xiu said with certainty: "Old age has heard that the Serpent King was originally a red-chain snake in the dark forest. Today's achievement! "

Listening to Lao Xiu saying this, Zhong Xiu looked at the giant snake and found that it was a super huge red chain snake.

"Lao Huang, since you are sure that this is the King of Serpent Monsters, then you said, why did he appear here?" The name officer continued to ask.

Lao Xiu was slightly silent, seeming to think of something, and said with excitement: "If the old man didn't guess wrong, Song Gongzi would like to give the King of the Snake Demon to our townspeople in Xianfeng City!"

Hearing the words, everyone was surprised, and then a surprise appeared.

This time, the King Serpent King led a half-million demon to repair the city, which can be said to have caused great damage to Xianfeng City. If it wasn't for the birth of Song Xiaozi, the entire Xianfeng City would be destroyed, so, Everyone is extremely hateful to the Serpent King.

"I'll try it!"

A Yuanying practitioner quickly walked in front of the king of snake snake demon, grabbed a sharp knife and severed it.


With a loud noise, the slashing of the Spirit Blade on the Serpent Demon King did not cause him a trace of damage, leaving only a shallow knife mark on the scales.

Seeing this, the Yuanying repairer's face became a little red, so he broke out and started to cut again.


With a loud noise, he still could not break the defense of the Serpent King.

"Oh my God, this snake king is so strong!"

Seeing this scene, everyone sighed secretly, and was glad that if it was not Song Gongzi who had captured the Serpent King, otherwise, who would be his opponent.

Later, the practitioners who came out of the rush period came and wanted to break the defense of the Serpent Demon King, but still couldn't do it.

"Well, although I can't kill him, I can insult him!"

A Jindan period practitioner suddenly took out a night pot and fell heavily on the king of snake snake demon king. The night pot exploded, and a smoky flavor spread immediately.

"I am killing you!"

The Serpent King roared in his heart, and a Jindan period guy dared to spill urine on him.

"Haha, splash well!"

Someone laughed and praised, and then a practitioner was inspired and brought some filthy things to greet the King Serpent and Demon King.

In just half an hour, the body of the Serpent King was overwhelmed with all kinds of dirty and dirty items, and even the white cloth used by the woman's sky sunflower was seen, and the dried blood was particularly prominent.

The Serpent King was almost mad.

In a box in a tea house not far from the square, through the windows, you can just take a picture of the scene on the square.

Li Tianluo glanced at the serpent demon king drowned in all kinds of contamination, and some cried and laughed: "Fu Jun, this is a little overdone, after all, the other party is a combined demon king, or you should kill him directly!"

Speaking of which, Li Tianluo's eyes were a little worried.

Song Yan understood the concerns in Li Tianluo's eyes and said, "This guy caused the casualties of no less than 100,000 repairers in Xianfeng City last night. It is too cheap to kill him directly. As for the others, you do n’t have to worry about them. Don't dare to betray me! "

Li Tianluo was worried that the monsters under Song Yi knew that it would cause resentment.

But she did n’t know that those who joined Song Ye ’s combined demon repairs were all enslaved by Xun Shentong, and she could n’t resist him at all. After taking a lot of Han Ling Dan, his mental strength has grown to a horrible level. .

In the evening, the city owner of Fengxian City received a message of help from Xianfeng City: the king of snakes and monsters struck, and Xianfeng City was not ready for the night. I hope Fengxian City will send experts to help.

Fengxian City is a midtown, and there are three masters in the city.

After receiving this news, the city owner immediately invited the top management to discuss, and finally decided that General Shoucheng led a very distracted and later went to support Xianfeng City.

The master of the combination possesses teleportation supernatural power, so it took only one hour for General Fengcheng to take the city to Xianfeng.

At the battle last night, the city chief, general defender, and prefect of Xianfeng City had died, and even the defender of the city had suffered more than half of the casualties. The army and militiamen built the destroyed walls.

"I am Lingwei, General of Fengxian City Defender, where is the Lord of Xianfeng City?"

The General of the Defender of Fengxian City yelled loudly.

[Author off topic]: One more

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