Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1295: Seem to know

"In Xia Songdi, I don't know what your name is?"

The next moment, Song Yan took his heart away, and hugged his fist towards the Lord of Yinhu County.

"Presumptuous, is it possible for you to ask the name of the county's owner without permission?" Yasang Xiaosangnu brushed the sense of existence.

"Xiao Sang, can you be quiet for a while?" The Yinhu County Lord glanced at Xiao Sang helplessly, and said rudely.

"Yes, the lord of the county!" Xiao Sang stared at Song Yan with dissatisfaction.

I saw the Lord of Yinhu County standing up and gave Song Ye a gift, and smiled, "I've seen Son of Song, I'm an ambassador sent by the court, just call me the Lord of Yinhu County."

The man gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity and intimacy, which made her feel unbearable to be close to the other party. This feeling made her feel ridiculous and a bit panic.

After some embarrassment, the two talked about Xianfeng City.

However, Song Yan has little interest in this.

The owner of Yinhu County also saw this, and then the word turned: "I don't know if the son Song has any intention to serve the court, but the little girl can recommend one or two for the son, and the son saves Xianfeng City is also a great credit. "

"Xiang Yun Ye Ye was used to it, and he couldn't stand his restraint. He also looked forward to the stranger of the county." Song Yan waved his hands with a smile, and once again attracted Xiao Sang's gaze, and whispered, "I don't know what to do!"

"Xiao Sang, do you want the county master to sew your mouth?" The Yinhu county master was a little dissatisfied and scared the other person's face, but in his heart he hated Song Ye.

A quarter of an hour later, the owner of Yinhu County left the inn and looked at her back. Song Yan frowned and asked, "Will it be her reincarnation?"

In the evening, Shi Hu came to the inn. After seeing Song Yan, he fell to his knees and cried, "Song son, please save my master and lady."

"How are they?" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

Shi Hudao: "They went to the Black Forest to kill the Yuan Xiu Xiu Xiu. Although they were lucky, they were all seriously injured and were dying. They asked their son to rescue him!"

I heard that Song Ye had some accidents. I didn't expect that the siblings could really kill Yuan Ying Yao Xiu. Since they passed the test, they could even be regarded as his disciples, so they said, "Let's lead the way!"

"Yes!" Shi Hu was overjoyed.

Soon, Song Ye came to the city's main house and met Shi Hao and Shi Ling. They were lying in a coma, and there were a lot of scars on their bodies. The breath was like a candlelight in the wind. It may go out.

If you change to another person, there may be no way, but for Song Yan, it is nothing.

He walked over to the bed and directly struck the two light rays of life into the two, their breath stabilized, then their injuries began to heal at a visible rate.

Seeing this scene, Shi Hu's mouth could not help but widen, secretly, is this immortal? It's amazing!

"Well, their injuries have stabilized, they can wake up soon, wait for them to wake up, and let them come to the inn to find me!" Slightly ordered, Song Yan turned and left.

"Bow to Song Son!" Shi Hu thanked him.

Song Ying originally thought that Shi Hao would come to him tomorrow, but he did not expect that they would find the inn only half an hour later.

"Hunt your head!"

Song Yan looked at the two and smiled.

Hearing that the two couldn't help but be overjoyed, and they knelt down for a short time and prayed for thirty-nine or nine weeks.

"This is your grandmother Li Tianluo." After the brother and sister worshiped him, he pointed at Li Tianluo again.

"Tutor Shi Hao has met the master!"

"Tuer Shiling has met the master!"

The two kneeled down again to worship.

"Let's all get up."

Li Tianluo smiled tenderly and lifted the two in person.

Then Song Ye pointed to Lin Wan'er and said, "This is your little master Lin Wan'er, salute yourself!"


Lin Waner couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming when she heard Song Ye's words, and then her cheek brushed red. During this time, she had been thinking wildly. In fact, Song Ye taught her "Feng Ye Jue" and set her as her own. Woman, just because she did n’t cultivate enough, she did n’t share the room with her, which made her misunderstood, so he went on to clarify the opportunity for Shi Hao and Shi Ling brothers and sisters to worship, lest this nizi think wildly.

"Shi Hao has met the little master!"

"Shi Ling has seen the little master!"

"You don't have to be so polite, get up, get up."

Lin Waner hurriedly lifted the brother and sister.

"Thank you, Madam." The brother and sister sang in unison.

"Yeah!" Lin Waner nodded slightly, then subconsciously looked at Song Yan, but found that the other person looked at her with a smile, and quickly opened her eyes, but her cheeks became redder.

Seeing this, Li Tianluo could not help showing a kind of kind smile.

At the next moment, Song Yan looked at him and took out two jade slips and two jade bottles to share with his brother and sister. If you do n’t know anything, just ask the teacher. As for the elixir in the bottle, you can take it directly, take one capsule at a time, and take the second capsule when the medicine is completely absorbed! "

"Thank you, Master!"

Brother and sister worshipped again.

"Haoer, Linger, this is a gift from your master!" Li Tianluo gave two magic weapons to the two, both of which are magic weapon-level defense magic weapons.

"Thank you, Madam!"

"I will give you two gifts too!"

Lin Waner gave two bottles of elixir to the two.

After the two thanked him, Song Yan directly let them back down.

Then, Li Tianluo also went shopping for the reason, and took Qin Xiaoyu away. At the moment, only Song Kun and Lin Waner remained in the room.

"Waner, come to me."

Song Yi beckoned to Lin Waner.

"Brother Song."

Lin Waner came over nervously.

"Brother Song?" Song Yan glanced at her.

"Fu ... Fu Jun!" Lin Wan'er shouted softly, but his expression was more and more tense and shy, with a blushing face, almost red.

"Stupid girl." During the exploration, Song Ye put Lin Wan'er in her arms and let her sit directly on his lap.

"Are you thinking wildly during this time?"

Song Yan gently scratched Lin Waner's Qiong's nose.

"Ah ... I didn't!" Lin Wan'er quickly shook her head.

"No, your thoughts are all written on your face, don't think this is what your husband can't see." Song Yan smiled lightly.

"Yes ... is it so obvious?" Lin Waner said shyly.

"It's very obvious, but it's also my fault. Pick it out to you earlier, and you won't be so cranky!" Song Yan said a little ashamed.

"Brother Song, Waner will be yours in the future!" Speaking of this, Lin Waner kissed Song Yi's lips like a dragonfly.

"Dare to attack me!"

Song Yan drank coldly, and then overbearingly printed Lin Wan'er's thin cherry lips, and kissed the other side so that he couldn't breathe, so he let her go.

[Digression by the author]: The third update is complete, thank you [Jinan] [Elder Brother] [Bao Yuyang] for the great rewards

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