Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1301: Emperor Capital Simei Begonia

Da Zhou Dynasty, Royal Palace, Qian Ye Palace.

Since the queen of Yinhu County entered the palace, the empress gave Qianye Palace as her dormitory. This is a glory and also shows the emperor's favor to her, because she was the first to own the palace The palace, you know, even many princesses and princes are not eligible to live in the palace.

This also caused that countless princesses and princes were not pleasing to the owner of Silver Fox County, and even more often came to her for trouble.

Xiao Sang walked into the Qianye Palace in angrily, and found that his county chief was leaning in front of the window and was in a daze. Since he returned from Xianfeng City, his county chief liked to be alone.

I do n’t know how long it has been before, the Lord of Silver Fox turned back and looked at Xiaosang, whose face was not so good: “What ’s the matter? Who upsets you, Nizi?”

"It's the daughter of Princess Xinyang's bad woman!" Xiao Sang said unhappyly.

"Do not be presumptuous."

The head of Yinhu County looked slightly cold. According to her seniority, she had to call Princess Xinyang an aunt. Her aunt was quite ambitious and wanted to be the next empress.

Naturally, she didn't like her. Although she didn't target her directly, she often instructed her people to embarrass the people around her.

In this regard, she did not take it seriously, but believed that Princess Xinyang's structure was not enough.

To control the big empire of Big Zhou Nuo, not only has the strength and the wrist, but also the pattern, such as the current female emperor, is a man of great pattern.

"Oh, I see!"

Xiao Sang nodded glumly, suddenly, she looked at the Yinhu County Lord with anxiety, and hesitated, "The County Lord, you seem to be abnormal after returning from Xianfeng City. Are you sick?"

After hearing that, the head of Yinhu County could not help flashing someone's figure, she shook her head and shook that figure out of her head, and said a little irritably: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Suddenly, she spoke sharply: "Where has he been now?"

"According to the report from the spy, he has already reached the upper part of Tianxu, and I believe he will soon arrive in the capital." Xiao Sang replied skilfully.


A joy in the heart of Yinhu County Lord, can't help showing it.

Seeing this, Xiao Sang thoughtfully blurted out: "Shire Lord, wouldn't you like that guy?"

"What are you talking about?" Yinhu County's host looked suddenly cold and said lightly: "I want to be quiet, you go down first!"

"Yes!" Xiao Sang bowed out, but his face was full of worries.

When there was only the owner of Yinhu County in the room, she couldn't help but touch her flawless cheek and said, "Did I really like him? No, I can't have children's affection, I still have many Things to do! "

Thinking of this, her light blue eyes could not help but shoot a resolute color, and could not help flashing a sword in her mind!

A few days later.

Song Yan and his party officially stepped into the capital of the largest dynasty in the continent, the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Looking up, a cloud-filled palace is clearly visible on a suspended sky, like a heavenly palace.

There is the palace.

Yes, the palace of the Great Zhou Emperor was built in the sky.

Just then, a spirit beast car stopped not far from Song Kun and others.

A middle-aged man in a blue robe stepped down from the car and stepped forward, and then fisted Song Song: "But Song Song Songzong face to face?"

Song Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the middle-aged blue robe, "I'm Song Xuan, who is your Excellency?"

This blue robe man is full of energy and restrained, seemingly ordinary, but he is a real fit power.

"Oh my God, look, isn't that the glory of Shangguan's chief executive?"

At this moment, a passerby saw this scene, covered his mouth and exclaimed, his expression was very surprised.

"Secretary of Shangguan University seems to be welcoming someone?" A restaurant facing the street, just as diners saw this scene, his face appeared unexpectedly.

An old repair stopped and said a meaningful speech: "I can afford to be the head of the Shangguan University to greet the city gate. It must be extraordinary, but those people are very eye-catching. I heard that the relationship between the Shangguan family and the Sword Palace is quite close. Are these people from the Sword Palace! "

"Impossible!" Someone immediately retorted: "The Sword King Palace is all sword repair, and sword repair generally likes to carry their spiritual sword on their backs. None of these people carry swords, so they are not sword repairs, nor are they swords. The people of the palace, however, are not the palace of swords, and who can afford to stand in front of the Grand Master of Shangguan? "

Shangguan Glory smiled at Song Ye: "Song son Song, the glory of the lower Shangguan was ordered by the lady to greet you."

"What is your lady?" Song Yan asked in confusion.

"Oh my God, where did this guy come from? I don't even know Miss Shangguan?" Someone couldn't help but despise the words of Song Yan.

"Yes, Ms. Shangguan is one of the four beauty of the imperial capital. Some people don't know her name, really ...!"

"My lady's name is Shangguan Begonia. She has long been admiring her son's name. She has prepared a banquet in the house, and Son Song please come with me!" Shangguan glorified.

"Shangguan Begonia? One of the four beauty of the imperial capital?"

Song Yan's mouth could not help showing a hint of playfulness, so he clenched his fists towards Shangguan's glory: "Excuse me, Mr. Shangguan, to lead the way!"



Under the leadership of Shangguan Glory, all the way was smooth, and a quarter of an hour later, I came to several huge mansions covering hundreds of acres.

"This is Miss's guest, let go!"

Shangguan Glory guarded the guard house.

"I've met the Chief!"

A guard hurriedly saluted, then opened a portal and let the beast car pass.

The followers along the way saw that Song Zhen really entered Shangguan's palace, and he couldn't help wondering, who secretly said who this person was, it was worthy of Miss Shangguan to send Shangguan glory to greet him.

Soon, this matter passed through the imperial city at an extremely fast speed. The other main character of the matter was one of the four capitals of the imperial capital.

The emperor's four beauty are the sacred daughter of the Phoenix Tianjiao, which is called the deceased water; the granddaughter of the prime minister of Shangguan, the begonia of Shangguan who is also the emperor's think-tank, and the beloved daughter of King Gaoyang, were named by the emperor Yinhu The last name is Princess Zuer, the youngest daughter of the emperor.

The ancestors of the Shangguan family were the founding heroes of the Great Zhou Emperor, and were reused by the first generation of female emperors.

In the ensuing years, the Shangguan family intermittently released nine prime ministers, and was respected as the prime minister's family.

The contemporary Shangguan family head, Shangguan Fearless, is the prime minister today.

The beast car traveled in the Shangguan Mansion. I didn't know how many gardens to pass through. I passed a pavilion and finally came to an elegant small courtyard. The air in the courtyard was clear, full of aura, full of spiritual flowers, and small bridges.

Just then, a woman in a white dress with a blossoming begonia on her skirt came to her.

The woman looked in her early twenties, with a beautiful appearance, a gentle temperament, and a slight gentle smile between the corners of her lips.

"Have met Miss."

Shangguan Glory bent over and saluted.

"The chief manager doesn't need to be courteous." Shangguan Begonia waved his hands, and his eyes fell on the group of Song Kun who came out of the spirit beast car.

[Off-topic by the author]: Three updates have been completed. Thank you [玖 月] [龙江] two great rewards

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