Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1343: spendthrift

As soon as Song Yong and the Qingping County Master took the initiative, they attracted the attention of experts from all walks of life.

Everyone originally thought that Song Zhe should have no resistance before the Qingping County Lord. After all, the Qingping County Lord was the master of the early period of Dujuan, and he was the most powerful sword fairy.

However, the incident was unexpected. Although Song Yi was not the master of Qingping County, it was not as resistant as everyone imagined.

In particular, when Song Xie exhibited the swordsmanship of the "Extermination of the Immortals", everyone was shocked and almost shocked.

A robbery expert commented on the spot: "This sword technique can kill the robbery in the early days!"

Hearing the comment of this expert from crossing the robbery, many people took a breath of air, especially Bei Gongyu, who was jealous, and Nangong Yuefang Yubai and other 纨 绔 were shocked.

It is a pity that after casting that style of sword, Song Xuan escaped from the imperial capital directly.

How can you miss such a peerless war.

Therefore, everyone chased after their tracks and eventually came to the river.

When the master of Qingping County broke the river with one sword, even the mid-crossover period that had previously commented on Song Yi's sword, they thought they could not cast such a powerful sword.

Just when everyone thought Song Ye would die under that horrible sword, they heard that the Qingping County Lord threatened Song Ye with Dajiang.

What made them dumbfounded was that Song Yan really appeared.

Then launched a Jedi counterattack, wounding the Qingping County Lord.

Seeing this scene, countless people don't understand. Song Ming is just a late distraction, why is it so powerful?

Looks like the original black and white sword fairy is not so powerful?

Bei Gongyu who also witnessed this scene has already made a secret decision. If Song Yi is not dead this time, he will never provoke this abnormality again.

It's terrible.

But everyone didn't find it, not even a master of crossover and robbery. There were six figures standing in the wind layer above tens of thousands of miles. If Song Yuan saw these six figures, he would definitely recognize them. Six elders of the Phoenix vein.

"Brother Jiutian, this time you can receive a good disciple for us Phoenix Phoenix!" Ling Hu Menghua looked at the battle below, smiling, and smiled with relief.

Jun Jiutian nodded in a deep sympathy: "Good is good, I just love to be in trouble."

Zhou Qingyang said disapprovingly: "Well, genius, it is always different from ordinary people, not to mention, this kid is just a wicked man, who is fighting to rob him with distraction, there is absolutely no one before and no one coming!"

"You guys haven't found that this little guy's swordsmanship, refining technique, and that set of wind-inducing techniques are all extraordinary, at least equivalent to our phoenix's inheritance techniques!" Suddenly Yang Zizi opened her eyes, her eyes faint With a horror.

"If he can dedicate these three mysteries to Tianjiao, he will definitely have a huge gain for us!" The lonely boundless eyes flashed.

"I said loneliness and boundlessness, you are a person who has lived for tens of thousands of years, so you're eager to grab a little guy's thing?" Jun Jiutian suddenly spoke, with a bit of ridicule in his tone.

After hearing that, Lonely Endless said a little, "I'm thinking for God's sake!"

"Tianjiao is not bad for those few mysteries!" Jun Jiutian said again.


Lonely and boundless made a cold hum and didn't talk, but the idea in his heart became more and more prosperous.

Song Kun naturally did not know the conversation over tens of thousands of miles.

At this moment, he is concentrating, and wants to see what kind of tricks the Ching Ping County Master will show?

Today, he can perform at least one-and-a-half minutes on the world of law, so he has not taken the lead.

The next moment, the Qingping County Lord gently wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, then raised the sword in his hand.


The chilling sword sound came out, and then, the square mile centered on the Qingping County Lord suddenly turned into an ice and snow world, the ground was frozen, and a blue light that was twice as large as a normal snowflake floated between heaven and earth. snowflake.

These pale blue snowflakes are strange, they can ignore the energy hood on his body, directly penetrate the energy hood and fall on top of his body and then melt.

As the snowflakes melted, Song Kun felt stiffened. This stiffness came not only from the body, but also from the soul.

Seeing this scene, Linghu Menghua said solemnly from a height of tens of thousands of miles: "This is Xueyao's" Ice Soul Xuemo Sword ". I did not expect her to pass the sword technique at the bottom of the box. After Qingping County Master, it seems that she really attaches great importance to this closed disciple! "

"not good!!"

As more and more light blue snowflakes melted on Song Yong, he screamed in secret and was about to move away.

But his body had just moved, but he found that the void of hundreds of miles was blocked.


He snorted, and the blood emperor wings behind him stirred up with the Shenfengjue.

Five hundred miles away!

Finally out of that **** place.

But at the next moment, the master of Pingping County stepped in and turned the square into a icy field again.

"You can't escape!" The Qingping County host looked at Song Yan with cold eyes to the extreme.

Hearing the words of the host of Qingping County, Song Yongqi didn't hit each other and sneered: "Since he can't escape, the young man broke him!"

The next moment, his expression became extremely dignified.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the cognition sea moves along a certain mysterious trajectory, and suddenly, with his body as the center, a plausible sword spreads out.

With the spread of this sword, those falling light blue snowflakes could no longer approach Song Yong's body.

"Broken Soul !!"

Song Hua spit out two words gently, and then his whole temperament changed, blending with that mysterious sword.


Song Yan waved his sword.

It was just an ordinary sword-swinging, but with the cut off of the sword, the master of Qingping County changed his face.

She took a deep breath and followed with the sword in her hand.


The two swords did not collide, but there were two invisible forces fighting each other.



The next moment, Song Ye and the Qingping County lord spit out blood at the same time, and their faces became frustrated.

"What's wrong with them?"

Among the people watching the match, a fit practitioner wondered.

"If the old man is not mistaken, both of them will attack each other's souls with mysterious swordsmanship!" Said the expression of horror in the mid-crossing period.

"Attack the soul?"

It was said that everyone was discolored.

The soul is the root of a monk, hidden under the physical deities.

"Is there a secret method that directly attacks the soul in this world?" Another fit practitioner asked.

"Yes!" The nod in the middle of the robbery nodded solemnly: "This secret method is extremely horrible, it can be prevented accidentally, and there is no way to defend it!"

at this time!


Song Zhe and the Qingping County lord vomited blood again, his expression became more frustrated, and his breath quickly weakened, but neither of them had any intention to stop.

Tens of thousands of miles above the sky.

"Would you like to stop it and fight again, they will lose both!" Linghu Menghua looked at Jun Jiutian and asked.

"No hurry, look again!" Jun Jiutian waved his hand.

Just then, a jade bottle suddenly appeared beside Song Yan.


The jade bottle shattered and hundreds of crystal clear elixirs flew to his mouth. He opened the mouth without hesitation and swallowed the hundred elixir. After swallowing the hundred elixir, he was pale There was a magical flush of cheeks.

Seeing this scene, the six Phoenix elders from tens of thousands of miles could not help showing shock and surprise.

Immediately, Xueyangzi could not help yelling and yelled: "Prodigal boy, why is this kid so prodigal, that's a hundred cold spirits!"

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [ah slip] [ordinary person] [Deng treats a purple chess trace] three great rewards

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