Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1349: Big change

Although Lingyan was reluctant, her decision to succeed Yunmen was made by the entire top of Yunmen, and she could not tolerate it. Therefore, she could only insist on it.

The ceremony is scheduled to take place ten days later.

In other words, after ten days, she will become the new head of the Jade Girl Gate, responsible for the size of the Jade Girl Gate.

Thinking of this, she felt scalp tingling for a while, and even she had the idea of ​​escaping from the Jade Girl Gate. What a pity, Master Xuelan, who knew her best, had prevented her from escaping, and sent two cloud words. Elder Jin Dan followed her.

"Woohoo, those days will be gone forever, I don't want to be the head!" Lingyan mourned in his heart.

"Congratulations, Sister!"

Not far out of the small courtyard, Lingyan met Lingmei again, and the other party apparently got the news that Lingyan was about to take over.

Lingyan responded weakly, and strode away.

Later, she met many sisters and sisters one after another, smiling at each other and congratulating her.

Obviously it is a very depressing thing, but she has to accept her congratulations, which makes her mood even more depressed.

"I want to drink, drink!"

Lingyan rushed towards the mountainside subconsciously, but as soon as she arrived at the wooden house, she remembered that she had finished drinking the wine.

"Damn fuckin, why don't you come back!"

Suddenly, Lingyan seemed to sense something. He subconsciously looked up at the sky, but found out that there were suddenly dozens of people in black on the sky.

These men in black are terrible in every breath, and they can't see the depth at all, and they don't hide the maliciousness on their faces.

I saw the man in black waving his head, and the people in black behind him flew towards the Yunmen Gate.

"No, an enemy has come to your door!"

Lingyan exclaimed, then summoned the magic weapon into the sky without hesitation.


The mountain guard burst out, blocking the people in black. At the same time, Yun Mushroom led six masters of Jin Dan into the sky, and Xuelan presided over the overall situation below.

"A horrible break can also stop us!"

Seeing the emergence of a large mountain guard, one of the men in black sneered and patted it with a palm of his hand.

Suddenly, a black acre-sized handprint formed by a horrific aura appeared on the sky, and it fell suddenly.

Seeing the **** handprint, the face of Yungu and others became extremely ugly, because they all sensed that the black big handprint contained the terrifying energy.

They are sure that if this big handprint falls on them, they will be photographed as a puddle of meat.


The huge mountain array glowed with strong colorful light, which actually blocked the **** fingerprint.

This made Yun mushroom and others relieved.


The man in black couldn't help but be surprised when he saw a palm that couldn't break the mountain guard. The next moment, he shot a palm again. Suddenly, there was another huge black handprint in the sky, but the breath was even more Horror and power.

"Who are you, why are you attacking my Jade Girl's Gate!" Yun Mush shouted, her voice trembling, indicating that she was not calm at the moment.

"Hey! The cricket ants also questioned us!"

The man in black sneered, manipulating the black handprints and continuing to fall.


A loud loud noise came out, and the colorful Guanghua was even more eye-catching. At the same time, the entire Jade Peak was shaking, but the mountain guard again blocked the attack of the man in black.


Two consecutive strikes failed to break a third-rate martial arts mountain guard. The man in black couldn't hold his face. He gave a cold drink and spit out a flying sword.

After pinching a few swords, the red scarlet flying sword rose in the wind, and his breath turned into a huge sword.


The man in black easily pointed at him, and the Baizhang giant sword turned into a huge sword.

But at this moment, a blue light rushed from below, and rushed directly out of the mountain guard, turned into a Tsing Yi woman, and then pointed over the sword light.


The terrible Jianguang was instantly defeated and turned into stars and dissipated in the air.

"It's senior A Qing!"

Seeing this scene, the Jade Girl's Gate was full of joy.

When Song Zheng left the Tang Dynasty, he sent the Emperor's Emperor back to Jade Gate to turn into A Qing to continue to guard Jade Gate.

Worried that Taiyijiao would come to the door, the emperor deliberately modified the mountain guard of Xiayumen Gate so that it could resist the attack of the distracted master.

The emperor thought that two years had passed and Taiyijiao would not come to the door, but they did not expect that they would find it.

His eyes quickly swept through dozens of men in black, and finally he stayed on the man in the back who was in the back, and his expression suddenly turned away.

"Oops!" The Emperor shouted in secret and immediately informed the deity of this.

But it was strange to him that he issued a notice and the deity did not respond to him.

You need to know that even with an extremely long distance, he can communicate with the deity without any obstacles. Why this deity has no response this time.

Where did he know that Song Kun was in the fairy world at the moment, isolated from the others, and made a breakthrough, so he didn't receive the notice from Huang Huang at all.

"Can Senior A Qing stop so many masters?"

A Jindan master of the Yunzi generation asked Yungu anxiously.

"I'm afraid ...?"

Yun mushroom shook her head with a gloomy face. Although she could not see the practice of these people in black, she had a feeling that these people in black were all cultivated for more than a period of time, especially the leader of the people in black. Even when suspended there, it made her feel terrified.

"Who are you? Why did you attack my Jade Girl Gate for no reason?"

The emperor deliberately pretended not to recognize the origin of the group.

"Hey, I can't think that Xiaoyuyumen also has masters in the late stage of distraction!" The man in black stared at the emperor with a strange expression.

"Don't talk nonsense, take it all!"

The man in black spoke again.

Suddenly, dozens of people in black separated four people to kill the emperor, and the others shot all at Hushan.


Dozens of distracted people launched attacks at the same time, and how amazing the momentum was. People such as Lingyan Mushroom, who were under the mountain guard, could not help but have a huge fear, and they were all stiff, but for the Yumen Gate, they all Without flinching, they sacrificed magic weapons in preparation for resistance.


Just then, the emperor moved.

The sword in his hand assassinates like lightning.


The four swords flashed and the heads of the four men in black who had killed him flew up. After killing the four men in black, the emperor did not stop and killed dozens of men in black.

"Skyless !!"


Hundreds of sword qi spurted out from the spirit sword in his hand, killing all around with terror.


The nearest two men in black were immediately pierced by Jian Qidong. Seeing that other men in black were about to die under the sword, the leader of the men in black could not wait to shoot.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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