Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1368: Come and tell me who is the grasshopper

Vulcanism, away from the Temple of Fire.

As a teacher, Zhu Rongji held high, scorned Song Ji below, and said indifferently, "You come to see the deity, what is the matter?"

Even though Song Yong has made a big name, it has caused great damage to Taiyi Religion, but Zhu Rongyu, who is the leader of Vulcanism, still does not take Song Yuntai to his heart. In his opinion, this kid is at best It can only count as a **** stick that can jump.

"I'll teach you a deal with Zhu Rongzhang!"

Song Xun's inferior and inferior Tao.


Zhu Rongji heard the words, but showed a somewhat playful smile, and said lightly, "What qualifications do you have?"

Song Yan could feel Zhu Rongji's contempt for him, but he was not angry, and his expression was very calm: "Since Zhu Rongzhang believes that the junior is not qualified, let alone talk."

Seeing this, Tuoba Xianer was a little worried that Song Xuan would anger Zhu Rongxuan, while Tuoba Feng scolded Song Xuan arrogantly.

"Well, let's hear it." Zhu Rongji was not angry, and he still had the snack chest.

Slightly groaned: "I can make the Tang Dynasty respect the Vulcan religion as the state religion, but the Vulcan religion must come forward to stop it and let the Song Dynasty stop attacking the Tang Dynasty."

"The tone is not small, but you are not qualified to speak to me!" Zhu Rongji shook his head, but immediately his words turned: "If you can get into our Vulcan religion, this deity can be considered!"

"I refuse!" Song Yan shook his head without hesitation.

"My deity thinks that you should think carefully before you make a decision!" Zhu Rongji sank a little, with a threat in his tone.

"Song Ye, you really don't know what to do, my master let you enter the fire **** religion. That is a great gift, and don't kneel down to thank you!" Tuoba Feng suddenly spoke, loudly scolding Song Ye, although he saw Song Ye extremely extreme Unhappy, but his little sister must have identified him, so he can't watch him die!

"Yes, Song Ye, can't you just wrong yourself for me?" Tuoba Xianer asked with a plea, she knew too much Zhu Rongji, and only had interests in his eyes. Song Ye was useful to him. The chess piece only allowed him to join the Fire God religion. If Song Zhezhen rejected his proposal, it would be a useless chess piece, and he would probably kill him.

"Sorry, I already think very clearly!" Song Yan shook his head again.

Suddenly, Zhu Rongji's eyes were a bit cold: "The deity has not pursued you to take away the innocence of Xianer. It is already a kind of grace. Now you reject the deity, but you do n’t put my Vulcan religion in your eyes. You have two choices, either to die or to go to Vulcan! "

During the talk, the breath of the robbers was radiated from Zhu Rongyu, making the entire palace filled with a horrible breath.

For a time, Tuoba Feng and Tuoba Xianer changed their looks, staring nervously at Song Yan.

However, Song Yan's expression was quite calm, and he seemed not afraid of angering Zhu Rongxi at all.

"Does Zhu Rongzhang teach that you already have me?" Song Yan said again.

"Oh!" Zhu Rongji smiled. "In the eyes of this deity, you are just a grasshopper who can jump to the point. You can take your life with your fingers!"

"You might as well try!" Song Yan said without fear.


Tuoba Xianer suddenly fell to his knees: "Master respects the sin, Song Ye is just a ghost who has lost his mind, and he hopes that Master will give Xianer some time and Persuasion will persuade him!"

"Sin beast, will your deity intervene in your work!"

Zhu Rongyan's eyes were cold and he swept away, suddenly a surge of force crashed into Tuoba Xianer.

Seeing the situation, Tuoba couldn't help but panic and stepped out, blocking Tuoba Xianer's body, intending to take a hard hit.

"Dash, don't you want to defy this deity!"

Seeing this, Zhu Rongyu's eyes were a little bit more severe, and the surging force burst out suddenly, his breath soared, and Tuoba brothers and sisters were instantly involved.

Although this force will not kill them both, it is not difficult to make them seriously injured.

Just then, Song Yan suddenly snatched his hands.

An invisible suction appeared, pulling the force directly, and then dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Rongji was a bit surprised. He happened to be in the middle of the robbery anyway. The strength just now was difficult to dissolve even in the later period of the integration. It was actually broken by Song Yun at the early stage of the integration. Unexpected.

"Xian Er is my woman, Tuoba Feng's **** can be regarded as my sister-in-law, Zhu Rong palm teaching, you have done too much to take the little master to heart!" Song Yan took a step forward, looking away Fearful looking at Zhu Rongji, he asked.

"You are questioning me?" Zhu Rongji was very surprised, and even felt a little ridiculous, when did a dare to question them in the middle of a robbery in the early days of a fit.

"Can't it!" Song Yan said coldly.

Seeing Song Ye and Zhu Rongye facing each other, Tuoba Xianer was a little panicked and proud, because his man dared to face a mid-crossing period directly for her.

"Well, if you can't stay with him for a lifetime, just be a pair of miser!" She thought secretly in her heart, thinking of this, the panic in her heart disappeared without a trace, raised her head and stared deeply. Song Yan, his eyes are full of indelible affection.

Tuoba Feng scolded Song Yan in his heart thousands of times.

"Things like ants dare to question the deity. In this case, die for the deity!"

As soon as the words came down, Zhu Rongji's fierce red-hot spirit popped up.

"call out!"

This vigour seemed to be teleported, and in less than a thousandth of a second, it hit Song Song's eyebrow.

"This attack is not enough to tickle me!"

Song Yan shook his head with a smile, and any of that energy bombarded his eyebrows, but strangely, he couldn't break the thin layer of Yuan Yuan attached to Song Ye's body surface.

Seeing this, Zhu Rongji's face flashed with anger, which was enough energy to kill any late stage of the fit, but he couldn't help Song Yan.

"Okay, it looks like you're really capable, since so ...!"

"No, you do n’t have to go to indecent assault, Zhu Rong palms to teach, I have a sword, and I would like you to appreciate it!" Song Yan suddenly spoke, interrupting Zhu Rongji's words, and at the same time groaned, and the green sword came out directly. Sheath, turned into a blood-red sword light stabbed to the high Zhu Rongji.

The sword was fast, and Zhu Rongji was about to be caught off guard. At the same time, after the emergence of the sword, a mysterious sword covered him, making his body and Yuanshen dull. stand up.


With a unimaginable sharpness, Qing Jian Sword easily pierced the true element outside Zhu Rong's body, and then penetrated one-third of his eyebrow. A powerful killing burst suddenly, almost The freezing of his flesh and primordial trembled his body, making him feel terrified inside.

Although Zhu Rongji was in the middle of the robbery, he may not be the opponent of Qingping County Lord. Before he broke through, he could fight the Qingping County Lord undefeated. Now, he has broken into the body, and has become a star god. Thirdly, it is not enough to pick up a mid-term robbery.

"Zhu Rongzhang teaches, now, you tell me, who is the grasshopper?" Song Xuan looked at Zhu Rongxuan with a smile, and asked miserably.

[Author off topic]: Four more, I did not expect to have four more, thank you [My Dream Flying] for the reward

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