Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1403: Who's taking it?

The vitality of the heavens and the earth became strong, and the beneficiaries were not only the immortal practitioners in Xianmen, but also ordinary people and warriors. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Now this season is the time when the haze is most severe. In many large cities in Yanhuang, it is covered by haze all day long. Among them, the cities where many heavy industry factories and mines gather are the most serious. People will almost always wear masks and lungs when traveling. Incidence rate continues to increase.

But in these short ten days.

The haze in all major cities is actually thinner by a third, especially the originally sloppy grasses in the city also radiated the new spring this winter, and the dead trees in the suburbs actually sprout young leaves in advance.

After the vegetation grows, a large amount of oxygen is released, and the air will naturally become fresher.

According to Song Yong's speculation, the major cities of Yanhuang Kingdom will bid farewell to the haze for up to three months.

As for the warriors, many warriors who have practiced for many years have been trapped in a certain realm for many years, but in the past few days, they found that their bottlenecks have suddenly loosened a lot, and many warriors have made breakthroughs in just a few days. .

The strongest manifestation is the Dragon Guard.

The members of the Dragon Guard Department are composed of three parts. The first part is transformed by the God of War brigade. The four deputy ministers today, King Kong, Wang Chongshan, Zhou Jie, and Dragon Sword, were all deputy commanders of the God of War brigade.

The second part is from the children of Yanhuang's major families. The Dragon Guard Department is used by Yanhuang Kingdom to fight against Xianmen, so even fools know that the country will give a lot of resources to focus on training them. Therefore, each The big family can't wait to squeeze in all the disciples.

The third part comes from the elite in the army.

Of the three parts, the Ares Brigade transformed the strongest strength, followed by the children of the major families, and the weakest were the elite in the army.

But even the weakest member has the strength of the day after tomorrow, and if he pulls out one, he can dominate the martial arts. After all, in this era, there are too few warriors. In the eyes of ordinary warriors, congenital masters are already beyond reach. The presence.

In the dragon-guard department, Song Xuan arranged a spiritual gathering.

Even so, there were only two or three members who had broken through to the innate before Song Xuan crossed the world of Xiuxian.

But in these ten days, the acquired apex peak warriors who have reached the innate level actually reached 28, and there are still 37 remaining at the apex peak, but most of them felt that they should make a breakthrough in the near future.

In addition to the breakthrough of the acquired martial arts, some innate members also broke through to new realms in these ten days.

This day.

Wang Chongshan, King Kong, and Zhou Jie are drinking tea and chatting in the tea room of the entertainment area of ​​the dragon department.

The Minister Song Yong almost did not care about the whole thing. The entire Dragon Guard Department depended on them to take care of them. During this time, the people under him broke through and they were very happy.

"Yes, Lao Long has been closed for two days. Do you think he has any hope this time?"

Zhou Jie took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"That's not right!"

King Kong shook his head and said that the Dragon Sword was different from the three of them. The Dragon family from one of the top ten families had more resources than ever since they were young, and the martial arts foundation laid was also stronger.

Therefore, this time the earth and the earth changed, his strong foundation was manifested, and he first sensed the opportunity to break through. He started retreating two days ago, breaking through the congenital eightfold.

Once he breaks through to the inborn nine, he is the most advanced existence among the warriors, and can be compared with the heads of the top ten families.

"He has a good foundation and is very likely!" Wang Chongshan said with some envy.

Just then, a person suddenly opened the door of the tea room and walked in. With a glance, he smiled and said, "Yo, all three are here!"

During the conversation, Long Jian came over by himself, took the teapot and poured himself a cup, and sipped it with great enthusiasm.

"How's it done?"

But the other three were not as relaxed as him, all staring at him nervously.


Long Jian said with a smile.

"It's still guessing, it must have broken through at the first sight of his vigor!" Wang Chongshan sneered.

Seeing Long Jian's undeniable expression, King Kong and Zhou Jie could almost confirm that the other party really broke through to the innate Jiuzhong: "Congratulations! You have taken a step ahead of us!"

"Hey, luck!" Long Jian pretended to be modest.

"Hypocrisy!" Wang Chongshan pouted.

"It's a treat!" Zhou Jie laughed.

"Okay, you can pick any place you like, but I still have to go back to the Dragon's house now!" Long Jian stood up and said, the Dragon's family added another congenital and ninefold, the influence and deterrence will increase a lot, and in some interests The distribution aspect should also occupy more.

As a member of the Dragon family, Long Jian naturally considered the family. After the breakthrough, he called the patriarch by phone.

The patriarch of the Long family learned the news and immediately convened the high-level officials, waiting for him to return to discuss major events.

After Long Jian's departure, the news of his breakthrough soon passed into Taichi.

The head of state and the nine cabinet veterans were also very happy.

This time in just over a month, there was an innate concubine, and it seemed that the establishment of the Dragon Guard Department was indeed right.

As for the Minister of Dragon Care, Song Yong also knew the news.

In this regard, he was not surprised. The people in the Dragon Guard practiced the "Pei Yuan Jing" he taught. In addition, he set up a spirit formation in the Dragon Guard. Now the world has changed, and the Dragon Sword has broken through. Congenital Nine is definitely not the first, and the three of Wang Chongshan should be able to make a breakthrough soon.

Although Congenital Jiuzhong was no different from the ants in his eyes, he was ready to make a phone call to congratulate Xialongjian.

However, after several consecutive calls, the other party's mobile phone was in the busy state. I knew there must be many people calling to congratulate him, so he edited a congratulatory text message and sent it.

Five minutes after he texted, Long Jian's phone call came.

Although Long Jian has broken through to the congenital Nine, and he is proud of himself, he still has enough respect and awe in front of Song Yong. After all, in the competition with the masters of Xianmen, Song Yong impressed him too deeply.

Although he broke through the innate nine, but Wan Wan is not Song Yan's opponent.

After chatting with Long Jian, Song Yan hung up the phone and continued to think about expanding the company.

On the cooked side, Zhao Xin presides over the whole situation, so he doesn't need to worry about it, so he wonders when to start in the medicine and entertainment side, and in what form.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

The breakthrough of the Dragon Sword to the inborn nine has spread to the top ten families, and the Dragon family is going to host a celebration dinner for the Dragon Sword, and Song Ye is also invited.

If Song Ye had not been interested in attending this dinner before, but now he wants to be a celebrity, it will be easier if he can use the power of the top ten families.

So, he was going to the dinner party, but he had a headache when he was taking him.

Otherwise, take it all?

But as soon as he gave birth to this idea, he vetoed it. He suddenly brought over a dozen beautiful women who were peerless in the past.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [many of you] [West King] [td95362139] [Zhou Lele] [A sun in the dark] These great rewards

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