Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1409: Shangguan Gaopeng

Greenview Villa, Banquet Hall.

Looking at the Chinese-faced middle-aged man who was aggressively approaching her, Shangguan Gaofei's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to let go of Song Kun, but immediately realized that instead of letting Song Kun go, he held him tighter. Almost half of his body was hung on him.

Feeling the change in Shangguan Gao Fei, Song Yan followed her gaze subconsciously, and just saw a gloomy middle-aged man coming quickly to this side.

"Who is he?"

Song Zheng whispered to Shangguan Gao Fei.

"My elder brother, a self-righteous person!" Shang Guan Gao Fei's tone was vaguely resentful.

Shangguan Gaopeng soon arrived in front of the three Song Yan, coldly scolding: "When will you hold it, don't let it go!"

"I won't let it go!"

Shangguan Gao Fei stared back unabashedly: "What can you do to me?"

Hearing that Shangguan Gaopeng almost blew up his lungs, but he knew that this occasion was not suitable for arguing with Shangguan Gao Fei, so he spit out a turbid gas and said in a low voice: "You should know where this is. Let him go! "

The reason why he wanted Shangguan Gao Fei to come here was that he introduced her to the third son of the Dragon family. If the third son of the Dragon family could see her, the two would become a close relative, which would be of great benefit to the Shangguan family.

But now, Shangguan Gao Fei is holding a small white face tightly. If he is seen by Long Sangong, the whole Shangguan family may be unlucky.

"Whatever I am willful, just let it go!"

During the conversation, Shangguan Gao Fei pressed his cheek to Song Yan's shoulder, revealing a sweet look.


Seeing this, Shangguan Gao Fei's eyes suddenly shrank, and his fists were pinched and pinched again: "Shangguan Gao Fei, if you are deliberately mad at me, congratulations, you have done it, but today's dinner is related to our entire Shangguan family I hope you will not drag Shangguan's house into the abyss of destruction because of your waywardness! "

Having said that, he stared sharply at Song Yan: "You should be a smart person. If you are acquaintances, do not take part in our Shangguan family. Immediately let go of Gao Fei and leave here. What I can do is not happening. ,otherwise……!"

Hearing that Shangguan Gao Fei suddenly exploded, staring coldly at Shangguan Gaopeng: "What do you mean, why threaten my friend?"

Just then, some noisy banquet halls suddenly became silent.

It was a silver-haired old man who led a group of imposing men and women from the back hall to the banquet hall slowly.

Feeling the anomaly in the banquet hall, Shangguan Gaopeng turned his gaze and saw the group of people coming out of the back hall, but his gaze fell on a handsome young man among the group, and his look suddenly changed.

Because that handsome young man is Long Sanming, Long Zaiming.

As for the head of the silver-haired man, the current owner of the Dragon family followed him, followed by the best dragon sword in the second generation of the Dragon family, and the dragon son was the best among the third generation members. One of the people.

The owner of the Long family glanced at the banquet hall and suddenly found something. They could not help but quicken their pace and walked towards Song Yan.

Seeing the Long family and his party approaching to himself, Shangguan Gaopeng's cheeks were stiff, and his cold sweat couldn't be controlled, and his heart secretly said that it was over, and the whole Shangguan's home was over.

The owner of the Long family took three steps and made two steps, and soon came to Song Ye and others.

"I've seen ... I've seen the Dragon Lord!" Shangguan Gaopeng stumbled greetings.

He nodded in the direction, but his eyes fell on Song Yong, and then he laughed loudly: "Mr. Song, welcome to you, you are not entertained, and we ca n’t wonder!"

"The owner of the Dragon family is polite." Song Yan responded with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Gaopeng couldn't help but stare, moving his eyes back and forth between Song Yong and the owner of the Long family, but he was a little bit confused. Why is the family owner so kind to a young man?

Suddenly, he thought of the young man whom he had threatened to be polite to even the owner of the Dragon family, but suddenly, the cold sweat that could not be restrained began to grow faster, and even his body shook a little instably.

"Meet the minister!"

Long Jian came forward with a smile and saluted Song Yong.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Gaopeng almost fainted, but the Dragon Sword was the second generation of the Dragon family. This banquet was held for his breakthrough to congenital ninth.

Such a top man should salute the young man.

Can such people be threatened by him?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to give him a slap, and there was an uncontrollable urination in the lower abdomen ...

As for the Shangguan Gao Fei and Murong Xinyue who were holding Song Ye's arms, they were shocked. Although they already knew Song Ye was very good, but they still felt shocked to see him having a conversation with the Long family owner Inexplicable.

Of course, at the corner of the banquet, Ma Xiaodong also looked at this scene with anxiety.

The Dragon family adds another congenital ninefold, both in terms of popularity and prestige will increase greatly. Even so, the owner of the Dragon family must be polite to the Song Yan, which shows how powerful that Song Yan is.

Thinking of this, he secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Song Ye had not been completely offended to death just now, otherwise, his father would not be able to spare him without his hands.

"It's all my own, Minister Long need not be polite!" Song Yan said with a smile.

Just then, several generations of the Dragon family also came forward to salute Song Ye, but his expression was more and more respectful.

After some greetings, Song Zheng introduced Shangguan Gao Fei and Murong Xinyue to the Long family.

Suddenly, the eyes of the Long family looked at them all changed, and then they were very polite greetings, which made the two women a little bit confused.

Just then, a group of people came in at the banquet hall.

The one headed is also an old man.

Suddenly, he noticed the presence of Song Yan and the Long family, and came quickly, saying hello with a smile.

"This is Wang Huaiqing, the head of the Wang family."

Shangguan Gaopeng recognized the identity of the old man and subconsciously pinched his legs, fearing that he could not help causing urine collapse.

Then, several other homeowners of the top ten families appeared one after another.

But as soon as they appeared, they all came to Song Yan's side for the first time, with a smile of greetings, even Li Mu of the Li family was no exception, and the Zhao family was left in the end.

However, near seven o'clock, Zhao Changsheng still brought everyone from the Zhao family.

This time he did not come to the other side to take the initiative, but Song Yan ushered up, held up Zhao Changsheng's arm, and then came over with a smile.

When the heads of the ten major families met, it was naturally a shame.

About five minutes passed.

A group of ten people walked into the banquet hall together.

Ten homeowners met Qi Qi.

Because these ten people are the ten people with the highest rights in this country. It is the head of state and the nine cabinet veterans that come together.

[Author off topic]: Four more, thank [Zhou Lele] for the reward

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