Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1414: Please

Putting down the report, Song Yan's face flashed a thoughtful look. If he had guessed correctly, someone should have arranged it in order to please him.

As for who it is, it should be easy to find out. After all, the man did this to please him, so he will definitely leave a trace of it.

Thinking of this, Song Yan directly instructed Zhao Xin: "In this way, you immediately contact the bosses of the ten companies and ask who is behind them."

"it is good!"

Zhao Xin quickly took out his mobile phone, started to make a call, and turned on hands-free.

At the beginning, the other party didn't hesitate to tell the truth, but under Zhao Xin's questioning, the other party still told the truth.

But last night, the head of the Huirong Investment Group approached him personally and asked them to sell the company to the Song Group for a million yuan. One hundred and twenty supplements.

Later, Zhao Xin successively dialed the bosses of the other nine cooked food companies. The situation was similar. They were all contacted by the people of Huirong Investment Group, and they all bought them at the price of 120% of the market price. Their company.

"Do you know the details of Huirong Investment Group?"

Song Kun asked Zhao Xin.

"It is an industry owned by the Li family!" Zhao Xin said in surprise, it seems that the Li family and the Zhao family have not dealt with it very much. Why did the Li family do the same, did they intend to dig the corner of the Zhao family.

Song Zheng nodded: "Okay, I know this. You can arrange for someone to take over the ten companies as soon as possible, and then put it into production!"


Zhao Xin stopped talking and finally said nothing and walked out of the office.

If Song Yan knew that what was in his heart would laugh, your worries would be superfluous. This is not to dig at me, but to please me.

When Zhao Xin left, Song Yan called Zhao Changsheng's phone.

Unsurprisingly, the Li family acknowledged and persuaded him. Last night, Li Mu took the generous gift to the Zhao family to pray for reconciliation with Zhao Changsheng.

Suddenly, Zhao Changsheng turned around and asked with a smile: "Yes, Grandma, when those homeowners came to visit last night, but they brought the beautiful younger generation of their family. Are you interested in seeing you?"

Listening to what Zhao Changsheng said, Song Yan couldn't help thinking of the dozen or so beautiful girls at home, and quickly said, "No more."

"In fact, it's okay to meet. I've seen that, both in temperament and appearance, it's good. If you can see it, it's all accepted!" Zhao Changsheng said in a serious manner.

Song Yan's face turned dark, and he quickly ended the call on the grounds that something was wrong.

After hanging up, Song Ye turned on the computer and searched for Murong Xinyue's news. When he met yesterday, he found that Murong Xinyue frowned. Although she applied makeup, it was difficult to hide her face.

Therefore, he concluded that Murong Xinyue should have encountered something.

Sure enough, in this search, he found all the news about Murong Xinyue that discredited her.

Suddenly, he frowned. With his eyesight, he could see naturally that Murong Xinyue was now complete, how could his private life be chaotic, and to accompany the rich man in the country.

And from the exposed ticket, it was exactly the time they met on the plane.

That time, he was with Murong Xinyue all the way, how could he go to meet the rich man of the country.

Suddenly, a piece of news about Murong Xinyue's agent came into view, and when you opened it, there was a chill in Song Yan's eyes.

At first, he didn't like Murong Xinyue's agent, and even said that he was disgusted. At first, he was too lazy to care about Murong Xinyue. Now, he actually ran out to bite Murong Xinyue. ……Humph!

The browser is closed.

Song Yan picked up the phone and dialed Zhao Changming's number.

He is more familiar with the entertainment industry, and it is easier for him to inquire about the beginning and the end of the matter.

Zhao Changming didn't disappoint him either, it only took an hour to figure out the whole story.

"Xingkong Entertainment! It turned out that Han Shaocong's kid was making a ghost!"

Thinking of this, he opened the browser and searched again, and found that the first-rate actress who first slandered Murong Xinyue and the first-rate actress who later jumped out were all entertainers from Starry Entertainment.

At seven in the evening, a French restaurant.

Song Yan parked his car and walked inside.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" The waiter asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Song Zheng reported the table number issued by Shangguan Gao Fei!

Under the guidance of the waiter, Song Yan came to the table, and Shangguan Gao Fei had already arrived.


Shangguan Gao Fei stood up and waved.

Today's Shangguan Gao Fei is wearing a dark blue dress with a half-breasted breasts, seductive gully, light makeup, and a little more mature and charming.

Song Yan smiled at her before taking a seat.

"You order."

Shangguan Gao Fei pushed the menu in front of him.

Song Ye was also welcome, ordered a steak, a foie gras, a bottle of red wine and a snack, and then handed the menu to Shangguan Gao Fei: "How do you remember to invite me to dinner."

"Let's eat before telling you." Shangguan Gao Fei blinked at him, and then said to the waiter: "Give me a copy of this gentleman!"



The meal ate for two hours.

"You should say now?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Do you know about Xiaoyue'er?" Shangguan Gao Fei's eyes exasperated.

Song Yi said: "I didn't know it. Then I checked it online and found out."

"She was wronged."

"I know!"

"Can you help her?"

"I'll take you somewhere."

Half an hour later, Song Ye drove Shangguan Gao Fei to a warehouse in the suburbs.

"the host!"

There are two strong men standing in the warehouse.

"Huh!" Song Zheng nodded, and took Shangguan Gao Fei into the warehouse.

The warehouse is very wide.

There are four chairs in the middle of the warehouse. There are four people tied to the chair, two men and two women. Their eyes are covered by black cloth, and their mouths are wrapped in tape. On their side, they are standing in four wearing black. Man in suit wearing sunglasses.

"Let them go!"

Song Yan said to four strong men.

Soon, the black cloth on the four eyes and the tape on their mouths were removed, and even the ropes on them were untied.

"Well, isn't this **** an economic man of Satsuki?"

Shangguan Gao Fei pointed at a man who was fat and had a thick layer of powder makeup on his face.

When she saw the faces of the other two women, Shangguan Gao Fei was surprised again: "She and her, aren't they the two stars who wronged Xiaoyue?"

"Who are you? I warn you, it's best to let me go right away, otherwise, my aging mother will make you unable to eat and go!"

The top actress shouted arrogantly


Shangguan Gao Fei rushed up and slapped her with a slap, angrily: "You slut, you dare to stigmatize Xiaoyue, today I will teach you how to be a man!"

After swearing and swearing, Shangguan Gao Fei punched and kicked at the other side again.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [fragrance fragrance] [Eagle wild] [love 殇] [my lover Mody] [td98683820] [He Chuang Chuang] [see if you have fun] [Wandering around] [ Day South] These big rewards

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