Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1418: Red envelopes

In just one day, it attracted millions of fans. Such horrible sucking powder is extremely rare even in the entertainment industry, not to mention, Song Yan is not a person in the entertainment industry.

With a movement in his heart, Song Min suddenly came up with an idea, directly transferred 100 million to the bib account, and then stuffed the red envelopes and distributed them into millions of red envelopes.

Wang Xiaoyan is a high school girl who loves chasing stars. She turned out to be a **** fan of Murong Xinyue. Even if Murong Xinyue was scandalous, she did not cancel her attention, and she comforted her by leaving messages on Murong Xinyue's scarf every day.

So, however, when she saw Song Kun's picture, she was captured by that handsome face and invincible temperament, became a fan of Song Kun, and kindly called him Song Yun's brother.

The little fish who left a message before is her account.

After listening to Song Yun's personal piano music, she became more and more obsessed.

Therefore, the first thing after getting up, she was to open the scarf and see if the male **** of my house had updated status. Yes, she had already named Song Yan as the male **** in her heart.

When she opened Song Bi's scarf, she saw a big red envelope.

"Wow, Brother Song Yun has a red envelope!"

She exclaimed, then opened the red envelope, and when she saw the amount of money she could not help being dumbfounded, she actually grabbed 16,800 yuan.

In the past, some stars also issued red envelopes to attract fans, but the amount they paid was very small. Therefore, the fans grabbed dozens of dollars, the few were only a few cents, and the more Can't grab a point.

"Oh my god, my **** is so handsome!"

Wang Xiaoyan quickly took a screenshot of the red envelope, and then edited a text and sent it to his own neckband: grabbing a super big red envelope from my male **** when he was in bed together.

Because she is a **** fan of Murong Xinyue, coupled with Murong Xinyue's persistence during the scandal, and daily messages to comfort, so after Murong Xinyue was clarified, she also sent a scarf to thank them Never give up fans.

In addition, Wang Xiaoyan is also a cute girl with an outstanding appearance. She also uploaded a lot of photos on her neckband. Therefore, her neckband has attracted more than 200,000.

Therefore, as soon as this bib was issued, it caused a lot of sensation, and they clicked on the red envelope link that she attached to Song Bi's bib to grab the red envelope.

Wang Xiaoyan was just one of the many red envelopes, and there was a more exaggerated one, which actually grabbed 88,888 yuan.

In order to thank Song Ye, they have drew pictures and attached red envelope links, so more and more people flocked to Song Ye's scarf, and then paid attention to grab the red envelope.

Therefore, in just five minutes, the total number of red packets reaching 100 million was robbed.

The largest one was 88888 yuan, and the least was 16.8 yuan.

Then, fans who grabbed the red envelopes left messages to thank Song Ye.

And Song Ye ’s followers also increased by more than 2 million in just a few minutes, making his followers reach 13 million.

Already comparable to second-tier star fans.

However, they have reached so many fans over a long period of time. It's like Song Yan, and it doesn't take a day.

At the same time, the total number of red envelopes has also been leaked out, that is a billion!

"Oh my god, I gave out a billion as a red envelope to send to fans!"

"It's too rich. You have to know what Baobao is doing to collect the five blessings, which is only 200 million yuan, and the duration of the event is more than half a month. It's like Song Yan, and a red envelope if you don't agree!

"Hey, I like a local tyrant like Brother Song Yan, and give a red envelope if he doesn't agree!"

"Brother Song Yun, do you need a bed-warming girl? The Lun family wants to help you warm up!"

"Go, the bed-warmer is mine, don't rob!"


Song Yong brought out a hundred million red envelopes and caused a sensation not only on the neckband, but even some portal sites with extremely sensitive smells began to report the matter.

Therefore, when many people turn on their computers or log on to their collars, they find that Song Yi's 100 million red envelopes have made headlines.

Turning off the bib, Song Ye called up the system interface again.

Faith has risen again, reaching more than 9.5 million, almost 1.5 million.

Turning off the system interface, Song Ye gently moved a smooth arm resting on his chest, then got up to get dressed, came to the kitchen, and started making breakfast for more than a dozen wives.

Since he revealed his culinary skills to the level of the **** of cooking, he has become the personal chef of the girls. As long as he is at home, he will cook the food.

Just before breakfast was ready, a group of well-dressed, thin and fat women stepped out of their rooms.

"Husband, they are hungry. Is breakfast ready?"

"Fu Jun, people's stomachs are almost hungry, haven't you finished yet?"

"General, let's help you!"

"Second egg, help me warm a pot of wine!"

"Don't worry, just right, don't come in with Chunhe Qiuxiang, I'll do it alone, sister, what wine do you drink early in the morning!"

As Song Yu responded to the girls, she kept busy.

Five minutes later, more than a dozen different flavors of breakfast were served at the table.

The impatient girls who had waited long ago acted politely.

Looking at the girls with different temperaments, Song Ying didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

Since the system's traversal function is turned on, he has traveled through the Daqin world, the end of biochemistry, the Gaowu world, the fantasy world, the fantasy world, the future world and the world of immortality.

Except that the future world did not bring people back, and the Ning Ling, who was brought back from the fantasy world, disappeared in the future world, several other worlds have brought people back.

Daqin world brought back spring lotus Qiuxiang and jade exquisiteness.

The end of biochemistry brought back Liu Yingying and Guan Keco.

Gao Wu world brought back Murong Keke and Su Niang.

The Xiuxian World brought back more people, including Li Tianluo, Tuoba Xianer, Lingyan, and Lin Waner. As for Qin Xiaoyu, she was just a girl.

In this way, he brought back as many as eleven wives. In addition, there were several wives who remained in the fantasy world.

In the main world, Han Sha has also established a relationship with him. As for Su Meier, although they have already had a relationship, Su Meier has always had an unclear attitude, and Xiang Feifei. The two are currently in love.

If this continues, I am afraid that he will bring more and more women, will it be impossible to learn the ancient emperor's brand in the evening?

Had breakfast.

Song Yan carried Guan Keco and Liu Yingying to the company.

After arriving at the company, Song Zheng came to the office first, then called Zhao Xin to ask about the operation of the newly acquired deli factory, and then called Shangguan Gaopeng to inquire about the pharmaceutical company.

Soon after he handled these things, he suddenly received a call from Shang Guan Gao Fei and told him the good news. Murong Xinyue was willing to sign a contract with his company.

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates are completed, thanks to [Zhao brother's ruthless domineering] [Cool and enchanting rhyme dyeing Qin Xinmeng] [Yoyou My Heart 520000] [Stars and Stars] [Wind Sail] [See if you have fun] Reward

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