Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1437: Song Ye Live

Vatican incident: The queen was killed alone, beheading the pope, and slaughtering angels.

Although this incident has ended, the influence is spreading wildly, which also makes ordinary people all over the world realize that they live in a different world than they think. Since angels and vampires exist, then the legend Are those myths just legends?

The suffering of the Bright religion has made countless believers of the Bright religion angry, but their belief in the Bright God has weakened unconsciously.

Some people have threatened that the dark age is coming, and even angels can't stop the vampire's wrath. Who will fight them?

There are also people who fear that vampires will attack ordinary people? This disturbs countless ordinary people.

Yandu, Song Group, Song Yong's office.

"Master, why don't you let me break into that space and kill those angels?"

Earlier in the Vatican, Shi Shiquan wanted to enter the Light Gate after killing seventeen angels, but the old nest that killed the angel suddenly turned back, but she got the voice of Song Yan.

Song Yan slowly said: "Things are not as simple as you think, you may not be able to please them when you enter them!"

Although he did not step into the light gate himself, when the light gate was opened, he also felt that there was a comparable period of existence in it, and poetry would surely suffer a lot when he entered it.

After instructing Shishi and Yueyue to increase their crackdown on the Guangming religion, Song Kun was going to start the "universal martial arts training" program.

The Pope and the highest priests of the Guangming religion have already fallen asleep, but there are still many remaining forces of the Guangming religion in various parts of the world, so they must be uprooted to prevent their resurgence.

Without the many members of the Light religion, it would be extremely difficult for the Light God to continue to spread his faith.

This day.

The Zhao family sent an invitation to invite the other nine families, as well as the owners of some first-class families, to the Zhao family for a banquet.

Now Zhao's family has surpassed the other nine families that are also the top ten families.

Everyone is guessing what happened to the Zhao family's banquet?

That night.

Song Yan drove to the Zhao family and had a secret talk with the owners. When he left, the faces of all the owners were excited.

The next day.

Vatican remarks are still flooding the Internet.

But a video shot by a cell phone quietly caught fire.

This is a video of a young man in Tsing Yi fighting with a giant bear in his bare hands. In the video, the young man punched the giant bear more than ten meters with a punch and smashed several trees with the thickness of a bowl.

Two punches blasted the bear's head.

When this video appeared, some people thought it should be a fragment of a movie.

Others point out that this is hype.

However, some professionals pointed out that this video was shot by a mobile phone and there was no PS trace during the whole process. This is a real video.

Just then, someone suggested that the person in the video was my warrior from the east?

As soon as this speculation was raised, it was crowded by many people. Since vampires and angels exist in the West, warriors in Eastern legends should also exist!

Appears shortly in this video.

Three videos appeared one after another.

In a video, the protagonist is a woman. When she saw her right foot stepping on the ground, the whole person soared into the sky, fell on a crown more than ten meters high, and then her body shot out. Flying fast on the tip.

"This is light work!"

"Oh my God, is this really a trifle?"

"Good cow fork, the eaves really exist!"

The second video, although not as shocking as the first one, is still surprising. The main character of this video is a thin old man. He easily lifted a car weighing thousands of kilograms over his head, but his face was not changed .

The third video is a video of a warrior's fight. The powerful destructive force is simply not human.

These three videos combined with the emergence of the first video made Yanwang's netizens almost all believe in the existence of warriors.

at this time.

Song Yan's silent collar for several days suddenly made a sound: at noon tomorrow, I will be a live broadcast as a warrior.

"What, Song Yan is a warrior?"

"No, aren't you a medical expert, why did you become a warrior again?"

"Brother Song Yun, you are omnipotent, I believe in you!"

As soon as Song Bi issued this scarf, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

The major media have also come to join the fun.

"Song Yun is a warrior?"

"Is he a master of piano? Or a medical expert? Or a warrior?"

Various titles continue to appear in online media and paper media.

The media was busy, and Murong Xinyue also ran out and issued a scarf: Song Daxia asked to worship.

The time was quietly approaching noon the next day.

The platform Song Song chose to broadcast live on is Maple Leaf TV, the most famous live broadcast platform in China.

To this end, Maple Leaf TV has long opened a large room for 50 million people to be online at the same time, and has a banner on the homepage.

There are ten minutes left at twelve noon.

However, more than 5 million people have been waiting in Song Ye ’s live broadcast room.

"You guys say, what will Song Yan broadcast live? Is there a big rock in his chest!"

"Brother Song Yan never let us down, how could he perform such a low-level thing as a broken stone on the chest!"

"Popularity, I'm sure Song Yan just wants to be hot!"

"Song Yan is definitely not a warrior, otherwise I will broadcast live!"

"Upstairs is SB! Brother Song Yi is not like that!"

Time finally arrived at twelve o'clock, and the dark live broadcast room suddenly lit up.

"Hello everyone, this is Song Ye!"

Song Yong, wearing a loose white practice suit, greeted everyone with a smile.

The number of live broadcast rooms, which originally only exceeded 5 million, skyrocketed with the start of the live broadcast, and exceeded 6 million in just two seconds.

7 million!


9 million!

10 million!


By the time Song Song and his fans finished greeting, the number of people in the live broadcast room had reached more than 20 million.

This shocked the people of Maple Leaf TV. Song Yong ’s appeal was too strong. If he can sign him to Maple Leaf TV to become a resident anchor, then Maple Leaf TV will surely sweep other live broadcast platforms.

"Presumably everyone's understanding of the martial arts is limited to the eaves and the strength of the martial arts. I first introduce the ranks of the martial arts. The martial arts realm is divided into the acquired, the acquired, and the acquired. There are early, middle, late, and peak. Divided into nine small realms, called from congenital one to congenital nine!

After briefly introducing the realm of the warrior, Song Kun asked the camera to follow him to a crystal clear swimming pool!

Song Zheng replied: "In the legend, there is a reed crossing the river. Today, I will go down the water for everyone to perform!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Ye stepped into the pool with his feet.

But strangely, instead of sinking into the water, his body stood on the water out of thin air.

"I depend! What have I seen?"

"Oh my God, can I really stay on the water?"

"Are you sure you are not using props?"

"Idiot, this is a live broadcast, where is the prop!"

When Song Ye stepped into the swimming pool and stood on the surface of the water without sinking, the live broadcast room turned upside down. At the same time, a large wave of users flooded in and many people began to give crazy rewards.

[Author off topic]: One more

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