Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1447: Revenge little bitch

Later, after some thought, he still decided to hand over the bloodline ancestors to Yueyue, which is not because he prefers Yueyue, but Yueyue has swallowed up the vampire bloodline, and the blood in his body is stronger than the poem.

The bloodlines of the blood ancestors are quite advanced. The stronger the bloodlines, the shorter the absorption time, and the better the effect. If the bloodlines of the ancestors are handed over to Hilde for absorption, there will be only one in the end, and the body will die!

"take it!"

Song Yue threw the ancestor's blood directly to Yueyue. Suddenly, her face was overjoyed, and the poems on the side were extremely envious. Although she didn't know what the blood was, she instinctively told her if she could devour it. With this blood, her strength will greatly increase.

"Master, take it for Shishi!"

Yueyue suddenly spoke.

"No, since it was given to you by the host, you can take it with peace of mind!" Shishi said lightly, with a slight pantothenic tone.

Seeing this, Song Xie smiled, explained the reason, and reiterated: "The power contained in this ancestor's bloodline is too strong, and there may be accidents when poems and poems are devoured, but until Yueyue completely digests the ancestor's bloodline Later, when she can give away a few drops of essence blood to Shi Shi, she can also greatly improve her bloodline! "

Listening to Song Yan's words, the little mustard in Shishi's heart also disappeared.

Under the attention of Song Yan and Shi Shi, Yueyue took the blood.

Although the ancestor of the blood race is not as good as Pangu, it is one of the three thousand deities no matter how it is said. Therefore, Yueyue burst into momentum and started to rise after less than ten breaths after swallowing that drop of blood.

Mid Emperor!

Late emperor!

He broke through two realms one after another, but his breath only stayed in this realm for two breaths, and broke into a new realm-the blood emperor realm!

Stepping into this realm means that Yueyue's strength is already comparable to that of a master.

But her promotion has not stopped, and she continues to climb!

Early blood emperor!

Middle Blood Emperor!

Late Blood Emperor!

Peak of the Blood Emperor!


Breakthrough again, Yueyue once again broke into a completely new realm, the strength is comparable to crossing the calamity repairers.

As for what this realm should be called, Song Yong didn't know.

Finally, after Yueyue broke through to the apex of this new realm, she stopped promotion.

Realm Ascension is just the energy attached to bloodlines.

The benefit of pedigree is definitely not just the improvement of the realm, but the change of bloodlines.

Bloodlines determine the future.

It's like an ordinary rabbit. When it is an adult, it will be difficult for it to continue growing even if you feed it more.

This is also like human physical fitness. When it reaches its peak, it will decline for a certain period of time.

Better than the qualifications of a practitioner.

Qualification determines achievements, qualifications can turn into immortals, and bad qualifications, even Jindan is difficult to condense.

Of course, there are various things that change qualifications, which can improve the qualifications of the practitioners.

But this so-called improvement is also limited.

It's like Han Ling Dan made by Song Yong. After taking a certain amount, even if you take it again, it has no effect.

Therefore, now that Yueyue has reached the comparable strength in the later stages of the robbery, there is a layer of blood that covers her body, turning it into a blood cocoon that silently changes her bloodline.

It takes a long time.

How long Song Song ca n’t be sure, so he adjusted the time around Yueyue ’s body to a ratio of a thousand times, and left the poem here to look after her, and Song Yan grabbed the skinny that was sucked so much Ten Winged Angels came to the other side.

"You kill me, the Lord will not forgive you!" The ten-winged angel stared at Song Yan with a venomous look, weakly.

Song Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly pointed at his brows, punching a magical power into it.

He soon received a message that the ten-winged angel was completely enslaved to him.

"Tell me everything about heaven!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

The place where the God of Light lives is called heaven, and there is only one word difference from heaven, but to put it plainly, it is just a small world attached to the main world.

"Yes, master!"

The Ten-winged Angel nodded without hesitation and began to marry what he knew.

He does not know what kind of strength the Bright God possesses, but His Majesty the Bright God has twelve sixteen winged angels.

The twelve-winged angels are comparable and the fourteen-winged angels are comparable to the calamity. Then, the sixteen-winged angels are comparable to the Mahayana. As for the **** of light, it should be a comparable immortal.

Moreover, the twelve sixteen-winged angels are different from ordinary angels. They all have sex. There are nine men and three women. The male sixteen-winged angels are: Saraf, Cherub, Metatron, Allier, Sadokil, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Rajel.

The remaining three female sixteen-winged angels are: Sally, Carmel, and Elmetti.

In addition, there are about fifty angels.

There are about two hundred angels of twelve wings.

There are about five hundred angel wings.

Below ten angels, there are about five thousand.

Although the strength of heaven is not as good as that of heaven, it can be regarded as very strong.

Originally, Song Ye wanted to break into heaven to kill some people. Now it seems that if he does go, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it, so he can only extinguish the idea temporarily.

The leader of Japan will one day let the God of Light know that he will offend him.

With a dazzling figure, Song Yi went out of the temple and returned to Yandu's villa.

But in his heart, he pondered the matter that "there must be no emperor on earth." If the Jade Emperor must adhere to this heavenly rule, how should he face the group of people in heaven?

When Song Shiyue was attacked, Song Ye felt the need to improve the strength of his women.

Li Tianluo and Tuoba Xianer's strengths are okay.

But other people's practices are a little worse.

Thinking of this, he called all the women together and explained the situation to them.

In this regard, everyone has no opinion and has expressed their willingness to obey Song Yan's arrangements.

So Song Ye took them into the temple together.

First they used Han Ling Dan to upgrade their qualifications, then Xian Yuanli washed them for themselves, and finally, they taught each of them a fairy tale method consistent with their own attributes.

Then, they gave them a large number of Need Lingjing.

After settling down the practice of each wife, Song Yong decided to set off for Jiangzhou. The time has passed so long, presumably Han Sha's heart has also dissipated a lot.

Said to be a departure, in fact, Song Ye only needed a thought to come to Jiangzhou and appeared directly near the neighborhood where Han Sha's house was located.

I just saw Han Kang returning with Han Sha.

Han Kang whispered: "Sister, I have long seen that the guy with the last name Song is not a good thing. You see, you have been back for so long, let alone come to you, even if I didn't call you!

After hearing that, Hansha flashed a faint expression on her face, and then said lightly: "I don't need to worry about your business, you should take good care of yourself!"

On the other hand, Song Kun was a little speechless. Han Kang, the kid, could not eat or beat. He was taught by him last time, and now he dares to provoke alienation.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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