Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1521: Zerg invasion

"Captain, what's wrong with you? This Chu Fan is also surnamed Chu, you won't know?" A soldier asked with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Chu Lei quickly returned to God and smiled, "In fact, this Chu Fan is my cousin!"


Hearing all the soldiers laughed.

"The captain didn't expect you to learn to be kidding."

"Yes, Captain. Otherwise, you can introduce us to your cousin, so that we can get rid of it!" Another soldier joked.

"Okay! I will introduce my cousin to you as soon as I have a chance!" Chu Lei nodded, and shoved the Dragon Book back into the soldier's arms: "I was sleepy all night, Go to rest first! "

Lying on the bed and closing her eyes, even though she was tired, Chu Lei could not fall asleep for a long time. Although he felt ridiculous, he was sure that it was his unbelievable cousin Chu Fan who ranked 100 on the list .

He remembered that when he left Fenghua Town to join the army, Chu Fan was still a little boy with a triple body, and learned from his family letter that his father had grown up, Chu Fan became a puppet who only knew about eating, drinking, and fun. The repair also reached only the seventh body of the quenched body.

How come that in just a few months, the other party has reached the early stage of the amulet?

Just then, he suddenly realized that it seemed that his father had n’t sent home letters in the past two months. You should know that in the past, my father would write a home letter every month.

What happened to the Chu family?

Thinking of this, he had the urge to return to Fenghua Town immediately to take a look.

Because the border town may be attacked by the Zerg at any time, the soldiers in the border town cannot leave casually. Unlike the soldiers in other cities, there is a half-month family visit every year.

He has served in the border town for more than two years, and as long as he is three years old, he can apply for transfer to another place.

Thinking about it, his consciousness became more and more confused.

Vaguely, he heard a rapid drum sound.

At the same time, a slightly panic sound sounded in the ear: "Captain, it's not good, the Zerg is coming!"

After half an hour.

Chu Lei stood on the city wall with red eyes and looked at the zerg army which was hard to see at the end. His scalp was numb. This time, the scale of the zerg army's invasion was larger than any previous one.

For a moment, a thought came to his mind: "Can you hold it?"

The border city has only 5,000 soldiers. Ordinary soldiers have the ability to cultivate in the divine power.

On the Zerg side, most Zerg soldiers have only three or four strengths, but they are too many, at least 50 million or more.

From 50 million to 5,000, the difference in quantity has reached 10,000 times.

As the so-called ants kill more elephants, even if the 50 million Zerg army stood there and let the 5,000 soldiers kill, it would not be able to kill them even if they were killed, let alone, the Zerg army would not stand and let them kill.

So not only Chu Lei, most fighters came up with this idea.


At this moment, a deafening sound came, and the soldiers on the city wall looked subconsciously towards the sky, and saw a huge moving black cloud approaching the border town at a very fast speed.

"It's a flying beetle!"

Exclaimed the soldier.

The average flying beetle is only the size of a fist, and its strength is not strong, so it looks like a triple body. However, they contain a highly corrosive liquid in the body, and the liquid in the body will explode once it dies.

Even the city walls can't stop the liquid erosion, so the best way to deal with flying beetles is to shoot them with bows and arrows and keep them away from the city.

But this time the number of flying beetles is also very huge, and the scale of the black cloud is no less than five million.

"Arrows are ready, the arrow will burst!"

The monsoon standing on the ramparts gave orders solemnly.

At this moment, even as a Yang Shenwu, he has no confidence to defend the border city.

Cloud Burst Arrow is a special type of arrow made by a refiner. One arrow is worth three or two silvers. Once it hits the target, it will explode. It is the best weapon against flying zerg, often one. Cloud burst arrows can shoot and kill hundreds of zerg.

However, the stock of Cloud Burst Arrows is very limited, less than 10,000.

Even so, the monsoon ordered the use of cloud burst arrows, because once the flying beetle approached the wall, it would cause great damage.


When "Heiyun" was only 500 meters away from the city wall, the monsoon finally issued an order to release arrows.


Because the target of Heiyun is too big, all the cloud burst arrows fired by a thousand archers hit the target.

"Boom boom!"

The explosion sounded continuously, and then saw the pieces of flying beetles falling in the dark clouds, and at the same time, a lot of corrosive liquid poured out.

A round of cloud burst arrows killed at least 200,000 flying beetles.

"Keep it on!"

The monsoon was deep.


Another round of cloud burst arrows fired, and suddenly 200,000 flying beetle corpses dropped.

In a blink of an eye, ten rounds of cloud blast arrows were fired, and the flying beetles killed had reached 2 million, but the remaining 3 million flying beetles were less than 100 meters from the city wall.

"General, Cloud Burst has run out!" A commander reported to Monsoon.

The monsoon couldn't help sinking, and there were 3 million flying beetles. The cloud burst arrows ran out. Once these 3 million flying beetles approached the city walls, even if they were completely killed, they would cause great damage.

The monsoon ordered: "Biography will make all the Rune Fighters attack!"

After receiving the monsoon order, thirty-four rune warriors flew away from the city wall, and then launched an attack on the flying beetle.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Thirty-four runes of martial arts joined forces to attack, with great momentum.

The attacks of thirty or forty people were united, and a black cloud was swallowed up instantly, and then exploded.

This round of attacks killed at least 300,000 flying beetles.

"carry on!"

Thirty-four rune martial artists also understood the danger of flying beetles approaching the city walls, so they dared not stay in the slightest, and continued to attack from the air.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Along with a series of blasts, when the dark clouds approached the city wall ten meters, they were finally completely eliminated.

Seeing this, the soldiers on the city wall were slightly relieved.

But at this moment, a sharp-eyed warrior pointed to the distance: "Look at it, it seems that another flying beetle is coming!"

The generals looked and found that ten black clouds were flying across the sky, and the size of each black cloud was not smaller than that of the flying beetle black cloud that had just been eliminated.

For a time, the faces of the thirty-four Gathering Runes became extremely ugly.

Air-to-air attacks are very exhausting.

Even if the ten groups of black clouds that they attack in the future are eliminated, I am afraid they will have to escape.

But in the face of this situation, they had no choice but to wait for the monsoon to issue orders, they divided into ten squadrons and flew to the ten regiments of black clouds.

Seeing this scene, the monsoon faintly felt something inappropriate, but did not prevent the 34 rune martial arts from flying to the flying beetle.

After a long while.

Thirty-four rune martial arts met ten groups of flying beetles at a distance of kilometers from the city wall.

With no extra words, they launched the attack directly.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The light wave burst and a large number of flying beetles were killed.

Just then, the monsoon seemed to sense something, his face changed drastically, and he yelled, "Everyone return it!"

At the same time, he also turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the thirty-four gatherers.

But as soon as he left the city wall, three clans of light and sky rose to the sky and cut off his way, but they were three weird worms.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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