Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1524: Theme dispute

Chapter 1542

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see Xia girl here."

Song Yan also responded with a smile on her face. Xia Qiang can appear here, not an ordinary auctioneer, and her surname Xia should be a high-level daughter of Daxia Commercial Bank.

The estate is large, with a large number of guards and beautiful servants.

Song Xuan chose a small courtyard with an elegant environment to live in, and Xia Qian proposed that he should be cleaned by the wind. Song Xuan did not refuse.

The dust-washing banquet is arranged in the premier summer house in Longya City, which is also the industry of building houses.

After entering the box on the highest floor of Xia Lou, Song Kun found that there were already people inside, five men and three women, all of which were of extraordinary temperament.

Xia Qian pointed at one of the young boys in white with an arrogance and said in pride: "Song son Song, a little girl is recommended for you. This is Zhang Bicheng Zhang Gongzi, and his elder brother Zhang Chucheng ranks first on the list. Ninety. "

"Hello Zhang Gong." Song Yan greeted with a smile.

"Huh!" Zhang Bicheng nodded proudly, but didn't have any extra expression.

Seeing this, Xia Qian's eyes were a little cold, and his heart was a little displeased, but he still put up and pointed at another Tsing Yi boy and introduced: "This is the Tsing Yi swordsman Wang Bo, Wang Dongzi's sword skill is extremely high."

"Hello Prince." Song Yan also greeted with a smile.

"Song Gongzi is polite." Wang Bo stood up from the chair and returned with a gentle smile.

Later, Xia Qian introduced Song Ye to the other three men and three women. In general, they were all outstanding young people. Except Zhang Bicheng, everyone else was more polite.

Among them, Yan Ru of the three women is not a warrior, but an immortal.

In this world, martial arts, immortal, and Shinto coexist.

Among them, the realm of Xiuxian Realm is divided into four realms of refining refined gas, refining gas, refining god, refining refining, and refining reconciliation.

This Yan Ru has reached the middle of the refining and gasification god, and his strength is comparable to that of the Fu Runwu.

In addition, another female Ji Mingyue is a Shinto practitioner.

Shinto is a special cultivation system. They spread beliefs among the people, collect them, and then the **** they serve will give them strength.

The division of the Shinto realm is relatively vague, because the gods they worship are strong and weak, and the strengths given are naturally different. They are roughly divided into apprentice priests, priests, high priests, earth priests, heaven priests, holy priests, **** priests, holy priests , Minister, and God.

According to Xia Qian's introduction, the **** worshipped by Ji Mingyue's deity is Zhu Rong god, and Zhu Rong **** is a relatively powerful deity among the gods.

Therefore, as a priest, Ji Mingyue's strength is very close to the sun god.

The third woman, named Chen Xiang, is a martial artist, who has a cultivation practice in the late period of Juju. According to Xia Qian's introduction, she is the second daughter of the Chen family of the martial arts family. She is very powerful and once defeated Yang Shen.

And she is only 22 years old this year, and in the future, she is qualified to be on the rising list.

After introducing each other, Xia Qian said: "Let's all sit together!"

The crowd rose to the dinner table.

"Song Chu, please ..."

It's just that Xia Qian's words haven't been finished yet, Zhang Bicheng sat down on the seat with his butt.

Although the same seat is the same seat, but it represents nobility, even if it is only a hundredth, Song Yan is not in the audience, so he is the most qualified to be seated, and he is still The protagonist of this dust-washing feast should be the protagonist.

But now Zhang Bicheng sits on the bottom, not only hitting the host Xia Qian, but also a provocation against Song Zheng.

His impolite behavior Song Yong just didn't care about Xia Qian for a while, but now, if he continues to be patient, I am afraid that when the banquet ends, he will become a joke and be looked down upon.

However, he didn't have an attack immediately, just glanced at Xia Qian slightly.

At the moment, Xia Qian was very angry. Da Xia Commercial Bank was interested in making friends with Chu Fan. So, while taking this dust feast, she deliberately invited several young Junjie to come. One is to show the sincerity of Da Xia Commercial Bank. It is to help Song Kun to expand his contacts. After all, from the perspective of Daxia Commercial Bank, his rise and the end of Song Qu must be lacking in terms of contacts.

Originally, he did not invite Zhang Bicheng, but Zhang Chuang, the second grandfather of the Zhang family who had a cooperative relationship with Daxia Commercial Bank, sent a letter to ask him to bring Zhang Bicheng.

For Zhang Bicheng, Xia Qian has not always been very fancy, although Xiu Wei is also good. He has the Xiu Xi's later Xiu Wei, but he is not very human, which is far worse than Zhang Chucheng.

Moreover, this man has a problem, that is, he feels good about himself. Many people look at the Zhang family and his elder brother Zhang Chucheng to spoil him, and it is not easy to offend him. Therefore, he has developed a habit of looking at everything.

In his opinion, although Song Xuan killed several Sun gods, he relied only on the formation method, and his true abilities may not be comparable to him. Therefore, he was disdainful of Song Xuan in his heart.

Xia Qian resisted the anger in her heart and said, "Zhang Gongzi, today's dust-washing banquet is for Chu Gongzi. It should be Chu Gongzi's theme."

"is it?"

Zhang Bicheng shrugged his lips in disapproval: "This is the case, I'm sorry, but I don't know, but since I sit down, my son doesn't want to move, Chu Fan, why don't you just find a place to sit down?"

For a while, everyone's eyes fell on Song Yan to see how he responded.

Xia Qian was so irritated that if he knew this, he shouldn't let Zhang Bicheng be a messer. If Chu Fan was misunderstood, he thought Daxia Commercial Bank would embarrass him deliberately. But such a young warrior with outstanding potential is naturally the best.

Song Yan glanced at Zhang Bicheng lightly and said calmly: "Are you giving way by yourself, or will you let me drive you away?"

"What did you say?" Zhang Bicheng was very surprised, and did not expect Song Yan to dare to say such words to him.

"You heard me right, or did I leave you? If you leave alone, I'm afraid you won't look good on my face?" Song Yan emphasized again.

"Presumptuous!" Zhang Bicheng started the case, staring at Song Ye bitterly: "What qualifications do you have for a guy who is lucky enough to be on the rising list?"

"So you don't want to leave me by yourself?" Song Yan asked again, a little cold in his tone.

A few people on the side were a little bit more looking forward. They had heard of Song Yong ’s name, but had not seen him do it in person. Although Zhang Bicheng felt better about himself, it was undeniable that his strength was not weaker than the presence. People.

"What is it?" Zhang Bicheng said coldly.

"it is good!"

Song Ye drank a little, and the detective grabbed Zhang Bicheng. This grasping seemed sparse, but during his exploration, Zhang Bicheng felt that the air around him became extremely thick, making him trapped in the swamp. feel.


There was a cold hum in his mouth, and the runes in his body vibrated. He instantly broke away from the viscous air around him, then raised his hand and pointed out, stabbing Song Yong's palm like lightning.

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