Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1526: Thanks to Xia Qian

The medicinal materials needed for refining Xiu Dan Dan are not expensive, and the amount of silver converted into silver will not exceed one hundred and two.

The exchange of one hundred thousand two thousand gold into silver is ten million two, so selling one hundred thousand two gold, the profit exceeds 100,000 times.

"How are you going to sell?"

Song Yan asked.

Xia Qian took it for granted: "Naturally, I opened an elixir shop and sold it in it. Of course, it can also be sold in the auction house of Daxia Commercial Bank!"

Wen Yan said that Song Yan shook his head secretly. Xia Qian's thinking was too backward. Even the solution proposed by the most common salesperson in the world was better than her method.

"Isn't it possible?" Xia Qian asked tightly, looking at Song Yan.

"Girl Xia, do you think there are many people who can take out 100,000 gold?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"It shouldn't be much."

"Good!" Song Zheng nodded: "One hundred and twenty thousand gold is sky-high for ordinary warriors."

"Do we want to sell at a reduced price?" Xia Qian said subconsciously.

"Don't hurry, listen to me first." Song Zheng raised his hand. Suddenly, Xia Qian's face turned red, slightly awkward.

Song Kun continued: "The ones who can get 100,000 gold are usually big family or big disciple disciple disciples. Do you think that warriors of this identity would like to go shopping? So, shopping is generally ordinary warriors Ordinary martial arts can't afford 100,000 gold, so there is no need to open a store. "

After listening to Song Ye's analysis, Xia Qianshen nodded in affirmation, and thought Song Ye was right.

"What about the auction?"

"That would be even worse." Song Yi said: "The auction cannot be held every day. This is not conducive to our sales. Secondly, the auction cannot always be held every day, which also limits our sales!"

"Then how do we sell?" Xia Qian heard God and asked for advice.

Song Yan smiled: "Dragon Tooth City is the capital of the kingdom. The strongest naturally belongs to the royal family. You may wish to send some Xidan Dan to the royal children."

When hearing this, Xia Qian could not help but brighten his eyes and couldn't help saying: "Brother Chu, this method is really wonderful."

Last night, she had experienced the mystery of Xi Sui Dan. Once the royal family's children took it, the reputation of Xi Sui Dan would surely follow. The martial arts family and the Buddhism sect who have a good relationship with the royal family will definitely come to ask for medicine.

Putting up a shop to sell medicine and asking for medicine at the door are completely two concepts. In this way, not only is the gold earned, but the other person owes her kindness, which is not exactly what she needs.

For a moment, she could not help looking at Song Yan's eyes.

Next, the two discussed some details, and finally mentioned the distribution of benefits, because the medicine was provided by Song Yi, and Xia Qian was only responsible for selling. Therefore, the distribution plan she proposed was one to nine.

She was one, Song Yanjiu.

"Four or six minutes!" Song Yan thought for a while.

Hearing that Xia Qian could not help but be moved for a while, but insisted that he be divided into nineteen.

Song Ye had no choice but to agree.

Wei Guo is one of the seven major nations in Xuanyang, and the capital is one of the ten largest cities. There are also nine major cities, thirty-six medium-sized cities, and hundreds of small cities.

The emperor of the kingdom was called Ning Feng. There were more than forty princes and more than twenty princesses under his knees.

There are twenty-four adult princes and thirteen adult princesses.

Xia Qian is an acute child.

After Song Yi gave her a hundred pill washing pills, she personally went to visit ten minor princes and gave them each one pill washing pills.

The thirty-seven prince Ning Que was only eleven years old and was greatly favored by the emperor Ning Feng. He began to practice martial arts at the age of five. Under the guidance of a famous teacher, plus the lack of training resources, he has reached the middle of Shenhai. At the peak, he taught his Yang Shen Wu Shi to predict that for a maximum of three years, the thirty-seven prince could break Shenhai and achieve Yuandan.

"Mengshi, Xia Qiang from Daxia Commercial Bank sent me an elixir, saying that after taking it, he can cut his hair and wash his spines. Please see if there is any problem with this elixir!"

Ning Que handed a box made of Danmu to Meng Yuandao.

Meng Yuan is his martial arts teacher, and at the same time he also serves as a royal enshrinement.

"Xia Qiang is the daughter of Xia Shanhe of Da Xia Commercial Bank. Although she should not take it seriously, she will not use a fake elixir to coax her lack of children." During the conversation, Meng Yuan opened the box and took the Xiu Dan Dan out. The **** thought wrapped it up, and then nodded: "The alchemist who makes this elixir is of a high standard. It can be called the best elixir. Judging from its medicinal properties, it does have the effect of cutting hair and washing the pulp and can be taken safely. "

"That's not necessary." Ning Que waved his hand: "Xiao Wang does not lack elixir when he is young, and he practiced the emperor's skills. This elixir should not be of much use to Xiao Wang, so he should give it to the teacher. I heard that the teacher has newly accepted a disciple, so it ’s my brother-in-law ’s meeting gift! ”

"That's why I thanked your younger brother for being a teacher." Meng Yuan didn't pay much attention, and accepted the Xidandan with a smile.

Thirty-nine prince Ning Shanai was born in the palace, with a humble status, and had a very unhappy life in the palace.

Even in cultivation, the resources for cultivation are far less than those of other princes. Only two months younger than the thirty-seven prince Ning, he can reach the sixth level of divine power.

At this moment, Ningsha was sitting on the bed with a wooden box made of sagewood in front of him, and inside the box was an aromatic elixir.

"Although I do n’t like the emperor in the palace, but I have the status of a prince after all. I do n’t expect people from Daxia Commercial Bank to dare to harm me. In this case, I will not give it a try. He was appreciated by his father in the hunt! "

Thinking of this, Ningsha picked up the elixir and put it in her mouth.

The elixir melted at the entrance, and immediately turned into a heat flow, flowing through his body, warm and comfortable.

This process lasted more than half an hour.

Subconsciously, Ningsha felt uncomfortable on her body. She stretched out her hand, and a layer of black crickets on her hand suddenly emitted a foul smell.

"The elixir of this pill is also very effective, so much impurities have been discharged!"

Ningsha was so overjoyed that he immediately called a little **** to give him two buckets of water.

After some cleaning, I changed into a suit. Ningsha observed the body and found that every inch of the body emits a layer of fluorescence, especially the meridian has expanded by at least one-third, and the meridian wall is also thicker and tougher. Also greatly increased.

In the end, Dan Tian, ​​actually doubled.

"It's a magic drug!"

Thinking of this, he quickly held his breath, sat cross-legged, and held a sublime Lingjing in his hand. Even if he could no longer be petted, he could get a sublime Lingjing every month for cultivation.


Ningsha suddenly opened her eyes and shouted.

Ning Feng, who was heading back to the palace, could not help but hesitated for a moment, and then said to the **** around him, "Go and see who the prince broke through!"


The **** returned quickly and informed Ning Feng that the breakthrough was the thirty-nine prince Ningsha's breakthrough to Shenhai.

Ning Feng stunned again, unexpectedly it was him, and then said: "Send someone to send orders, let him come to Yuqing Palace to see you."

A quarter of an hour later, Yuqing Palace.

Ningsha bowed down to worship Ning Feng: "Children see Father Emperor."

Ning Feng did not speak, but looked at Ningsha with great interest, and then nodded with satisfaction after a while: "It seems that you are not eager to advance, and the foundation is very stable!"

Ningsha secretly rejoiced and said subconsciously: "Thank you for the praise of your father, in fact, the child can break through to Shenhai, thanks to a pill that was sent by Daxia Commercial Bank Xia Qian!

[Author off topic]: Two more

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