Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1534: Yuanhuang


The major forces felt quite frightened and surprised when they heard Song Yan's words, but Xia Huanlong heard the words with great joy, and quickly said: "You see, this little thief is too arrogant and arrogant. If you retreat here, hereafter The thief came to the door one by one to carry out various blows to everyone, can you stop it? Don't join hands to get rid of him today, and never suffer from it! "

Listening to Xia Huanlong's words, everyone's heart did show the worry of being broken.

The next moment, Emperor Wu Fei Yan Feixue stared at Song Zheng and asked, "Chu Fan, do you really want to tear your face with all of us?"

After hearing the words, Song Ye showed a disdainful smile: "I gave you a chance just now, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it. If you missed it, you must wash it with blood!"

Hearing Song Ye's words, the crowd was angry, Zhang Jueshi said coldly: "Junk! You really ca n’t do anything about us like family gates!"

"Chu Fan, why are you doing this? How about taking a step back?" Zhuge Riyue, the head of the Zhuge family, sighed.

Song Yan looked at the other side and said slowly: "I have some friendship with Zhuge Jiancheng. If you are willing to make him the young master of the Zhuge family, this time, I can not investigate the Zhuge family!"

Zhuge Jiancheng is the son of his second brother Zhuge Nanfeng, and is simply not qualified to inherit the title of homeowner.

Therefore, when hearing Song ’s request, Zhuge Riyue's face suddenly gloomed: "Chu Fan, how can my Zhuge family allow you to be an outsider to intervene, and besides, we have more than a dozen of them together, and you have no choice we!"

"is it?"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "Well, it's boring to say too much, just see the real chapter under your hand!"



"court death!"

"Do it!"

During the yelling and cursing, forty-six Yangshen masters shot together, and the horror was extremely extreme, as if the end of the world was coming.

In the face of this wave of attack frenzy, instead of retreating, Song Kun just greeted him. From the outsider's point of view, Song Kun is now like a small stone in the torrent, which may be swallowed at any time. .

But just then.

Song Yong added a cyan dagger.

The barley sword is comparable to the existence of Xianbao.

The next moment, an inexplicable sword swelled out, and the green sword in Song Yong's hands also bloomed with multicolored light. At this moment, Song Yong had no reservations and fully demonstrated his strength.


Song Yong waved the Qingjian sword and split a sword against the attack frenzy.

A beam of colorful sword light with a length of hundreds of feet spurted out from the Qingzong Jianzong and crashed on the attack frenzy.


With a series of collisions and explosions, Baizhang Jianqi was bleak a lot, but he split the torrent of forty-six sun gods into two halves!


"How can it be?"

"Oh, he ... actually!"

Seeing this scene, not only forty-six Yangshens were stunned, but most of the warriors who watched the battle were stunned!

"Boom! Boom!"

The torrent of attack that was split in half hit the buildings behind it, just like a typhoon plowing, and the rest was just ruined.

After a long while.

Long Wuzong's Xuanyuan Desolate asked in an unbelievable tone: "You, what kind of existence are you?"

"you guess?"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan came out of the air, and the green sword in his hand bloomed again.

No fairy! !! !!

This time there is no huge sword strength of up to one hundred feet, but it feels more and more dangerous to a group of Yang Shenwu. It is true that the one hundred sword strength that Song Kun cut out just relies on a brute force, but now he is Cast "Breakthrough Sword"!


The sword surged, hitting the minds and souls of a **** and warrior in Ganyang again and again.

Those who are mentally weak open their mouths and vomit blood directly.

At the same time, sword-length swords and spirits appeared around them.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Blood splattered. In one move, all 46 Yangshen warriors were cut by sword gas. In severe cases, the body was scarred and dying. There was only one wound in the light, but no matter how much force they urged, they could not repair the sword gas Reduce injuries.

One sword hurts forty-six Yangshen warriors, so scary!

At this moment, forty-six Yangshenwu warriors' eyes turned towards Song Yan.

At this moment, Xia Qian's eyes changed towards Song Yan, with worship, excitement, and admiration. Her fists were pinched and pinched, but she didn't realize it, her eyes just stared at the sky in the sky. Dao was thin but could not live for a while, and he was reluctant to move away.

The look of the warrior looking at Song Yan also changed ...

Among the crowd, Zhang Bicheng also squeezed his fists, his nails had fallen into the flesh, his palm was pierced, and blood continued to fall along his fist. Then, a desperate emotion rose from the bottom of his heart. He knew that he would never be in his life. It's impossible to surpass that guy!

Song Kun frowned and was a little bit dissatisfied. He used the power of martial arts to urge the breaking of the sky and the sword strategy always had a little meaning. If he changed to Xianyuanli, I'm afraid that no one could be alive.

"Come again!"

At the moment when Song Yang raised his sword, forty-six Yangshenwu were shivering.

The next moment, Song Yan disappeared into place!

Then, a scream screamed, but hit them like a sledgehammer.

Xia Huanlong died, and not only the physical death, not even the Yangshen escaped, he was crushed by a powerful sword.

Fear, boundless fear!

Because they didn't see how Song Yan came out of the sword at all. They thought about it in other places. If the sword attacked them just now, their end would be the same as Xia Huanlong.

Sting! !! !!

Song Kun disappeared again.

Immediately after that, there was another scream, which meant that another Yang Shenwu was dead.

"Chu Fan, are you really going to kill everything!"

Yan Feixue growled and shouted.

"Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze is blowing again. Since you are involved in this storm, you must be prepared for the fall!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan disappeared again.

The next moment, Yan Feixue was dead!


Wu Yangzong's several masters of Yangshen shouted back!



The remaining Yangshen Wushu never had the courage to stay here, and turned into an afterglow to shoot around, but at this moment, a large array rose suddenly, covering a few kilometers.

"Bang, bang!"

All the fledgling Sun God warriors were bounced back by the formation.

Song Yan held a sword in the forest, and looked at them with an eye, just like the gods above the nine heavens, ravaging all beings.


Song Yan drank softly, and with a sword coming west, another sun **** warrior fell.

"Chu Xiaoyou, that's enough!"

Just as Song Kun raised his sword and was ready to continue the killing, an old man rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air, and stared at Song Kun: "Chu Gongzi, give the old man a face, how about not killing again?"

"Yuan Yuan! We are saved!"

Xuanyuan shouted excitedly when he saw the old man.

The emperor Yuan Ningyuan is the eleventh generation emperor of the Patriotic Empire, which is also the grandfather of the emperor of the Patriotic Empire.

When Ning Yuan was in office, he broke the Yang God and became a transcendence of the Yang God.

Later he passed down the throne and lived in seclusion in the palace. Now it has not appeared for 80 years. However, he did not expect it to appear today.

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks for the reward

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