Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1560: Fight desperately

"How is it, not how?"

Facing the other party's question, Song Yan pulled his face and responded coldly.

The other person couldn't help but said, "Do you know how much time and effort our six brothers spent in order to catch this fierce beast alive, now, but because of you, let all our efforts go to waste!"

In the end, the other person's expression had become extremely gritted and loosing.

"Oh, that's a pity!"

Song Yan's mouth slightly picked, a little more smile.

His smile fell into the eyes of the two but felt extremely dazzling, and even thought that he was gloating. For a moment, the anger in his heart suddenly increased, and he did not conceal the killing in his eyes.

One of them said: "Brother Martyr, send a message to Brother Yu and Brother Ye. When they come, discuss how to deal with this boy who has ruined our efforts."

The other person nodded, took out two pieces of messenger jade charms, crushed them, and turned them into two blue lights that flew in two directions.

In this regard, Song Zheng did not stop, his expression seemed very calm.

Time passed slowly.

After about a quarter of an hour, two white shadows blasted onto the deck, and then fell on the deck, turning into two young men. When they saw the decomposed beasts on the deck, The look suddenly became gloomy.

"My son, I haven't eaten the meat of such a high-level fierce beast, but I'm going to have a good meal tonight, alas, who are they?"

A voice sounded, and then a wretched young man came to the deck from the cabin, which was Weisuo after taking a bath.

"I still want to eat fierce beast meat!" The four of them heard the words, and their faces flashed with anger. "Want to eat fierce beast meat, hum, wait for you to eat enough!"

"Son, where do these people come from?"

Wei Suo curiously looked at the four eyes and whispered Song Kun.

"Come for trouble." Song Yan said lightly.

"Why, we don't know them yet." Weisuo became stranger.

"This fierce beast is their target, and we are slaughtered now!" Song Yan explained.

"So it is!"

Wei Suo suddenly woke up, and looked at the four people a little badly.

Half an hour later.

Ning Qiangwei and Gao Hongying also washed up and came to the deck. They were also confused by the uninvited four. Under Weisuo's active explanation, they understood the reason.

"My son, what shall we do? Should we return the beast to them?" Ning Qiangwei asked.

"Even if they give them back, they won't give up!" Song Yan shook his head.

"They are too overbearing!" Gao Hongying snorted.


Two lights and shadows radiated from the left front, landed on the deck, and turned into two white youths.

After seeing the features of one of them, Ning Qiangwei's face suddenly changed, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "It's him!"

Wei Suo and Gao Hongying also changed their coloring, and their eyes showed the light of hatred: "It turns out that they are the people of the Tianhai Jianzong, no wonder they are so unreasonable!"

"Rose knows them?" Song Yan faintly guessed.

Ning Qiangwei pointed to one of the two who finally arrived: "He killed my husband!"

Speaking of which, her cheeks were already covered with frost, and her eyes burst into two thick angers.

"It was you?" The young man pointed at by Ning Qiangwei smiled: "Yes, what are you from the sea team?" When he said that, his face suddenly became cold: "I was soft-hearted at first You didn't expect your life, but this time you broke our good deeds. If you knew this, you should kill you together! "

Hearing that Qing Qiangwei suddenly pulled out the long knife behind her and stepped out, pointing at the Jufu youth: "I want to challenge you, do you dare?"

"What?" The young man showed an unbelievable color, and then laughed with a mischievous expression on his face: "Do you think this woman dare to challenge my qualification when you first join the amulet?"

Another young man joked: "Oh, now the casual repair is getting more and more unknown, but Brother Qiao, since the other party is going to challenge you, we can't fall into the arrogance of our Tianhai Jianzong, it is better to complete her!"

"I bet five!" Said a young man.

"Hey!" Brother Qiao sneered and smiled, "Brother Yu, you look down on my brother too much. To deal with such a role, how can you use five strokes and not solve her within three strokes? I am ashamed to be a disciple of Tianhai Sect!"

In the face of the ridicule and irony of the disciples of Tianhai Jianzong, Ning Qiangwei didn't care, and what she wanted most now was to kill each other and take revenge for her husband.

So she slashed her sword and pointed at the other side: "Cut less nonsense, come and die!"

"act recklessly!"

Brother Qiao's face suddenly became cold, his eyes flickered coldly, and then he slowly pulled out the sword in his hand: "Woman, let's move first, otherwise you have no chance!"


The sound of booming, Ning Qiangwei burst out of breath, and the long knife in his hand turned into a cold knife light, flying out like the antelope's hanging horn.

"Shock the tree!"

Brother Qiao dismissed a smile, and the sword in his hand suddenly turned into a bit of cold star, piercing the blade straight.


The lightning-like sword light stabbed under the hilt with precision. Brother Qiao originally planned to fly the opponent's weapon with a sword, and then opened the opponent's neck with a force.

But his face changed slightly when his long sword stabbed at the opponent's sword, because he found that the power contained in the opponent's sword was too strong, and it was so strong that he felt a tingle in his mouth.

"How is that possible? How could this woman be so powerful?"

Brother Qiao screamed in his heart, but his movements were not slow, the sword retreated slightly, and then turned into clusters of cold stars, stabbing each other's body.


But what surprised him was that the other party didn't have the slightest dodge, but instead, he rushed forward, but the light in the long knife in his hand became brighter and turned into a chop. Stance.

"This woman ... is crazy!"

Even though Brother Qiao had the confidence to seriously hurt her before he was shot by him, he did not dare to gamble.

Subconsciously, draw a sword back.


But when he retreated, his momentum was weak, and he ushered in a storm-like attack.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

The swords continued to collide in the void, making a deafening sound of gold and iron impact.

Brother Qiao was forced to retreat one after another, and as he was about to withdraw from the deck, he finally couldn't hold back.

Squeeze the sword by hand, a powerful sword will follow, and the next moment, a flash of cruelty and cruelty flashed in his eyes, and the sword in his hand spurted out like a horse ...

This move is called Tianwai Fei Xing, and it is one of the 12 secret martial arts moves of Tianhai Jianzong.

Although he hasn't practiced to great success, Shi can still kill the warriors in the same realm.

Sure enough, in the face of this sword technique, Ning Qiangwei gave birth to a strange feeling that could not be avoided. Between the electric light and the flint, the runes in her dantian burst into flames, her breath soared several times, her power soared And speed has also increased dramatically.


During a big drink, Ning Qiangwei stared at Brother Qiao, regardless of whether he would be killed or not. He poured the whole body's strength into the long knife and split it in one fell swoop!


Blood splattered, and the whole world was silent for it.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks [to 【] [【者 灬 心] two great rewards

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