Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1592: The daily life of the devil

When Wang Yufeng heard Song Yan actually said that she had a brain problem, she almost exploded with anger, pointed at Song Yan and said:

"Chu Fan, don't pretend to be stupid. You must have heard that this young lady is unparalleled, and you are begging Uncle Tianlong to marry this young lady.

This lady tells you that just your kind of stuffed buns, you don’t even have the qualifications to touch this lady's finger. How could this lady marry you? Therefore, you should settle the unrealistic idea as soon as possible, otherwise, you don’t need this lady. Do it yourself, the admirers of this lady can tear you to pieces! "

Hearing Wang Yufeng's words, Song Yan became more speechless. Did he ask Wang Tianlong to marry someone? Looks like not, besides, the beauty of this girl is beautiful, but her character is really not flattering. Even if Wang Tianlong wants him to marry her, he will not agree. How could he beg to marry her? It is a joke. .

"I said this young lady, who are you? And, I can tell you for sure, I absolutely do not rely on Wang Tianlong to marry you! Humph!"

Wang Yufeng proudly sneered:

"At this time, you still dare to pretend to be stupid and sophistry. Do you think that if you deliberately pretend not to know me, this lady will believe you? Anyway! Stop!"

Song Yan shouted with a black face:

"I'm not interested in listening to you talking nonsense, if you don't want to tell me who you are, get out, don't disturb the little master drinking tea!"

At this moment, the two young men beside Wang Yufeng shouted one by one:

"Presumptuous! Bold! You dare to be disrespectful to Miss Feng'er! Now, you should kowtow to Miss Feng'er to apologize, otherwise, Wang Dalong will not spare you! Yes, Wang Xiaolong will not spare you! I am enough Nima Up!"

Song Yan finally couldn't stand it any longer, raised his hand and slapped two slaps with two bangs, and the two young men were slapped out of the yard directly by him.

Then, he looked at Wang Yufeng again, pointed at her and said:

"You, get out of here quickly, what is it? You came to me early in the morning and it's crooked!"

Wang Yufeng was stunned when he saw Dalong Xiaolong being slapped, but after hearing what Song Yan said, she exploded on the spot:

"You, you, you dare to talk to me like this!"

Song Yan rolled his eyes sharply and said impatiently:

"Bai has such a good-looking face, but it's a pity that his brain is not fully developed, so hurry up, otherwise, even if you are a woman, I will still smoke you! What, you scold me for my brain damage, bastard, this lady is fighting with you!"

In the next moment, a shadow of the Yang God appeared behind Wang Yufeng, and then turned into an afterimage to culminate.


Song Yan raised his hand and waved.


Wang Yufeng followed in the footsteps of Dalong Xiaolong and was directly fanned out of the courtyard.

"Finally quiet!"

Song Yan's expression relaxed.

"Miss Feng'er, are you okay!"

Outside the yard, Dalong and Xiaolong just got up from the ground when they saw Wang Yufeng falling not far away, they rushed to help her up.

"Damn it! That **** dare to do something to me! You can't let him go, absolutely can't let him go! Come on, big dragon and little dragon, kill me that **** bun!"

Wang Yufeng shouted angrily.

The two of them couldn't help but stagnate, and they said:

"Miss Feng'er, most of us are not opponents of that bun!"

After being slapped into the air, the two also realized that the soil bun named Chu Fan was much better than them, and even if they joined forces, they were not his opponent.

"Trash! You are trash! Don't follow me in the future!"

Wang Yufeng pushed the two away and left angrily.

The two met and quickly shouted:

"Miss Feng'er, wait for us! Wait for us!"

In the yard.

The door of the master bedroom suddenly opened, neatly dressed, but Yue Yue came out with a lazy breath:

"Master, who was it just now? How noisy!"

Song Yan shrugged:

"I don't know, a strange and brain-dead girl, I'm still a little bit inexplicable until now, I don't know why the other party came to me! That's it!"

Yueyue came over, sat directly in his arms, and said coquettishly:

"Master, they are hungry! Eat!"

Song Yan put a finger directly to her mouth. Since she was promoted to the ninth generation of pure blood, Yueyue can't afford the blood of ordinary martial artists, but Song Yan's blood is more advanced and she likes it. .

"Thank you Master!"

As soon as Yueyue sent her small mouth forward, she wrapped Song Yan's fingers and licked it naughty with her tongue, before gently biting his fingers and starting to suck.

Feeling that the blood in his body was slowly being sucked away, Song Yan had a special feeling of numbness instead. Not only did he have no fear of being sucked, he hoped that the other party would **** more.

This is the special magical power of the ninth generation of pure blood.

Yueyue accepted it when she saw it, and probably spit out his fingers after taking a hundred milliliters of Song Yan's blood.

With a flash of brilliance, the wound on his finger healed naturally.

However, sleepiness appeared on Yueyue's face, who had sucked his blood, and leaned his head on his shoulder. After a while, there was a uniform snoring sound.

Three shifts in the day, Yueyue, who was snoring in Song Yan's arms, finally woke up. After a while, the poems and Wei Yue in the room also rose up.

"Master, why don't we go shopping?"

Shi Shi suggested.

I have to say that no matter which race a woman is, she has a soft spot for shopping.

I didn't see it. Wei Le and Yueyue's eyes lit up after Shi Shi proposed to go shopping.

A quarter of an hour later, Song Yan walked out of the manor with Shishi, Yueyue, Wei Le, and Zhou Yan'er.

True Dragon City is the base camp of the Wang family. The planning is very good. The buildings are scattered and exquisite.

As for the city, in addition to the five million members of the royal family, there are also tens of millions of idlers. As the lair of the royal family, the city is not allowed to have any forces other than the royal family.

One man and four women, the most important thing is that the four women are all beautiful girls, so walking on the street is quite eye-catching.

Countless men looked at Song Yan with envy, and some even slandered secretly, why this little white face could have four top beauties.

The next two hours.

The four women patronized many jewelry stores, clothing stores and jewelry stores.

All of them are full of energy and seem to be tireless at all.

At the beginning, Song Yan could still keep smiling, but gradually, tiredness flashed on his face. I have to say that shopping is an exclusive magical power for women, and men can't learn it no matter what.

Suddenly, Song Yan's eyes lit up, pointing to the front and saying:

"There is a restaurant there, why don't we go and eat something! Okay, master! Let's go!"

Shishi and Yueyue hugged Song Yan's arm left and right, and then walked towards the restaurant together.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yaner's eyes flashed a little puzzled, and she secretly said in her heart, how can a good girl like Shi Shi Yueyue willingly follow the big devil.

Although she didn't know the specific strength of Shishi and Yueyue, she could sense that these two girls were very strong and could threaten her life.

[Author's digression]: One more, thank you [Smart Life] for your reward

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