Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1619: Woman in black dress

It seems that the royal family has reached a point of madness in order to enter the central state, and even its own excellent descendants have been willing to sacrifice.

After questioning, the dead demigods of the Wang family were placed in the temple of the Wang family, and they received incense from the royal family. There were twenty-nine statues in total.

Among them, there are two gods who reached the level four **** general before dying.

There will be six deities of third rank.

The rest are second-level gods.

Of course, it is possible to accumulate so many demigods and souls for countless years.

After simply instructing the owner of the Wang family, Song Zheng left the mansion directly.

Today, Dragonhead City has gathered a large number of masters, and the Goblin clan can no longer pose a threat to Dragonhead City. Therefore, Song Kun is going to leave and go to the Zerg territory again to complete the system's extinct Zerg mission.

On the day after Song Yong left,

Princess Vientiane suddenly sent someone to invite him to the Vientiane Palace.

When Princess Vientiane got the news that Song Yong had left Longshou City, she couldn't help but be annoyed: "This guy doesn't look down on the palace like this, wouldn't he be wronged when the personal guard of the palace?"

"Princess, since this guy doesn't know what to do, we won't bother to pay attention to him!" The cute **** the side advised.


Princess Vientiane shook her head: "There is no shortage of experts around this palace, but the ones who can provide advice for this palace. This Chu Fan is not only extraordinary in strength, but also quite outstanding in intelligence. Unfortunately, it cannot be used by this palace!"


In the Zerg territory, the sky is dark and the poisonous mist is diffused. In this ghost environment, even if Song Xixiu is high, there is an urge to turn his head away.

But that **** system had given him the task of exterminating the Zerg, and even if he wasn't nauseated, he could only endure looking for the Zerg's nest and destroy them all at once.

Because the Zerg environment is too harsh, ordinary warriors will be poisoned as soon as they step in. Even if they are trained as advanced, they cannot stay here for too long.

Therefore, the human race knows very little about the Zerg territory, and it can be said to be blank.

Therefore, it is too difficult to find the Zerg's old nest. Song Yan can only try his luck like a headless fly.

In an instant, Song Zheng entered the Zerg territory for five days.

But what surprised him was that the poisonous insects he encountered were extremely low-level, not even a zerg of a comparable Yuandan amulet.

"No, you can't go on like this!"

After a little rectification, Song Yong felt that he couldn't bump around any more, but should go in one direction.

The size of the Zerg Territory is said to be comparable to a Terran state, but there is no accurate statement.

Released the consciousness, shrouded a hundred miles in the circle, Song Kun rose to the sky and hurried in one direction.

Unconsciously, he flew for another ten days in a certain direction, but still found nothing.

"Can't stand it!"

Because the environment was too bad, Song Yan's mood became very bad. As soon as he thought about it, he entered the shrine and came to the planet cultivated by Chu Xue and spent three days with her before returning to the road.

In an instant, more than ten days passed.

However, Song Yan still hasn't achieved anything, but fortunately, there is a temple. If you are unhappy, you can go inside to ease it. Otherwise, staying in such a harsh environment will really drive people crazy.

On this day, Song Yan flew in the dark sky unhurriedly. Suddenly, a wave of energy came from the southeast. He couldn't help but shake his spirit, and changed his former malaise because he felt that this energy Fluctuations have reached the level of demigods.

So he set his sights, and a flashover came to the vicinity where energy fluctuations occurred.

Taking a closer look, a figure covered in black mist was suspended above a swamp a few hundred meters away, and the energy fluctuation was issued by him.

Subconsciously, Song Xun opened the perspective magic power, his eyes penetrated the black mist to see the people inside.

It was a 27-year-old beautiful woman. She wore a long black dress, and the figure covered by the black skirt was extremely hot. Unfortunately, the woman's eyes showed an invincible hatred.


Suddenly, the woman in the black dress turned her head to look at Song Yan, and there was a hint of surprise and vigilance in her eyes. She did not expect that there would be other humans in the depths of the Zerg territory.

When she discovered that Song Xi's cultivation was only the latter phase of the law, she was even more surprised. The strength of the warriors based on the law could not come here!

"I'm sorry, I just passed by. Excuse me for the interruption!"

Song Yan smiled, he was found by the other party, mainly because he did not deliberately converge, otherwise the other party could not find him at all, and the reason for his active appearance was to ask the other party if he knew the Zerg's nest.

I heard that the woman in the black dress did not relax her vigilance, and was a little more skeptical of Song Yan. She deliberately asked with an old voice: "How did you get here?"

Song Yi said: "Flying and flying here!"

The tone of the woman in the black skirt was a little bit colder: "Why did you break into the Zerg territory? Also, it is impossible to support it for so long with your cultivation. Quickly say, what is your purpose, otherwise, I Kill you! "

Regarding the threat of the other party, Song Zheng didn't take his heart: "I came to the Zerg territory to find their old nests and destroy them together. Unfortunately, I haven't found the zerg's nest for so long. I don't know if you know I do n’t know, if so, please let me know! "

Hearing Song Ye's words, the woman in the black dress couldn't help sneering: "I just dare to say that you can destroy the Zerg based on your cultivation. It's really a big joke, or do you think I'm so fooled, I'm so full of nonsense!"

As soon as the voice fell, the woman in the black skirt suddenly gave a flick of her head. Suddenly, a small, invisible black line swiftly fired at Song Zhen.

"Fuck! Just do it if you don't agree!"

As soon as Song Yan's figure flickered, he avoided the black line, but that one seemed to have life, and continued to shoot towards Song Yun as soon as he turned.

"go with!"

In desperation, Song Yan also flicked his fingers, and suddenly the flame exploded and hit the black line, and then the black line and the flame annihilated at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the black skirt woman's eyes flashed with surprise again. The black line she just struck was a trace of highly toxic energy in her body. Don't say the same martial arts, even the holy martial arts would not want to resist, but this guy in front of Not only blocked it, but also annihilated her toxic energy.

Thinking of this, there is a little dignity in the eyes of the woman in the black dress: "Who the **** are you?"

Song Yi said helplessly: "My name is Chu Fan. It's a coincidence that I'm here. If you know where the Zerg's nest is, please tell me. If you don't know, I'll go immediately!"

"It seems you still don't want to be honest. Since that's the case, don't blame me!"

As soon as the words fell, the woman in the black dress shook her fingers, and suddenly, dozens of black lights flew out, all of them blasting towards Song Yong.

[Off-topic by the author]: Two more, thank [eagle in the sky] this great reward.

[Slight reading one or two] The reader noticed that you can scold mosquitoes, but don't involve your family, otherwise, mosquitoes will also greet your family.

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