Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1701: Defeated and Fusion Pangu Lineage

"Then you die!"

Ying Longhuang's tone was still very light. As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed to Song Yan.

This finger is very gentle and slow, but Song Yan has a sense of inevitable and unavoidable, and it looks like the most common one is like the incarnation of a avenue.

The stars are changing!


Song Yan's breath soared, his strength instantly increased by more than two hundred times, reaching an extremely horrible level, and then he cut out towards Ying Longhuang with one sword.


A crisp sound.

The opponent's finger lightly tapped on the green sword in Song Yong's hands, and a pure force reached the body of the sword along Song Jian's body.

Star maps emerged, and many stars in the body rushed in an attempt to resolve this power.

But this power is condensed to the extreme, and those powers cannot be resisted at all.


Song Xuan's body smashed out and fell heavily on the ground. Qi Qiao quickly bleeds blood. The terrible thing is that the power is still destroying his physical functions. I believe that all his vitality will be destroyed soon.

"Chu Fan!"

The figure flashed, Ouyang Weiwei came to Song Ye, her face full of concern.

"Leave me alone and walk away!"

Song Yan pushed Ouyang Weiwei away from the ground.

"Come again!"

Song Kun took the initiative to cut out his sword. Suddenly, a blood-red sword light cut to Ying Longhuang with an unparalleled breath. Everyone felt the power of this sword light, even those advanced gods had an illusion. With this sword light, the soul will fly away.

"Unexpectedly, Chu Fan still hides so much strength, but unfortunately, he is facing a surrender!"

Longevity God sighs inexplicable.


I saw Ying Longhuang poking out a white palm and gently pinching it, the whole sword light broke apart. Then, the palm was directly printed on Song Yan's chest.


Song Xuan smashed back again, two turbulent energies madly disturbed him, and instantly destroyed most of his vitality.

Twice, the strength that Ying Longhuang showed was only the level of the gods.

However, his energy is condensed to the extreme. If Song Yan's energy is a basket of cotton, then the energy of Ying Longhuang is an iron ticket.

In terms of quantity and weight, an iron sign is not as good as a basket of cotton, but an iron sign can easily penetrate into a basket of cotton.

Song Yan successively exerted two rays of life on himself. Although he healed the injury, he was immediately destroyed by two forces in his body.

As long as those two energies do not leave his body, his injury will never be recovered.


Song Yan coughed up blood, but stood up stubbornly from the ground, seeing this scene, Ouyang Weiwei, Wang Yan, Wei Le, Chu Xue's face were all worried.

"If you can still take one move from the emperor, spare you!"

Ying Longhuang said something lightly, a punch punched out, the fist was heavy, extremely heavy!

"Space is stagnant!"

Song Zheng did not back away, but instead took the initiative to greet him. Then, the yellow light wave radiated to embrace Ying Longhuang, and then a stagnant small world was formed.


But the moment the small world was formed, it broke apart.


That fist was right in the middle of Song Yan's chest, and a stronger force hit him, and the sound of booming, Song Yan's body exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

"Do not!"

"Chu Fan!"

"My son!"


"Fu Jun!"


The girls were trembling with screams.

The Emperor Ying Long swept the senior deities of the other eight races indifferently, and said lightly: "Here is self-discipline, otherwise the emperor will destroy your race, and one will not stay!"

"Thank you Yinghuang Huang Kai En!"

The senior gods smiled sternly, and then raised their hands and patted them on their heads. The senior gods of the eight races died instantly.

Seeing this scene, others couldn't help but be frightened. Even the atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath. It was terrible. In just one sentence, so many advanced gods made their own decisions.

"Let's go!"

Ying Longhuang glanced at the Emperor Huotian, then stepped into the void and disappeared, and the Emperor of the Emperor followed him into the void ...

Just the moment they left.

Song Yan, who had been transformed into a blood mist, quickly condensed, and instantly turned into a human form.

"Fu Jun!"

"Chu Fan!"

Seeing this scene, the girls couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"let's go!"

Song Zheng put up an energy to wrap up the crowd, then cut through the void and disappeared.

"The King of Devil is not dead!"

Until he disappeared, many people in the small world reacted.

The goddesses, such as the goddess of the prophets, are happy, and I don't know what other creatures think.

Out of the good fortune monument, Song Kun began to move wildly. After half an hour, Song Kun appeared in the sky above the sea without hesitation. He rushed into it, dived into the tens of thousands of meters, and took everyone Entered the temple.

The moment he entered the temple, the figures of Ying Longhuang and Shenhuo Tianhou appeared on the sea.

The powerful spiritual knowledge covered the surrounding waters, and everything was reflected in their hearts.

However, they found no trace of Song Yan.

"It's nothing but his good fortune to escape under the Emperor!"

Leaving a word, Ying Longhuang disappeared directly.

Exercise room in the temple.

Song Yong adjusted the time to a thousand times. He knew that even if he broke through to Renxian now, he would not be Ying Longhuang's opponent. The only way was to merge Pangu blood.

Before coming to this world, it would take at least 10,000 years for him to fuse Pangu lineage.

Now, his strength is better than just passing through, I don't know how many times stronger, it should take less time.

At the thought, he took out the Pangu lineage and swallowed it into the abdomen. Suddenly, a huge amount of energy enough to change the world was radiated from the lineage, transforming his body crazy.

At the same time, an inexplicable amount of pain struck him, almost causing him to faint.

One day!

Two days!

Ten days!

After one month, Song Zheng's body skyrocketed tenfold, and the blood of the hundreds of millions of cells in his body also glowed.


With a light sip, Song Xing's star body broke directly into the fourth and entered the fifth.


Just before he had time to feel what kind of new magical powers the Fifth Level would bring, the bloodline power once again exploded and continued to transform his body.

Repeated seven or seven forty-nine times in this way, the strength of Song Yan's body has reached an extremely terrible degree.


With a groan, Song Xuan fainted because the bloodline power began to transform his soul.

I do not know how long it has been.

Song Yongyou woke up and found that he was actually in a blood cocoon, and the blood power in his body had been completely absorbed by him.

Both the soul and the flesh have reached a terrible degree.

"Old spirit, how many years have I spent this fusion?" Song Kun asked the temple spirit.

"No more, no less, exactly eight thousand years!" Answered the Temple Spirit.

In other words, eight years have passed.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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