Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1740: Shop bullying

Hearing that, Song Zheng couldn't help but ask, "You Holy Alliance is so poor?"

For a moment, Nangong Ming's expression became more and more embarrassed, but Ji Qingqing's expression was a little angry, secretly, this guy is really horrible.

After being silent for a while, Mingong Nangong said: "Actually, I came to exchange elixir with Song Gongzi on behalf of Di Kuitang!"

According to Song Zhi's knowledge, the League of Nations has nine sub-helms, each of which has 12 halls, a total of 108 halls, but one hall is not so poor, it seems that Holy Alliance is worse than he thought.

After all, everyone is an ascendant, so Song Yong said: "I still have the best immortal essence here to exchange, you can't change it!"

Nangong Mingxi couldn't help but be happy, even Ji Qingqing felt that Song Yan's face was not so abominable, but Xianjing Dan could speed up the cultivation speed of Dixian.

One of the two hundred immortal stones of the best xianyuandan; one of the three thousand immortal stones of the best elixir.

Nangong Mingxun began to calculate in his heart how much of the best fairy yuan and the best fairy.

"How about this!"

Song Kun said again: "I calculate the best Xianyuan Dan according to the general market price, I calculate the best Xiandan Dan for one third!"

"Thank you Son Song!"

Hearing Song Ye's words, Nangong Mingxuan stood up with excitement and worshiped Song Ye deeply.

Ji Qingqing looked at Song Yan with a complex look, and the disgust in his heart subsided a lot.

Nangong Mingxian brought the elixir worth 20 million cents. In the end, he decided to exchange 100,000 for the best elixir and the rest for the best elixir.

"take it!"

Song Xuan threw a storage ring to Nangong Mingxuan, and by the way collected the elixir from the other side.

Although he seems to be losing money, he has made a lot.

When the other party said goodbye, Song Yong said: "It shouldn't be long before I leave Baidi City!"

Nangong Mingxuan took a moment's notice, turned around and worshiped Song Xuan again.

Out of the city's main house, Liu Pingping asked a little puzzled: "Uncle Nangong, why did Song Yan leave Baidi City, isn't this his territory?"

Ji Qingqing explained first: "He beheaded a Jinxian of the Ling family that night, how could the Ling family be able to let him go, so the best way is to leave, so to speak, we are still in trouble! "

"Yeah! Obviously he was affected by us, not to mention that he had changed so much elixir for us!" Nangong sighed.

For a while, Ji Qingqing's emotions became more complicated, and his disgust with Song Yan had completely disappeared, but he was so grateful.

Nangong Mingzhu reiterated: "With these elixir, our Dikuitang strength can be at least one-tenth stronger. Let's go quickly and don't be targeted by the local fairy!"

Three days later, the Ling family still did not come.

Song Xun decided not to wait any longer, so he invited the Mi steward to order something, and said that he would go out for a journey, and the city's main government would take care of him.

For the trust of Song Yong, the butler of rice is very excited, and he promises to help him take care of all the properties of the main city.

That night, Song Ye quietly walked out of Baidi City and headed for a certain direction.

The Langxian Realm has eight immortal realms, nine large cave heavens, and seventy-two blessed land.

These places are controlled by the local fairy, and there are many masters in between.

Song Kun planned to go to the Golden Lotus Land, one of the 72 Lands.

There are more than 1,000 large and small cities in the Golden Lotus Blessing Land, and the ruler of the Golden Lotus Blessing Land is a super gate called Promise.

The reason why he went here is because the eight families of the Purple Dragon Realm and the Promise do not deal with it very much. In suppressing the ascension of the immortals, all the local immortals are on the united front, which does not mean that they are one piece .

A few days later.

Song Yong officially entered the Golden Lotus Land.

The immortal spirit full of heaven and earth is not as strong as Baidicheng.

But as far as he knows, there are very few ascending immortals in the Golden Lotus Land.


First of all, all the immortals and elixir in the golden lotus land are the property of the Promise, and the local immortal hunting or collecting the immortal and the elixir only need to pay 10% of the tax.

But the rising fairy needs to pay 90% of the heavy tax. Once the tax evader is found, he will be sentenced to death.

In addition, there are various heavy taxes on the Ascension Fairy in the Golden Lotus Land. Therefore, the general Ascension Fairy can't survive if he comes here.

Some people will say that you can hide in the wilderness to practice, so you can avoid paying taxes.

People with this idea can only say naive.

First of all, there are fairy beasts in the wilderness at any time. If you accidentally lose your life, secondly, there is a huge patrol team of Promise. They patrol around a spaceship-type fairy, and there are special detections on board. Fairy, can detect immortals below Jinxian.

As long as the patrol team finds you a few times in the wilderness and there is no record of entering the city, they will still pack you up.

Therefore, it is impossible to drill such a hole!

Near a city in the Golden Lotus Land, Song Ye found a hidden place to release the daughters.

This city is called a barren city.

The native immortal can enter at will. Every ascending fairy like Song Yan needs to pay ten immortals to enter.

The barren city is about the same size as Baidi City, but the population here is more than 20 million people, which is quite prosperous.

Song Yan won't live here often, so he took the girls and found an inn to stay.

More than 500 cents of stone are needed for the daily accommodation alone.

Fortunately, Song Yan is a local tyrant, and doesn't care.

In the next two days, he visited the pharmacy in Wilderness City, and found that there were very few excellent pharmacy in their store, and the price was quite expensive.

For example, the price of the best elixir is 220 yuan, and the price of the best elixir is 3,500 yuan.

"I have a lot of excellent Xianyuandan. Will you accept it?"

On this day, Song Kun came to a pharmacy and found the shopkeeper to inquire.

Hearing the words, the shopkeeper's eyes could not help but light up: "How many?"

"one thousand!"

"Okay! We're all here!" The shopkeeper said without hesitation: "Each one is calculated at 150 cents!"

"One of two hundred immortal stones, all paid with more than two grades of immortal medicine!" Song Yan smiled.

"You are too greedy!"

The shopkeeper's eyes narrowed slightly, sneer.

"Sale is not good, goodbye!"

Song Kun stood up, clasped his fists at each other, and walked outside.

Seeing this, a disdainful smile emerged from the corner of the mouth of the shopkeeper, watching Song Ye go out, and then he said coldly, "Come, go and check the origin of this person."

Song Yan went to several pharmacies one after another, but the prices they said did not exceed one hundred and fifty celestial stones, and even one pharmacy gave a super low price of one hundred celestial stones.

The remaining several pharmacies, Song Kun, did not go because he knew that even if he went, most of them would have the same result.

Since these pharmacies are reluctant to cooperate with him, then don't blame him for grabbing business with them. Of course, these pharmacies put on a pair to fix his look. The bigger reason is because he is a fairy.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks to Hu Anong for the reward

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