Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1748: Task three

After dozens of large shifts in a row, Song Kun finally left the barren city. The power of the fairyland is too strong, and the distance of each large shift is not long.

Fortunately, loneliness and self-confidence did not start the moat, otherwise, he really wanted to escape the wild city so easily.


A spit of blood spewed out of Song Yan's mouth, making his face pale again. His injuries were very serious, and his body was almost at the brink of collapse. The power of those two rules was still raging in his body. Suppression, his body must collapse sooner or later.

After performing two light rays of life in succession, the injury in his body was slightly relieved, and he continued to move far away.

Just before he disappeared in place, he had less than two breaths, and the figure of loneliness followed closely. Looking at the blood on the ground, he couldn't help smiling, and the other side sustained his full palm. It was rare to die on the spot. .

But he believes that even if the little guy didn't die, it will soon die, after all, the power of his rules is not so good.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to catch up, but to pursue his breath in a hurry. In his opinion, at most half an hour, the other party would lose the ability to escape.

At the same time, he still has some regrets in his mind, but these qualifications are soaring immortals. If he is a local immortal, he will definitely recommend him to join the Promise.

Although Song Yong continued to use Big Move, he could always feel the loneliness behind him.

"No, I can't run away like this without a head! I must find a place to expel the power of the two laws of chaos in the body as soon as the energy of the Ninth Transformation of the Stars has not receded!"

These two laws are very powerful. With their strength, they cannot be obliterated, so they can only be expelled.

After several large shifts, Song Yong felt that his injury had worsened again. After blessing himself with two light rays of life, he plunged into the river not far away.

Then, as soon as he thought, he entered the temple.

Soon, loneliness appeared, and a huge immortal consciousness spread out, covering a river section of hundreds of miles, and then he frowned slightly, because in his immortal consciousness, there was no trace of Song Kun.

Did it just disappear out of thin air?

After two more searches, there was still no trace of Song Kun, which made the lonely arrogant a bit annoyed.

As a result, his mind moved, and the void in front of him suddenly had a purple fire lotus.

The rule of fire lotus is the rule of fire that he condensed with the law of fire. Even if Jinxian is contaminated with such a trace, it will be burned to ashes.

"go with!"

As soon as he waved his hand, the Fire Lotus flew into the river.

Suddenly, the water in the two hundred-mile-long river section boiled for it, and a large amount of water vapor rose up. Without going to more than ten breaths, the water in the two-hundred-meter-meter river section was dried up.

The dry river bed was revealed. As for the river water on both sides, it was confined by an invisible force, making it impossible to flow into the dry river section.

"still none?"

The lonely frown frowned even deeper. When he folded Xianxian and dried up the hundreds of miles of river upstream, he found that he had burned hundreds of miles downstream.

According to the rule, the temperature of the sky fire can not be hidden even if the other party is hidden in the cave celestial organ, but it happens that nothing is found.

For a moment, his face became extremely gloomy, and he even suspected that Song Kun had fled here.

But he instinctively felt that Song Yan was in the river section where he had dried up and did not leave.

Inside the temple.

Song Yan looked at the two forces floating in front of him, and a flash of palpitations flashed in his eyes. Without the disruption of these two powers of law, the injuries in his body were healing at a very rapid rate.

The power of these two laws, one is the law of destruction, and the other is the law of flame.

Both are very aggressive and destructive.

There are many rules in this world, there are thousands of tens of thousands, but the most mainstream rules still cannot escape the geomancy and the five elements of yin and yang.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Yong wrapped up the power of these two rules with the power of the temple and realized it carefully, but soon he gave up. This is the power of the rules of the mid-Xuanxian period, which is too much beyond his realm. Instead of realizing these two forces, why not realize the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

After staying in the temple for one month, Song Yan's injury has been completely healed.

So he asked, "Old spirit, is the guy alone?"

He had to be careful. The power of the Nine Stars had receded. If he was going to capture him by loneliness, he would have no resistance. "No!"

Spiritual Way of the Temple.

"Can you just move away?" Song Yan asked again.

"Then move a thousand miles away!"

"it is good!"

Outside, he was sitting alone beside the river, suddenly, his eyes narrowed, he shot with all his strength, and between the explorers, he grabbed a piece of void over the dry river.


The void was caught directly by him, but he caught a void.


The loneliness was greatly annoyed, but then a little frightened. He grabbed it with all his strength, and even the ordinary Xuanxian could not escape, but the other party still escaped, which shows that the other party's cave heavenly weapon is very powerful.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing among the ascension fairy. No, we must kill it as soon as possible, or wait for him to grow up, it will definitely be detrimental to my native fairy!"

With this in mind, Lonely decided to return to the Promise immediately, and then reported the matter to all the forces in Jinlian Blessed Land to jointly kill this person.

Thousands of miles away.

Song Kun stepped out of the temple, then called up the map of the fairyland in his mind, and headed for another blessed land adjacent to the golden lotus blessed land.

Most of the loneliness will not end here, and the other party has a father who is an elder. Once the power of Promise is launched, I am afraid that any city will chase him down. Therefore, Jinlianfu land is no longer safe.

Leaving early before the Promise did not work out, otherwise it would be difficult for him to escape if the Promise started a big hunt on him.

Unless he has been hiding in the temple all his life.

"Ding, task three, to establish your own power, requirement one: have more than ten Xuanxian subordinates, requirement two: within 50 years, you must have your own city, and keep it for three years without falling, the task is successful, and the reward is one Pieces, the mission failed, and dropped two great realms! "

Hearing the task announced by the system, Song Yan secretly took a breath.

Based on the attitude of the local immortal to the Ascension Fairy, if he, the Ascension Fairy, builds a city, I am afraid that it will be attacked by all forces immediately.

It is too difficult to guarantee that it will not fall for three years.

Fortunately, the system has given him fifty years. As long as he achieves the ancestral **** within fifty years, he should be able to hold a city.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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