Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1760: Soul transformation

Jian Guang contained the power of strong laws, which poured into his body frantically. He not only prevented, but actively introduced the power of these laws into his body.

However, it is difficult to digest the power of these laws in a short time based on the chaos fog alone, so Song Xuan directly urged the chaos aura.

Chaos Reiki is a much higher energy than the Law.

In the presence of Chaos Reiki, the power of those laws has no resistance at all.

How about adding Chaos Aura to the attack?

But Song Yun wasn't prepared to do this. Chaos aura was so precious, how could he use it for fighting casually!

Looking at Song Yan who was engulfed by Jian Guang, Zhou Yuxian did not continue to attack, he was waiting for Song Yan to ask him for mercy.

But time passed slowly. Song Jian in Jianguang didn't mean to ask for mercy. Instead, he found that the law Jianguang seemed to weaken a lot.

"What's going on? Can he even wipe out my rule Jianguang when he is a golden fairy?"

Zhou Yuxian was very puzzled, and thought and started to say: "Song son Song, admit defeat. As long as you admit defeat, I will immediately withdraw Jianguang. Don't lose your life because of the spirit fight!"


Song Yan's disdainful voice came out of Jianguang: "I'm at least tickled by your attack at this level!"

"That being the case, then Son Song might as well stay in there!"

Zhou Yuxian sneered. He thought that Song Yan was just a dead duck with a hard mouth. When he couldn't keep asking for mercy, he slowly humiliated him.

In a blink of an hour, half an hour passed.

The rule of the sword that enveloped Song Kun has shrunk by a third, and Zhou Yuxian finally sensed that it was wrong. At this moment, a more shocking scene appeared. All the rules of Jian Guang suddenly shrank into a ball and was swallowed directly by Song Kun. Into the belly.

"Hey! I'll say that your power of this rule can't hurt me!" Song Ye looked at Zhou Yuxian taunted, but he was so happy in his heart that after condensing the power of the law, he condensed five hundred directly. Lots of chaos aura come.

"How can it be?"

Seeing Song Yan who swallowed the law sword light into his belly, Zhou Yuxian was like seeing a ghost. How could a golden fairy swallow his law sword light, even if he is also a master of Xuanxian, he would not dare to swallow it. The power of other people ’s laws. You must know that the power of each person ’s condensed laws has unique characteristics, and even the power of the same attribute ’s laws cannot be fused casually.

"I said that, just that little bit of strength just tickles me, so don't come any more!" Song Yan looked at Zhou Yuxian, his eyes were a little bit hot, if he condensed five hundred strands of chaos, He was confident of a huge transformation of his soul.

By that time, it was when he broke through to Xuanxian.

"I do not believe!"

With a blast, Zhou Yuxian flew out one after another holding the sword of flames, and dozens of sword air containing the flames of law spurted out, forming a circle of laws and swords. In the space of the laws, even the void was burnt with numerous cracks.

Song Ye who was among them laughed out loud: "This sword array barely has some power, but it is not enough!"

While talking, he swallowed several swords in his mouth.

The vortex formed by the chaotic aura in the body moves quickly. During breathing, these sword lights are decomposed and condensed into more than two hundred strands of chaotic aura.

"Come again!"

This time Song Kun directly swallowed eight sword lights, and also completed the conversion between breaths, while the chaos aura in his body smoothly broke through a thousand, and the vortex expanded again.


The next moment, he opened his mouth and inhaled the rest of the law and sword.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuxian could not help but stare round.

The chaotic aura in Song Kun's body skyrocketed to more than 1,800 strands.

"Are there any stronger attacks?"

Song Yan looked at Zhou Yuxian and asked.

Hearing that Zhou Yuxian was almost in a position to build up a qijian array, which would consume at least 50% of the power of the flame rule in his body. It would be difficult to recover without months of cultivation.

After a long while.

Zhou Yuxian reluctantly said, "Song son Song, how about we have a draw this time?"

"No! Either you concede or you continue to attack me!" Song Xuan said firmly, without sorry for Zhou Yuxian, he was sorry for his calculations.

Zhou Yuxian said angrily: "Song son Song, I admit that I can't hurt you, but you can't hurt me with your golden immortal cultivation!"

"Really? Then let me see my true strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Kun stepped out, approaching Zhou Yuxian in an instant, and raised his hand to punch.


The opponents clap against each other.

But the result was that Zhou Yuxian was smashed hundreds of meters, and the armor condensed by the loess rule appeared cracks.


Zhou Yuxian couldn't believe it, took the initiative! Song Yan sneered and greeted him, raising his hand to punch.


Several punches were thrown out one after another, only listening to the continuous clicking sound on Zhou Yuxian's body. Then, the armor of the loess rule on him actually shattered and turned into the light of the little rule and the void.

"Chaos Aura really works!"

His two attacks only consumed a ray of Chaos Aura, but he defeated Zhou Yuxian's early peak of Xuanxian. He could not bear to use Chaos Aura at first, who told him to earn so much Chaos Aura from Zhou Yuxian He will be guilty without giving back.

"Do you admit defeat?"

Song Yan looked at Zhou Yuxian with amusement: "You don't have the armor protection of the rule, I'm afraid I can't stop my punch!"

Zhou Yuxian's face changed drastically, and in the end eyes flashed unwillingness and anger, saying, "I confess!"

"Since you concede that you are acting according to the contract, don't let me wait too long!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Xuan disappeared and disappeared, leaving only Zhou Yuxian, who was embarrassed and angry.

Back at the mansion, Song Yan went directly to the temple.

Then transfer a thousand strands of chaotic aura to the sea of ​​knowledge, and urge the exercises to accelerate the absorption of the soul.

One day!

Two days!

Five days!

Ten days!

After three months.

His soul has absorbed a thousand strands of chaotic aura and has begun some kind of transformation.

Song Yan could not control the transformation of the soul, the only thing he could do was wait.

In just the past three months, his soul has completely transformed.

After transformation, the soul becomes more powerful, completely no different from a real person, and at the same time, a soul magical power-illusion.

This magical power called "Illusion" can create an extremely real illusion. As long as the souls at the same level as him cannot escape the influence of "Illusion".

Mindful of his thoughts, Song Yan walked out of the temple.

With the transformation of the soul, the power of the law he could only vaguely sense before became extremely clear. As long as he was willing, he could introduce the power of the law in the void at any time.

Song Yan laughed: "Okay! You don't have to consume so much immortal stones to condense Chaos Aura in the future!"

Now that I can clearly sense the power of the immortal realm, then it is time for me to break through to Xuanxian.

[Author's off-topic]: Two more, thanks [无 丶 rise] [云淡风轻 _ 心] Two great rewards

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