Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1778: Song Xue's pressing

A day later.

Song Yan went all out to reach a city tens of millions of miles away from Luluo City.

Without saying a word, first seize the main city.

Then, according to the gourd painting, first declared that Huaxianchi was free in the city, and then sent people to the village under the city for publicity.

The population of this city exceeds that of Luluo.

In the city alone, there are more than 400,000 ascending immortals who have not concentrated the immortal body.

As for those native immortals, they are very unhappy. In their view, the ascendant immortals are all low-ranking pariahs, so why can they gather the immortal body for free.

Therefore, a stupid person actually ran to the Huaxianchi to prevent the rising fairy from entering.

About it.

Song Zheng directly ordered the killing.

Suddenly, those fools were killed by the sudden emergence of several golden immortals.

This incident completely deterred those local fairy forces in the city.

Eight days later, more than half a million ascended immortals condensed out of the immortal body, and then Song Xuan took him away again.

The next few months.

Song Xun's Feixian League opened 13 Huaxianchi in total, making more than 6 million ascending immortals gather the immortal body for free.

Therefore, the name of Feixianmeng has spread in more than three thousand barren cities.

As for the other rising fairy immortals who have not yet gathered the immortal bodies, people are looking forward to the Fei Xian League coming to their cities, so that they can enter the Hua Xianchi for free.

However, the practice of Feixianmeng also angered the native immortals of the Eight Great Immortal Realms, the thirty-sixth Cave Heaven, and the seventy-two blessed land.

Therefore, they sent Xuanxian to form multiple teams, patrolling between the three thousand wild barren cities and ponds, searching for the whereabouts of the Feixian League.

However, the people of Feixianmeng seemed to evaporate out of thin air. After searching for a few days, they could not find any trace of Feixianmeng.

Inside the temple.

Song Zheng summoned a dry Jinxian meeting.

"Lord, when are we going to do the next operation?"

Ji Qingqing asked impatiently.

"I am afraid that the operation to open Huaxianchi will stop!" Song Kun said.

"Why?" Ji Qingqing asked.

Song Zheng said: "There are a lot of mysterious patrols in various cities, so once we open the Huaxian Pond in a certain city, they will be discovered by them in a day!"

The thirty-six-hole cave heaven and the seventy-two blessed land of the Eight Great Immortal Realms are iron-hearted and want to destroy the Feixian League, so this time, more than 3,000 Xuanxian were sent.

No matter how strong Song Yong is, he has no courage to face more than 3,000 Xuanxian.

Hearing more than 3,000 Xuanxian, everyone present was shocked.

"Then what should we do next?"

Nangong asked.


Song Kun continued: "My magic weapon in the sky can adjust the time to a maximum of a thousand times. You are here to practice the millennium with peace of mind. I can satisfy you with elixir and even the exercises. I only hope that after the millennium, you will Reach the late Jinxian! "

"Thank you for your success!"

The people thanked each other, and Song Yong moved them collectively to a planet.

A large number of palaces have been built here. At the same time, Song Kun has also built a Tibetan scripture pavilion, where he has stored more than a hundred high-level fairy books.

Later, he separately met with Ningong Mingji Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping, and passed them a top fairy book.

The three were naturally grateful to Song Yong.

After arranging all the people in Feixian League, Song Yan returned to a separate mansion on the planet. Many of his women, as well as the descendants of the former Chu house and even the guards came here.

The family had a harmonious dinner.

The daughters left for various reasons, leaving only Chu Xue and Song Xue.

At that time, he was drunk by the conspiracy of daughters. Although he took the bodies of Chu Xue and Song Xue, he still couldn't get through the obstacle in his heart, so in the following days, he didn't touch the two women.

Therefore, seeing the two women left alone, he could not help but have a headache.

"Brother, don't you like us?"

Silent for a long while, Song Xue looked up and asked Song Ye.

"Well, I always like you all!" Song Yan said.

"Since you like us, why don't you touch us?" Song Xue said extremely wronged.


Song Yan sighed helplessly: "In fact, I have always treated you as my sister!"

Song Xue sneered: "Brother, since you treat us as your sister, can we marry another man in the future?"

"This one?"

Song Zheng was a little dumb. To be honest, he really didn't think about Song Xue and Chu Xue getting married, but somehow, he felt extremely uncomfortable when they thought of marrying another man.

Moreover, they can be said to have become his women, and he could not let them marry.

"You have nothing to say, right?" Song Xue continued to press: "As long as you agree to our marriage, we guarantee that we will treat you as a pure brother in the future!"


Song Yan opened his mouth and could not say "I agree" anyway.

When Song Xue saw this, he couldn't help but smile smugly, and walked over to climb on him boldly, sitting on his legs, exhaling face to face like Lan said: "Brother, don't you think it's exciting between brother and sister?

"I go! Xueer, when have you become so dirty!"

Song Yan did not expect Song Xue to be able to say such words, but it is undeniable, but he felt a little more restless in his body.


With a soft groan, Song Xue stretched his arms around Song Nian's neck, and offered to kiss him.

"Xer, we can't do this!"

Song Yan avoided the road.

Song Xuezhang laughed: "You can't do this, but you should do everything you do, unless you agree to our marriage, we will not entangle you!"

"Do you want to marry that way?"

Somehow, Song Ye was a little angry.

Song Xue chuckled: "You don't want us, can we still stay by your face!"

"You are my sister, why can't you stay with me!"

"But I don't want to be your sister! And we have no blood relationship at all, okay!" Song Xue yelled at him.

"Give me some time, okay?"

Song Kun was distressed.

"No, you must make a choice now, either agree to marry us or let us be your woman!" Song Xue refused.

In the face of Song Xue's pressing step by step, Song Yan felt very tangled.

"No more, I won't force you! Let's go, Chuxue!"

Suddenly, Song Xue jumped from Song Yan, and pulled Panic Chuxue out, but when she turned around, a tear fell from her eyes.

Seeing this, Song Yan felt a pain in his heart, and Shen shouted, "Stop me!"

"Why do you stop us!" Song Xue looked at him coldly.

"Because I'm your brother!"

"But I only want to listen to my man!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Xue went out again.

For some reason, Song Ye has an illusion. If Song Xue is allowed to go out today, then there will be a gap that will never heal.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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