Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1793: Surrender Beauty Sword Spirit

"It turned out to be the sword spirit of Yuan Gujian!"

Yun Bo glanced at Song Yan, saying quite unexpectedly.

He did not expect that the young master would awaken the sword spirit in Yuangu sword so quickly. However, this sword spirit has the dual cultivation of the ancestor. He obviously did not want to surrender to the young master, but wanted to take the opportunity to escape .

"Who are you? Why stop this girl from leaving!"

Beauty sword spirit spoke again, her voice was crisp and sweet, beautiful and moving.

Yun Bo said coldly, "Yuan Gujian was given by the master to the young master. As a sword spirit, you naturally belong to the young master too. If you want to run away, you must ask the old slave to agree or disagree!"

"My girl cares about his master and little master. In a word, let my girl go, otherwise you will kill you, the old slave!" The beautiful sword spirit whispered, tit-for-tat, without any fear of Yunbo.

"Presumptuous! Little Sword Spirit also dares to speak badly, so let the old slaves erase your wisdom and be a sword spirit!"

As soon as the voice fell, a green and green pine with a height of more than ten feet suddenly appeared behind Yun Bo, revealing an extremely strong vitality. Just looking at the green pine, Song Yan had a shocking feeling. He knew that Keqing pine should be condensed from Yunxian's Zuxian Avenue.

It is a real super fairy tree.


The beauty sword spirit was cold and humming, not to be outdone. A snow-white ice sword with a height of 78 feet was condensed behind her, exuding a bitter cold, and the entire space was frozen, making Song Ye's hands and feet numb. If it were not for the formation of the Castle Peak Court, I am afraid that the entire Castle Peak Court would be transformed into a world of ice and snow.


Subconsciously, Song Xuan rushed into the courtyard and quickly backed down with Shi Shi and Yue Yue.


Just as they exited, the verdant green pine behind Yun Bo flew up and hit the ice and snow sword of the beauty sword spirit.

Then, an invisible ripple stretched out, turning everything around them into powder. Fortunately, the three of Song Yan retreated quickly, otherwise they would be seriously injured if they died.


At this moment, a cold hum came from the retreat of the pretty ancestor, and then the ancestral avenue behind the beautiful sword spirit actually collapsed, and even her spirit was rippling and almost collapsed.

The figure flashed, the figure of the pretty ancestor appeared in the air, staring coldly at the beauty sword spirit.

"Great! Is this the power of Zuxian's masters above ten? Just a cold hum makes a Zuxian sword spirit lose his resistance!"

Seeing this scene, Song Xun secretly shocked.

"The old slave was incompetent and disturbed the master and asked the master to punish him!"

Yun Bo suddenly knelt on the ground to plead guilty.

And the spirit sword beauty that the spirit body is about to disintegrate looks at the ancestor on the sky, but there is a little more fear in the heart. This old man is so powerful, even the perverted father is not as good as him at the peak.

"Get up!"

The savage ancestor flicked up, raised Yun Bo, and stared at the beauty sword spirit majesticly: "The little sword spirit dares to make a fortune in the Qingshan courtyard of the ancestors, and sees that you are the child of the sword spirit Go, erase your wisdom! "

While talking, the pretty ancestor raised his hand to shoot, but the beautiful sword spirit wanted to avoid, but found that the entire spirit body was imprisoned. Do n’t say to avoid, even a finger was difficult.

"Master and slow!"

Song Xuan shouted suddenly, and Qichen came.

When he saw Song Yan, the ancestor of the savage heaven also calmed down and asked with a smile: "But the child wants to intercede for this sword spirit?"

"Master really looks like God!"

Song Yong quickly offered a horse fart.

The ancestral ancestor said: "This sword is not tamed. If you do not erase her wisdom, you will not be able to control her. It is better to let the teacher erase her wisdom and let her serve you wholeheartedly!"

Song Zheng said: "Master is right, let her talk to her. If she is willing to surrender to her, then she does not need to erase her wisdom. If she does n’t know what to do, then the master will ask Master to take another shot. No later! "

"That being the case, I will give you half a quarter of an hour for my teacher, and when I have dealt with this matter, I will have to go to Enlightenment!"

"Thank you, Master!"

After Song Yan thanked him, she came to the beauty sword spirit.

"You don't want me to submit to you!"

The beauty sword spirit hated the road.

"How about we make a deal?" Song Yan smiled.

"What deal?"

"When I have ten years of sword spirit, ten years later, I will leave it to you!" Song Kun said.

"Is this true?"

The beauty Jian Ling's eyes were slightly bright, and she was quite heart-beating.

Song Yan continued: "Do I have to lie to you? Although your wisdom has been erased, it will affect some of the power of Yuan Gujian, but for my Xuanxian, the impact is not great, so, I don't have to lie to you at all, besides, my Master is the famous figure of Huo Huo in the immortal world. As his only disciple, I will not discredit him, will he? "

For a while, the beauty sword spirit became even more tempted, and looked at the ancestor of the sky.

"My apprentice is right, now that he promised you to leave ten years later, the ancestor will not interfere!" Shen Tianren ancestor said.

"Okay! I promise you!"

Beauty sword spirit road.

"But we have something to say first. In this decade, you can't work hard, and once I encounter danger, you must protect me with all your strength!" Song Yan reminded.

The beauty sword spirit said: "Rest assured, if my Nangong promised to be your sword spirit for ten years, I will naturally guard you with all my heart!"

"That's good!"

Song Kun nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the ancestor of the sky, the other party directly lifted the imprisonment of the beautiful sword spirit.

"Lao Yun, go to the old guy and ask him to send someone to repair the ruined formation!" Said the pretty old ancestor.

Song Zheng quickly said: "Master, repairing the formation of the apprentices is also OK, so you don't need to bother others. Besides, the destruction of this formation can be regarded as the trouble of the apprentices, and it should be solved by the apprentices!"

"Do you still play?" Said the pretty old ancestor somewhat unexpectedly.

"A little! A little!"

"That way, you can repair this damaged formation. If it can't be repaired, let Lao Yun go to the old thing and send someone to repair it!"

"Yes, Master!"

The silhouette flashed, and the ancestor of the sky disappeared into the sky.

As soon as the other party left, Song Yan's eyes fell on the beautiful sword spirit: "If your name is Nangong Ruo, would you like to stay outside or return to the sword spirit space?"

"Huh! I'll go back! Don't bother me!"

As soon as the words fell, the beauty Sword Spirit turned into a streamer and flew into the Yuan Ancient Sword. Song Kun knew that she was most likely injured by the Master and needed to return to Sword Spirit space to recover.

The formation method of Qingshanyuan is quite powerful. Even if it is to be arranged by Song Ye, it will take a lot of time, but it is much easier to repair a damaged formation method.

Therefore, in just a quarter of an hour, he completely repaired the damaged formation.

"Unexpectedly, the master's formation level is so high!"

Seeing the repaired formation, Yun Bo couldn't help but praise.

"Oh, just understand!"

Song Yan smiled humblely.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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