Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1847: A dead ancestor is eighteen

The time passed in March.

On this day, it was finally the moment when Song Yan ascended the throne.

There are three steps to the ascension.

The first step is to worship the Tao.

The second step is called emperor.

The third step is to enclose the queen consorts and ministers.

The altar of the priest's heavenly road has already been built. At the beginning of the day, Song Ye led the consorts and congregations to the altar.

This sacrifice to heaven was presided over by the God of Magic.

"Jishi is here, please, Your Majesty, and lead everyone to wait for the stage!" Tianji Shenshu sang.

After finishing the black robe on his lower body, Song Ye extended his right hand to Murong Hongdou, and the other side put his palm lightly on his palm. Song Ye grasped it and smiled, "Queen, let's go!"

The staircase of the altar has ninety-nine floors, representing the 99th Supreme.

At this moment, Song Yan is like an ordinary person, step by step, it took a full quarter of an hour to board the altar.

On the altar, forty-nine species of beasts used for sacrifice have been placed. The reason why there are forty-nine species is that there are only 50 avenues, and one of them is unique.

In addition, there are forty-nine kinds of immortals, forty-nine kinds of immortal grains, and forty-nine kinds of immortals. In short, there are 49 kinds of sacrificial items.

"Your Majesty, please incense for heaven!"

Tianji Shenzhu sang and chanted again, and then Song Yan took the three-pillar incense stick from the housekeeper, lit it, and went to the huge incense burner placed in the center of the offering.

Seeing that Song Yong was about to insert the three-pillar incense into the incense burner, it suddenly happened.

A red radiance appeared directly next to Song Yong, and suddenly, it turned into a raging flame, which immediately wrapped Song Yong.


This group of flames was too powerful, and it actually burned a void directly into the void, and Song Yan was burned so that there was no residue left.

"His Majesty!"

It happened too suddenly, and everyone didn't react until Song Ye was burned to nothingness, and then they began to cry in sorrow.

at this time.

A crowd of 197 people appeared above the altar.

Headed by four men and one woman, none of their breath emanates, but the void in which their bodies are turned into a black hole.

"It's the ancestor's eighteen!"

Everyone just glanced at the five of them panicking their heads, losing their courage to look at them. Only Murong Hongdou and Tianji Shen stare at them without fear.

The next moment, Murong Red Bean slowly opened his mouth, filled with endless hatred: "Two million years ago, under your impetus, the mighty Great Qin Xian Kingdom collapsed. Now, my Great Qin Xian Kingdom is about to be rebuilt, you Appear again! "

One of the ancestors of the eighteen-year-old ancestral god, with his hands on his back, stood up in the air, and spoke condescendingly: "The creation of the immortal country is against the sky. I will only destroy the immortal country in accordance with the will of God. Murong Hongdou, if you want Turn in that divine power and then dissolve the Great Qin Xianguo. I can spare the lives of other people. As for the two of you, come to us and serve as a servant to make atonement! "

"Yes, Murong Red Bean is back on the shore, don't live up to the dignity of your heart!" Said the female ancestor next to Fan Fan, smiling at eighteen, her name is Lie Phoenix, who has survived for three million years.

Two million years ago, she had reached the 17th weight of the ancestral god. After the fall of the Great Qin Dynasty, she relied on the captured immortal veins, and after 500,000 years, she was promoted to the 18th weight of the ancestral god.

"How are you willing?"

Fan asked again.

"It's a thief that you don't die when you are old. It is the greatest evil for you to live if you are alive. I think it is better for you to all die!"

Murong Red Bean opened her mouth coldly, then, her breath suddenly burst out, a black giant palace emerged behind her, and then, the sound of boom, her breath giant palace suddenly soared.

"The ancestor is seventeenth!"

In addition, the respected ancestor of the Eighteen-Five-Zhong Taoist looked at Murong Hongdou Road with a little surprise, then he shook his head dismissively: "Even if you break through to the Seventeen-Front of the Zuxian, it is useless. Friends have twelve, let alone we have five ancestors and eighteen, so don't make five more resistance! "

"Ha ha!"

Murong Hongdou sneered: "This palace heard that Tiandao can only accommodate five ancestors and eighteen weights. If there is one more ancestor, eighteen weights, you said, who will be killed by heaven?"

As soon as the words came out, Fan Fan, Lie Feng, Wukong Taoren, Sansheng Elderly, and Devouring Sword Ancestral all changed suddenly.

Just then, the breath of Murong Red Beans soared again.

The first peak of the Seventeenth Century of Zuxian.

Zuxian seventeenth middle.

Zuxian Seventeenth Late.

Zuxian seventeenth peak.

"Hurry up, kill her, don't let her break through!"

Fan yelled in panic. "Oh!"

As soon as the figure flickered, Murong Hongdou ducked away tens of thousands of meters away and looked at the five with a smirk: "It's late!"


At that moment, her breath suddenly broke through a trance, breaking through the eighteenth ancestors of the Zuxian. In fact, she practiced the "Reincarnation of the Immortal Sutra" to the fullest, and her strength reached the peak of the seventeenth zuxian.

However, she sealed some of her own practice. Later, she received the god-level exercises from Song Kun. After a few months ago, she and Song Kun became real couples, and Song Kun sent her to the temple a thousand times longer. Perform enlightenment-level exercises.

Live up to expectations, yesterday, her realm finally reached the critical point of the eighteenth ancestor to Zuxian.

If she changed to practice the "Samsara of the Reincarnation," she would not be able to suppress the practice, but after revising the god-level exercises, she succeeded in suppressing the impending breakthrough practice.

And she did this in order to kill an ancestor, which is eighteen-weight. Of course, it is also possible to kill herself, but she is not afraid, because Song Ye sent her two substitute amulets. If Tiandao really chooses to kill her , She can rely on the stunt rune to carry through this calamity.


At that moment, a thunderous thunder came from the sky, and then a cheek covering hundreds of thousands of miles appeared on the sky.

"The heavenly world of fairyland is here !!!"

The face of the five ancestors became extremely ugly when they saw this face.

At the same time, a heavy pressure appeared in everyone's mind, and this pressure made them feel it was difficult to breathe, especially the immortal creatures below the ancestor were all pressed to the ground by this pressure, unable to move.


Lie Huang scolded at Murong Hongdou, and then, with her hands in the void, she was ready to evacuate, and the other four ancestors of the eighteenth were also evacuated to prepare for evasion.

at this time.

The mouth of that cheek in the sky suddenly opened, and a black thunderbolt split.


Lie Huang was struck by the thunderbolt, and her body suddenly froze. Then, the light in her eyes began to dissipate. In a moment, her body quickly collapsed, and eventually turned into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

Seeing this scene, everyone was chilling in their hearts and deeply felt the terrible nature of heaven.

When Lie Phoenix died, the pressure disappeared, and the cheek on the sky quickly collapsed ...

[Author off topic]: Two more

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