Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1904: Insight

"Let them go?"

Song Yan looked at Nangong Xuejie with a sneer: "Nangong Xuejie is too whimsical, you should understand why they came to Yushan Mansion. If my sister-in-law, Uncle Xiao and Master Hong Xiu are not here, you have thought Have you ever been there? "


Nangong Xuejie opened her mouth and she had nothing to say. She knew that Song Yan was right. If no one else is present today, I am afraid that even she cannot protect Song Yan from death.

"Brother, you are good, and have not been fooled by beauty!"

The Red Moon Tianshen said with a smile.

Immediately, the Red Moon God, Silverwing God, Xinghe God and Hong Xiuqi all shot.


Nangong Ziying turned into a white light and blasted towards the city gate, but was intercepted by Xiao Fankong's sword. Later, Xiao Fankong used only three swords to chop Nangong Ziying under the sword.

As for the other gods in the Nangong family, there was no resistance at all and they were quickly killed.

The Red Moon Gods also beheaded and killed two Middle Gods.

Then he threw the gods of the two central gods and the ring of storage to him.

Godhead, only God can gather.

If the higher **** refines the godhead of the **** of heaven, there is a great chance of becoming a **** of heaven.

Because the godhead is composed of the power of the law of the gods.

But after refining the godhead, the peak can also reach the level of the original master of the godhead. Therefore, even if Song Yun has a lot of godheads, he has no intention of refining.

Nangong House, Zhenhun Hall.

Successive eight soul jade cards burst apart, representing the death of the eight deities.

In a yard.

A lower god, similar to Nangong Ziying, suddenly gave an angry roar: "Xiao Fankong, I Nangong Ziying swears that this life is incompatible with you."

Yes, he is a clone of Nangong Ziying, who has the strength of the lower part of the **** of the heavens.


Nangong's high-level meeting began again, and Nangong Ziying's avatar was also present.

"Elder Ziying, what is going on?"

The old man asked in a deep voice.

"Master Qi, this is how ...!"

Nangong Ziying told the whole story.

After listening, a senior executive secretly took a breath.

The three upper gods are nothing to the Nangong family, but Xiao Fankong, Red Moon Tianyin and Yin Yin Tianshen are not ordinary upper gods. To be honest, Nangong family really does not want them.

And because Hong Xiu's extraordinary talent is the object of the training of the demon group, the Nangong family dare not treat him like that.

For a moment, the whole hall fell into silence.

In the end, the little old man waved helplessly: "That's all for now!"

Now, the Nangong family is carrying out a big plan. If it succeeds, the Nangong family will add a **** king. By that time, the red moon god, silver wing **** and Xiao Fankong will be nothing.

Therefore, the little old man chose to forbear, otherwise, the silver-winged Chiyue couple would be prone to cause the plan to fail, which would be due to the defeat.

The second day.

Song Ye left Yushan House and went to do the second task of becoming a two-star demon.

Since the strength has been exposed, he has not concealed it anymore.

It took only one day to return with the bodies of five beasts and complete the mission.

In the following days, he went crazy to do the task and soon met the promotion requirements. In just 20 days, he was promoted from the two-star **** to the level of the Samsung god.

During this time, the Nangong family seemed to be dying.

In a courtyard in Yushan House.

Song Yong is drinking slowly with a cup of tea. It has been over 2,000 years in Xianjie. Murong Hongdou and his parents have not yet risen.

Suddenly, he moved in his heart, and stood next to him, and seemed to be indifferent to Nangong Xuejie: ​​"Do you think the Nangong family will stop there?"

"I do not know!"

Nangong Xuejie shook her head, but after a little silence, he said, "You should leave Yushan House as soon as possible!"

"Do you know something?"

Song Yan stared at her and asked.

"You don't force me!" Nangong Xuejie begged.

"Okay, I don't force you, let's analyze it!" Song Yan smiled mysteriously: "At the time I saved Talon, he told me that your Nangong family was plotting something, this thing can't be leaked, so Then you have to chase Talon. If I guessed correctly, if this incident is exposed, it will have a great impact on your Nangong family, and it may even lead to the failure of that incident, right? "

Nangong Xuejie did not speak, but her eyelids moved. Song Yan's smile was even brighter: "It seems I guessed right, then we continue to analyze. Nangong family can be said to be the tyrant of Yushan House. If it is ordinary, it is exposed, and no one wants them, but The Nangong family will be so nervous, which shows that the Nangong family is not worried about being known by ordinary gods, but is worried about being known by some strong people, but also by the magic group!

Therefore, I suspect that your Nangong family is in a big killer comparable to the King of God! "

Hearing Song Yan's words, Nangong Xuejie was slightly relieved.

"It seems I guessed wrong. Since it is not a refining weapon, then Nangong family wants to recruit another **** king!"

"You ... how do you know?"

Nangong Xuejie looked at Song Yan with shock, with a horror in her eyes.

"Is it hard to guess?"

Song Yan smiled indifferently. His soul had undergone eleven transformations. The transformation of the soul brought him not only strength but also wisdom. With his wisdom, even if it was just a few clues, he could analyze many things. .

A sneer appeared on his face: "If the Nangong family has another **** king, then it will have absolute strength to remove all obstacles in Yushan House. At that time, even the demon group would not dare to easily interact with Nangong. Nangong ’s family had a good plan to start a war! Unfortunately, their motives have been known to me, so they may succeed! ”

"Song Zheng begging you, don't leak this out!"

Nangong Xuejie begged.

"Not leaking?"

Song Yan looked at him with a smile: "If the King of Nangong appears, the only thing I can do is to escape from Yushan Mansion and become a bereavement dog. My loved ones who have risen from the Nether will also fall into the hands of Nangong. Xiao Yuer ’s father will also be liquidated by you. Xiao Yuer is my friend. Also, the Red Moon God and Silver Wing God are kind to me. Do you want me to watch them die? So, your request, I won't accept it! "

Nangong Xuejie was again speechless.

"Also!" Song Zheng continued: "If God of God appears in the Nangong family, you will let go of this traitor, so your plea will not be exchanged for Nangong family's gratitude, it will only put you into ruin!"

As soon as the words came down, Song Ye went straight away. He wanted to inform the demon group and let the demon group send experts to destroy the plan of the Nangong family.

[Author off topic]: One more

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