Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1966: Reverse God Formation


But looking at the appearance of Si Kongmingyue, Song Yong couldn't help laughing, and almost burst into tears.

"You dare laugh! I laugh, I killed you!"

Si Kongmingyue, who turned into a little loli, was so mad that she attacked Song Kun insanely, but her attack was nothing, just like tickling him.

Half an hour later, Si Kongmingyue finally stopped her atrocities and ran to her side and began to cry.

Seeing this, Song Ye didn't smile anymore, but his expression was a little awkward.

Song Yan walked over, stroking Little Loli's head subconsciously, and comforted softly: "Well, don't cry, in fact you look so cute now!"

Little Loli looked up, tears on her face: "You go! Go away, Miss Ben doesn't want to see you!"

Song Ji swaggered: "What a big deal, now that I can turn you into a little loli, naturally I can turn you back, do I need to pee!"


Little Loli stopped crying and looked at Song Yang with anticipation.

Song Zheng nodded: "Of course it is true, can I still lie to you, this little girl!"

"Asshole, you are a little girl. Your whole family is a little girl. I fight with you!"

Little Loli started to soar again, scratching and biting at Song Yan.

"You're enough, no matter how foolish, I'm going to spank you!" Song Yan said fiercely.

"Woohoo, you bastard, you know how to bully others! You bastard! Bastard!"

Looking at Si Kongmingyue, who started crying again, Song Yan was very speechless. Is her body becoming smaller and her mind becoming a little girl? Why is she crying so much?

"Don't cry, I promise you, I will find a way to make you look as soon as possible!" Song Zheng promised again.

"how long it takes?"

Little Loli looked up, and there was water mist in her big eyes, which caused her pity.

"I can't guarantee this, I have to study it!"

"Well, if you can't change me back, I will never let you go!" Little Loli waved Xiao Quan to threaten Song Kun, but she fell in Song Yan's eyes without threat, but she felt a little bit lovely.

He looked right: "Next I'm going to find a way to restore your body and cultivation, don't bother me if it's all right!"

"Then you hurry up!"

"it is good!"

Going aside, Song Yong sat cross-legged again and began to study the pattern in his mind. This pattern consists of thousands of strokes with heavenly rhythm. If all these thousands of strokes are displayed by the matrix method, it will be a set of peerless **** arrays.

In order to avoid making mistakes again, he spent several days trying to figure out the stroke and copy it.

It was finally determined that there was nothing wrong, and he stood up again and set up the battle again.

Soon, the formation of the formation method, Song Ji directly urged by the formation method, making the formation method successfully run, under his conscious attention, the space in the formation method is distorted, is at a degenerate degree.

It seems that the effect of this formation method is to make people degenerate, cultivate for degradation, age degradation, and achieve inverse growth. From now on, this formation method will be called inverse **** array.

Subconsciously, Song Zheng looked at Si Kongmingyue again, but found that the other party was staring at him vigilantly: "Don't think of me to trick me into helping you try again!"

"Haha! Rest assured, how could I!"

Song Yan hit a haha, his eyes fell on the two **** kings who were still tirelessly bombarding the formation, and secretly said, "Just the incomplete inverse of the **** formation will make Si Kongmingyue, who has the top of the **** of heaven, degenerate to the middle god. Will the complete reversal of the Divine Array now let the King of God fall out of the realm of God! "

Think of it here.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, stepped out, and came to the first layer of formation.

After several days of bombardment, the energy of this formation has been consumed by one tenth.

Presumably they sensed this and didn't stop.

"Little thief, you better come out, otherwise, we will not let you go when we break your formation!" Shouted the goddess Wang Shuning.

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan smiled, directly covering the formation method, and then arranged an inverse **** array after the first layer formation method and concealed it.

Then, he played a trick, and Shu Ning, who was bombarding the formation, suddenly felt a joy, because she felt that the place where she bombarded had become much more vulnerable.

So she was so shocked that she bombarded there.

After dozens of bombardments, a large hole was broken directly in that place.

Song Zheng looked at this scene in dismay, then shouted badly, and turned and fled.

"Where did the thief escape!"

At the same time, Shu Ning and Yun Huang blasted from the holes of the formation, and then broke into the inverse **** array.

"Get up!"

Song Yan drank softly, and suddenly, the Nihuan array began to operate.

"Oh!" The two men who entered the array exclaimed, because they found that their cultivation was passing fast, and no matter how they controlled or sealed, the passing cultivation could not stop.

"No, break this formation!"

Yunhuang exclaimed.

Then the two sacrifice the priestly weapon to bombard the formation method. Unfortunately, this formation method contains the rhythm of the heavens, and they can break it. Under dozens of bombardments, not only did not shake the inverse formation of God, but caused their cultivation. To speed up the flow.

However, after all, they are masters at the level of the **** king. Compared to Si Kongmingyue, they are much slower to pass.

Song Ye was not in a hurry.

Just look at it as soon as the apocalypse in the matrix method is insufficient, immediately replace it.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

It took them five days to fall into a small realm.

Even so, they were scared enough.

The two also changed from the previous insults, and in the end, they began to please Song Yong.

It is a pity that he is not the kind of soft-hearted person. These two people are hesitant to him. If he is not proficient in the formation method, I am afraid that they will be caught up and yelled.

Therefore, he simply ignored them.

After another four days, the cultivation of the two has fallen to the early stage of the next step of the King of God.

After seven days.

The cultivation of the two fell directly under the **** king and became the upper god.

For a time, the two fell into a frenzy and madly insulted Song Kun.

At this time.

Song Zheng put away the Nihuan.

The two who were free came straight to Song Yan, and their eyes were full of resentment and hatred.


"Hmm! Hmm!"

Song Yi waved his palm, and they gave the two fans directly. If they were still the King of God, they might still be able to fight with him, but only at the level of the upper gods, they did not match Song Ye's shoes.

"You must die, thief!"

"The King of Tuyu will not let you go!"

Faced with the shouting of the two, Song Xun shook his body and kicked them. After kicking the two, they directly enslaved them with Xun Shentong.

Quite successful.

The two were immediately enslaved. It seems that this inverse **** array has even inverted their spirits, otherwise, a puppet **** might not be able to enslave them.

[Author off topic]: One more

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