Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1980: Celestial Guard

Seeing this, Song Yan's brow could not help wrinkling, and even this horrible beam of light could not kill them. It was a little troublesome.

But the eight **** kings of the eight **** kings were startled by this black beam.

Because the black beam is too fast, they cannot capture it even if they have a strong sense of mind, and they can't avoid it. Moreover, they sense that the power of this black beam is very strong. Most of them would have been injured if there was no Emperor's armor on their body.

No wonder the **** kings fell to the hands of this little thief before, most of them are the big array on this mountain of God.

So, in the next step, the eight **** kings tried to launch an attack, but they were all hit by the black beams reflected by the formation.

"It's boring!"

Song Kun was speechless. The black beams couldn't help this group of **** kings, and the other party couldn't break in, so he didn't bother to stand still with them, and the grass flew forward.

"No, this little array is going to run!"

Shouted the **** king of dragon head life.

"Boss, what if he wants to run away, we don't want him at all!"

Someone smiled bitterly.

"Although we can't break the large array on Shenshan, we can seal him!"

Someone suggested.

"good idea!"

The eyes of the king of the dragon's life brightened.

As a result, the eight **** kings rose up, summoned their own **** king avenues, and then began to use magic tricks and chant curses.

With the release of the tactics, for a moment, the emptiness of tens of thousands of miles followed.

"Oh! This is going to seal me!"

Song Yan was disdainful.

There are means left by the Emperor on this **** mountain. It can be said that all invasions are inviolable. Several **** kings want to seal the **** mountain, and they are just dreaming in the day. So he moved the heart of the stone and let the **** mountain speed up.


The speed of the Shenshan mountain increased tenfold, and the solidified space was instantly washed away. With a few breaths, it was directly out of the seal.


The sacred faces of the eight gods and kings were discouraged.

"Let's go back!"

The voice of the king of the dragon's life was low.

When the eight deities and kings returned to the demon group, the high level of the demon group was silent, and even they could not destroy the little thief, who could do anything about him.

Wu Qi's face changed a few times in succession: "Do you want to know who the teacher is?"

He was very hesitant. When the Emperor Guangming traveled to Chaos, he left a divine emperor clone, but this divine clone was spawned through the secret method. It is the weakest divine emperor, and every time he used it, he needed Consumes a lot of energy.

The Emperor Guangming left it in the demon group to keep a backhand for the demon group. Second, it is to facilitate communication with the body.

"Nothing!" Finally Wu Qi waved his hand: "That's all for now."

After months of flying, Song Xun and the Star God finally arrived at the Mist Forbidden Land.

"Little corpse, I'm here to see you!"

Immediately after entering the forbidden area, Song Yan yelled with a throat.

When the figure flashed, the corpse appeared: "Are you here?"

Song Yan smiled: "Yeah! I plan to lift the curse of your clan and summon your corpse kings!"

"it is good!"

The little corpse was overjoyed, and his mouth opened a silent roar. Suddenly, a large number of people flashed, and nearly a hundred corpse kings appeared.

However, more than thirty corpse kings have been restored to human form, and should have used the blood he had given away before.

So in the next, Song Yan distributed dozens of drops of blood to the remaining Corpse King.

The blood was in their hands, and they smeared directly onto the brow's heart. Then, the corpse on them quickly dissipated, and soon, they returned to human form.

"Little corpse, you said before, as long as I lift your curse, you will be loyal to me, right?"

Song Su suddenly looked at the corpse and shouted.


The corpse nodded and said, "As long as you lift the curse of all our people, we will be loyal to you!"

"Well, call your people together!"

Song Zheng nodded.

The small corpse snarled again, and then a large number of corpses gathered toward this side.

Next, in a month, Song Yong took out nearly a million drops of blood, lifting the curse of everyone in this group.

"How, should you be loyal now?"

Song Yan looked at Xiaozui and said.

"Ha ha!"

The corpse chuckled, with a taunt and contempt in his tone: "I don't think that the descendants of the ancestors are so stupid, and you just went to the gods, and you actually want our group of gods and kings to be loyal to you. Do you think this is realistic?

"Are you planning to cross the river to tear down the bridge?"

Song Yan asked with a smile, but he was not nervous at all.

"Do you know the origin of our tribe?" The corpse asked with a smile.

Song Zheng calmly said: "Tell me now, since you have already planned to cross the river to dismantle the bridge, you definitely don't want to let me go, then let me be an understanding ghost!"

"Our clan is the Heavenly Guardian of His Majesty's Heavenly Path!" The corpse whispered a secret slowly.

"Are there guards in heaven?"

Song Ye was surprised.

"That's natural!" Xiaozui sneered, "Tiandao knows everything, but many things require us to be like Tianwei, such as Tianjie, they all issue orders from Tiandao, and our Tianwei executes them. The invasion of other universe's enemies needs to be handled by us astronauts! "

"So what happened to Tiandao before? Why was it replaced by the new Tiandao?" Song Yan asked curiously.

The corpse yelled: "It's very simple, now Tiandao killed Qiantiandao and replaced it, and we as Qiantiandao Tianwei, the strong ones among us were cleared, and the rest of us were cursed, You can only stay in the fog forbidden! "

"Have you ever thought of revenge?"


The corpse scorned and looked at Song Yan: "Why would you ask such a stupid question, what do we take to get revenge, how powerful is Tiandao? When Tiandao once cursed us, he said, if we can escape the curse, he will Allow us to be his Heavenly Guardian. If you have the blood of your ancestors, even if it is swallowed up by Heaven, it will be of great benefit, so we intend to capture you and offer it to the present Heavenly God! "

"Oh, cross the river to tear down the bridge to describe your disagreement, I think it is more appropriate to use the word white-eyed wolf to describe you!" Song Yan sighed.

"Okay, you know what you should know! Should you catch it?"

The corpse sneered.

"Do you look like a fool?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Although it's a bit stupid, it won't be a fool!" The corpse was serious.

Song Yan smiled: "Since I'm not a fool and have no countermeasures, how can I rush out of your curse?"

The corpse stunned, then smiled: "Is your countermeasure the **** king beside you?"

"That's not it!"

Song Yan shook his head, then asked with a smile: "Since you know that I have the blood of the ancestors, do you know the powers of the ancestors?"

"It's not unclear!"

Cried the corpse.

"No wonder!" Song Yan smiled jokingly: "I have a soul magic power called" magic ", once this magic power is unfolded, you will not be able to autonomously!"

"Oh! No matter how powerful your magical power is, we can't control so many of us?"

"If I do not control you normally, but you use my blood to lift the curse and let my blood blend into your body. In this way, it will be easier for me to control you!"

Having said that, Song Zheng looked at Yigan God King: "Come, you guys danced for me!"

As soon as Song Yan's voice fell, the nearly hundred gods twisted his hips and danced intoxicatedly.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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