Magic Love Ring

Chapter 818: Peerless achievements

With the move of the nine emperor sons, six martial saints of the Taurus tribe that followed him reached.

Seeing this, Song Xun couldn't help exulting in his heart. His body flickered and disappeared, but the six emperors of the Nine Emperor and the Demon Clan had already fallen into the formation.

Seeing the nine princes and six martial saints disappear in front of them, the big prince and the three princes were very surprised.

The great prince said: "Jiudi is so impulsive, can't he see that the tribe intentionally angers him?"

The three princes nodded in a deep sympathy: "Yeah, Jiudi is impulsive, but that young ethnic person is more cunning."

"The eldest prince, the third prince, and the nine prince may be in danger. Would you like to send someone to save them!" A demon proposed.

"That's not necessary."

The three princes calmly waved their hands: "There were six martial arts saints who followed him into the formation, and Jiu Di himself was a master of martial arts in the later period. Even if the formation is strong, he will not be able to trap them. Maybe this formation They will be broken! "

For the position of Emperor Taurus, the various princes fought against each other. The three princes and the nine princes have fought for many years. If the nine princes died in the human formation, his site borders the nine princes. Once the nine princes die, It was definitely him who made the most profit, so he was anxious for the death of Emperor Nine Emperor Shayu, where would he send someone to save him.

As for whether the strong bull devil would blame him, he didn't take it seriously, because he had already thought about the wording. First, the nine emperor himself was impulsive. Second, he also took six martial saints, who knew the human race. His formation is so strong that he will be killed under the aegis of six martial saints.

"Third brother, this is not good, in case nineteenth brother has three strengths and two short strengths, we are not good at explaining to the father and the emperor!"

The three princes sneered: "Since this, the elder brother may wish to send a few martial arts to support the nine brothers!"

"Oh, I just casually said that there are six martial arts saints around Jiudi, which should be enough to break the battle!" The prince hurriedly said that he didn't want to provoke his body. Every time he died, his overall strength would drop by one point. If he sent a few martial arts to all fold in that weird formation, he would not even cry.

Out of nowhere.

Di Shayu is under siege by ten human martial arts saints, and the other six martial arts sacrifices are divided into three groups to fight each other.

As for Song Yan, he stood side by side and watched the battle with ease, this emperor Shayu was indeed the son of the powerful Niu Mo Huang, and his magical powers shook the earth. Ten transfigured human saints Wu Sheng could not help him for a while.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Zheng moved his tactics, and five human race martial arts turned out to attack Emperor Shayu.

Fifteen human clan Wu Sheng joined forces to finally suppress Disha Yu.


A quarter of an hour later, a clan Wu Sheng screamed and was killed by Di Shayu's head. Other Wu Sheng took the opportunity to attack, but Di Sha Yu swept away.

Seeing this, Song Yan could not help but frown slightly, this guy is too difficult to tangle it, fifteen martial arts besieged him, and was actually beheaded.

On the other side, the six martial saints battled each other fairly well, and it would be difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat at half past one.

With a wave of Song Ji, the six Wu Shengs stopped fighting and flung towards Di Shayu.

At this moment, Di Shayu was killing fiercely, and suddenly saw six figures fluttering, suddenly shocked, because he found that these six martial arts were actually martial arts under his third brother.

"Does Brother San want to assassinate me? Damn it!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The six Wu Sheng silently killed Di Shayu directly, confirming his inner guess.

After the six sacred martial arts saints came up, Song Yan let the vassal martial arts retreat. Each transformational martial arts requires huge energy. There are more than one million cattle demon army outside. If you can save, save it .

In the eyes of Di Shayu, the six cattle demon Wu Sheng are under his three brothers, but in the eyes of the six Bull Demon Wu Sheng, Di Shayu is the face of Song Zheng.

As a result, the two sides are fighting harder and harder, and the moves seem to be desperate.

This scene of cannibalism kills Song Ye unhappy.

In the end, after killing three ox demons Wu Sheng, Di Shayu was punched in the chest by another ox demons Wu Shengyi.

"Boss, I will let you go even if I die!"

Emperor Shayu roared in the sky, ignoring the injury on his chest, rushed out madly, and finally killed a ox demon Wu Sheng.

Seeing this, the remaining two ox demons Wu Sheng also followed the fierce hair and rushed out from left to right, desperately attacking Di Shayu.

Emperor Shayu had been seriously injured. It was only a fierce attack to kill the fourth ox demon Wu Sheng. Therefore, under the siege of the last two Wu Sheng, his injuries were getting worse and worse. A cow demon Wu Sheng caught the opportunity and exploded his head.


Song stunned for a while. Suddenly, the two Wu Shengs had no time to rejoice, and found that the young people of the ethnic group they had killed turned into their own emperor.

"This, what the **** is going on?"

The two ox demons Wu Sheng were aggressive, and they actually killed the nine princes.

If it is known by Hercules Demon Emperor, they have absolutely no chance of living.

Just when Song Kun was going to disguise more than ten personal clan martial arts sacrifices to kill the two cattle and demon clan martial arts sacrifices, they found that they had no sound but chose to break their hearts.

The time in the formation is controlled by Song Yong.

Therefore, in the eyes of the three princes and the great prince, Song Xun entered the battle less than half a quarter of an hour and appeared again.

Throwing it away, seven heads flew out.

One of the skulls had been broken in half, but after careful identification, it was faintly recognizable that it was the nine emperor.

"The prince of nine is dead?"

"God, Prince Nine was killed!"

A panic began to spread, and even the eldest prince and the three princes were very surprised. Unexpectedly, the nine princes were killed in such a short period of time.

For a moment, they also had a fear, this formation was so powerful.

"Who else wants to try the power in the formation?" Song Xun said with a smile, and waved at will. The scene in the formation appeared in front of the crowd, but it was more than 200,000 before entering the array. Hercules warriors have all died and become a corpse.

A chill burst from the bottom of the Taurus people's feet, reached the spine, and finally rushed to the top of the head. A little timid, seeing the hundreds of thousands of corpses, could not help but step back.

As for the rear of the large array, Lei Jiuming and others also saw the scenes in the array. In addition to shock, there were ecstasy.

In the end, the great princes and the three princes chose to withdraw their troops. The Terran formation was too terrifying. Even if all the soldiers and horses were sent into the formation, it would be difficult to break that formation.

When the ox demons withdrew, Lei Jiuming ushered in with a general and laughed, "Huang Liang, you have made a great achievement this time!"

I heard that the enemies behind Lei Jiuming all showed envy, didn't they? They alone killed more than 200,000 Taurus warriors without saying that there were ten martial saints. The ten martial saints included a Taurus Prince.

If this news spreads, I am afraid it will shake the whole human race.

[Author off topic]: One more

Thank you 苁 偂 and td92985623 for the big reward

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