Magic Love Ring

Chapter 822: I can't even touch my clothes

Nangong Wuliang did not use weapons, because he felt it was not necessary to deal with a grandmaster later. With his pair of meat punches, it was more than enough

But is it really so?

Facing this menacing punch, Song Yong stepped out.


His fist was scraped from his face, with a strong heat, but the punch was still missed.

With a single punch, Nangong had a lot of surprises, and the fist turned into a sweep. At the same time, the body's qi broke out, and the pores on the entire arm lased out a pin of air.

His boxing technique is Jiuxing martial arts "Fresh Rain and Sky Fist". It seems simple, but it has a hidden killer, and it can often kill people by surprise.

Seeing that Song Kun was about to be injured under his gas needle, Nangong's immeasurable mouth could not help showing a cruel smile. Once these gas needles entered the body, they would take root in the other person's body and destroy their points.

Dan Tian and Acupoint are both places where the Qi is stored. Once the Acupoint is destroyed, the skill will greatly fall off.

Therefore, this "Feng Yu Man Tian Quan" is still a very venomous martial art.


When the figure flickered, Song Yong disappeared suddenly.

"Puff puff!"

Hundreds of air needles lost their targets and dissipated by themselves after flying dozens of meters.

"Your speed is too slow. Don't you drink too much? Otherwise, you should wake up and come back!"

Song Yan's voice came from behind him.

Nangong turned his head immeasurably, and found that Song Zheng was standing dozens of meters away and looked at him with a smile.

On the edge of the school field, Song Jiuhe laughed and said, "The major movement of the commander is used more and more intensively. Based on this, he can be invincible!"

"Also, this great move is really against the sky, and I don't know how the leader cultivated it!" Han Gu nodded in conviction, and there was a hint of envy in her eyes.

In fact, they didn't know that after the surge of mental strength, Song Xun's great move technique had been improved by several levels to almost complete, leaving Xuan Yuan who taught him this martial arts behind him far away.

With Song Yi's great move today, he can go as far as five or six thousand miles between thoughts, and between the square inches, he can dodge at will.

Therefore, as long as it is not a sneak attack, even Wu Sheng does not want him.

Nangong flew again and again, and when he was halfway through, he scored dozens of punches.

These boxing energies suddenly intertwined and merged with each other. When they rushed to Song Yan, they turned into a boxing fighter dragon. The surging breath almost frozen and confined the surrounding space.

His eyes flashed coldly, secretly, aren't you fast? I froze the void, no matter how fast you can be, you can't get up fast.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the major reliance on the big move was not the main space, but the dimension space.


The figure flashed and Song Kun disappeared again, making Nangong immeasurable.

"Your speed is still too slow, come again!"

A slightly ironic voice came from behind him, causing Nangong's immense amount of murder.

I saw him grabbing his hand, and a magic sword appeared in his hand, exuding breathtaking power.

"Jiu Pin Ling Sword!"

Everyone was surprised to see the sword in Nangong's infinite hands.


Nangong sighed immeasurably, and his body walked out like lightning. The Jiu Pin Ling Sword in his hand was more like continuous rain, spreading all over the space instantly.

Sword rain came from all directions, and Song Yan seemed to be hiding.

All of a sudden, everyone's heart mentioned his throat.


Never Snow even grabbed Mrs. Lei's hand, and the worry on her face was self-evident.

"Rest assured, he won't be so easily injured!" Mrs. Ray comforted.

Only then did her words fall, and Song Ye's figure disappeared again in the endless Jianyu Center.


Countless sword rains collided with each other, erupting layers of violent energy, and cracks in space appeared.

Seeing this scene, many people opened their mouths and secretly said that if I were in the middle of the sword rain, I would be torn to pieces.

"Glaughter! Come on violently!"

The sound of ridicule sounded again, almost driving Nangong crazy, how could he not understand, how did that guy escape in the leaky sword rain?

Suddenly, Nangong moved in his heart, stopped attacking, and stood still: "If you have the ability, don't run away!"

"You have the ability to suppress your strength in the later period of the Grand Master!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"You!" Nangong Wuliang suddenly said nothing.

"Is there nothing left to say?" Song Yan flashed disdain in his eyes: "I said, you can't help me even if you don't use the formation method, now what, you can't even touch my clothes, waste, you are waste Pole, a grand master late, even a grand master late, if I were you, I would just find a piece of tofu and knock it to death. It ’s a hundred, lest I live in this world!

"Shut up!"

Nangong stared at Song Yan immeasurably, his eyes seemed to be breathing fire.

"Well, I'm so angry and angry!" Song Yan drama abused: "You have to call me before I say it!"

"Do you really think I can't help you?" Nangong shouted inexorably.

"Then you try?" Song Yan's expression grew more disdainful.

"You asked for it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nangong suddenly looked behind him with a huge phantom.


A terrifying roar came from the shadow behind him, and then the shadow gradually solidified and turned into a huge white tiger.

"Wang Jiwu soul white tiger!" Lei Jiuming said solemnly.

The next moment, Nangong leaped inexorably, and merged with that white tiger martial spirit, and then, another screaming tiger roared.

Immediately, a white shadow emerged from the laser, and immediately came to the top of Song Yan, and then flew out.


The giant tiger claws are indestructible. Wherever they pass, the void is directly drawn through a space crack.


The white tiger's claws still fluttered, and Song Yan appeared again dozens of meters away.

Nangong, who has become a white tiger, has no chance to speak to Song Ye, flew again, and once again came to the top of Song Ye's head.

For a moment, two figures kept flashing in the school ground, and the low figure was not clear at all, only two big and one small figures were blurred.

A quarter of an hour later, the shadow of the two groups chasing was still inconclusive.


A soft noise.

The huge white tiger suddenly collapsed, and Nangong fell from it immeasurably.

Incarnation of Wuhun requires a huge amount of mental power, not to mention that it is still Wangjie Wuhun, which consumes more. Nangong's immense amount of time can support a quarter of an hour.

"Now it's my turn to shoot, Nangong Wuliang, are you ready?" Song Yan also followed his appearance and stared at Nangong Wuliang in a playful manner.

As soon as the voice fell, he appeared on Song Yong's hand. Then, he stepped on an unpredictable footwork, and the flashes in his hand turned into more than thirty long swords that pierced the infinite points of Nangong's whole body.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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