Magic Love Ring

Chapter 829: Why am I afraid of stigma

Before Song Ye was unwilling to expose Ji Lingqi, it was because he was not strong enough. Now that he has accumulated enough strength, Ji Lingqi is just a reincarnation demon spirit.

With the new house getting closer, Song Yan suddenly accelerated his pace.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, but he immediately returned to normal and went on to the new house.

As soon as he was approaching the new house, four afterimages ejected from all around, and as soon as lightning, he approached his body in an instant.


The four strong killings broke out suddenly, forming a top-secret spiritual network, and suppressing Song Yong by death, then, the four sword lights pierced his abdomen, chest, throat and brows silently.

The four shot very fast, and the cooperation was seamless, even if Wu Sheng was assassinated under their assassination.

However, Song Yan avoided the joint strike of the four without any damage.

When the figure was shaking, he appeared a few meters away.

No extra words appeared in his hands, and then he stepped out.

The sword is like a shooting star.


Between the blood splatters, a skull flew high.


One of the assassins sang softly, and then the three assassins turned into three afterimages and fled from three different directions.

"All left for me!"

Song Yan drank coldly, his figure was divided into three, and with three short muffled sounds, the bodies of the three assassins separated.

After slaughtering the four assassins, Song Zheng put away and pushed open the courtyard door of the new house and walked in.

The yard is quiet.

All the attendants had disappeared, and looking at the tightly closed new house, there was a ray of coldness in Song Yan's eyes.


Song Yan opened the door to the new house.

No one attacked, but a middle-aged man was standing brightly in his wedding room.

On the big red embroidered bed, Gu Xie Huayu was sitting beside the bed, the bride's hijab had been lifted, and a sword was set between the white neck, and the owner of that sword was an ugly middle-aged woman.

"Chen Yuanshan, you are so brave, you dare to return to Qingweimen!"

Song Yan's gaze fell on the middle-aged man. It is true that this person is Chen Yuanshan, the head of Qingweimen.

"Why didn't I dare to come back, don't forget, this place once belonged to me." Chen Yuanshan said with resentment, the guy in front of him took everything away from him. If it wasn't for him, now he is still the head of Qingwei.

But because of this man, he lost everything, so when he got married, he came back!

Song Yan shook his head: "But now there is no place for you, now, I will give you another chance to leave with your people, I will spare you!"


Chen Yuanshan couldn't help laughing. There was a bit of madness in the laughter. He stared at Song Yan coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "To this day, you dare to threaten me! Don't forget, your wife is still in my hands. Yes, as long as I say a word, she will be separated! "

Song Yan shook his head again: "No, you can't kill her! Well, Chen Yuanshan, don't challenge my patience any more, get out of here immediately!"

"you wanna die!"

Chen Yuanshan was furious. He did not expect Gu Xie Hua Yu to be in his hands. Song Xuan dared to be so arrogant. Is this boy worried about Gu Xie Hua Yu's safety?

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yuanshan suddenly drew his sword and cut it towards Song Yuan.

"I wanted to save you a life. Since you don't know anything, it can only take you on the road!"

With a whisper, Song Yong started the stagnation of space. Suddenly, everything in the entire room fell into stagnation.

With a dazzling figure, Song Yan came to Gu Xiehuayu, took off the sword from the ugly woman's hand, and pointed it into her eyebrow. Then she flashed in front of Chen Yuanshan and patted him on the chest with a palm. Out, shattered his heart.

Three seconds later, the stagnation disappeared.

The ugly woman fell to the ground with a groan, and Chen Yuanshan screamed and fell to the ground, and soon there was no sound.


Just then, an elder elder broke into and took a look at the two corpses in the new house. His face suddenly changed: "What happened to the head?"

"I encountered a few assassins, but they have been resolved. Take their bodies and bury them!" Song Yan said lightly.


The elder Taishang waved his hand, and some disciples stepped forward to erect Chen Yuanshan and the ugly woman's body, but just to see the appearance of Chen Yuanshan, the elder Taishang and several disciples were shocked. Unexpectedly, the assassin was actually the head of the post.

However, although they were shocked, they didn't ask much, and quickly cleaned up the new house and returned.

"Huayu, it shocked you!"

Song Xuan stopped Gu Xiehuayu's body tenderly.

"Liang, I'm fine."

"It's okay." Song Yan waved his hand, two glasses of wine fell into his hands, handed one of them to Gu Xiehuayu, and smiled: "Come, drink a glass of wine and get shocked."

Gu Xie Hua Yu gave him a white look, and secretly said, Liang Brother is really, and now he is still so unruly as the head.

After drinking a cup of wine, it's time to do business.

Song Yan politely held up Xie Huayu's bright chin, then lowered his head and printed the two sweet and moist lips.

Although it was not the first time to kiss Song Yan, this time, Gu Xie Huayu had a special feeling, and, thinking that she would be Liang's wife in the future, she felt an impulse in her heart and no longer accepted it. Warmly responded.

With regard to Gu Xiehuayu's initiative, Song Ye was a bit surprised. He was more happy. The joy of husband and wife is mutual.

With kisses and kisses, Song Yi's hands became unruly, but soon, he felt that Gu Xie Huayu and his clothes were too disturbing. With a heart motion, his fingertips overflowed with a few small swords and quickly passed. Just listening to the clamor, the clothes on the two turned into pieces of rags and flew away.

Looking at the people in front of him, the flames in Song Yun's body were boiling wildly.

With a low roar, he rushed up.

At the beginning of the rising sun, Song Yan slowly opened his eyes, looked down and glanced at his mother's aunt, Xie Huayu, who was curled up in his arms. The corner of his mouth could not help raising a touch of pride.

Even though it was a newly-married Yaner last night, thanks to Huayu's exceptional enthusiasm, the two stopped fighting for more than three hours before fighting.

This made Song Yan soothing and worried for her aunt Xie Huayu, who was really afraid she couldn't afford it.

After having breakfast, Song Ye took Gu Xie Huayu to the elder's residence to return.

Gu Xiekang and Lin Qingyou are both here.

Compared to the previous, Gu Xiekang's attitude has been much better, but still did not smile at Song Ye, but Lin Qingyou, the mother-in-law, was extremely enthusiastic about Song Ye.

Then he pulled Gu Xiehuayu to the side to communicate.

"Xiao Huang, let's talk in the study!" Said Elder Xie.

"it is good!"

A short while later, Song Yan accompanied the elder Xie to the study.

"How do you plan to deal with Chen Yuanshan?" Elder Gu Xie asked with some concern, because once this matter is not handled well, it will affect the majesty of Song Yong, the current head.

"Handle it low-key!"

Song Yong thought about it.

Elder Xie whispered: "The people inside the door were dazzling yesterday. Now that the wind has been leaked, it cannot be dealt with in a low-key manner. I discussed with your master. We decided to announce to the disciples that Chen Yuanshan is a traitor!

Song Ye thought for a while: "If a person dies like a lamp, no matter how big the crime is, the name of a traitor doesn't need to be settled. No matter what, he is the head of Qingweimen!"

After hearing that, there was a little praise in the eyes of Elder Xie, but then he worried for Song Ye: "If he is not charged, I am afraid it will have a great impact on you!"

"Anyway, I see people's hearts for a long time, why should I be afraid of this stigma!" Song Yong waved his hands in disapproval.

"Well then, that's all it takes!" Elder Xie nodded.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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