Magic Love Ring

Chapter 838: Anyway

Yes, it was Song Yan and Wu Xue that visited Lei Jiuming's home.

After a shiver, Lei Jiuming and Song Yan came to the study.

"Your courage is too big, once the news of the two of you coming to the holy city is leaked, I am afraid that Chuge and Niange will send someone to surround you!" Lei Jiuming said worriedly.

Song Yan smiled: "This requires them to have that ability, I have to go, who in the world can stop me."

"That's right, your big move is really too bad!" Lei Jiuming nodded, and suddenly his heart moved: "You came just right, now I have a problem, you help me analyze how I should do ? "

Then, Lei Jiuming told him about the dispatch of Tian Yinzong by the military aircraft battalion.

After thinking for a while, Song Zheng said, "I have a solution, may you like this ...?"

After listening to Song Yan's method, Lei Jiuming couldn't help but shine.

The next day, Lei Jiuming led a mission to Tian Yinzong. As soon as he was out of the holy city, he was assassinated by a group of martial arts. As a result, Lei Jiuming was seriously injured and the accompanying persons were seriously injured.

Under severe injuries, Lei Jiuming naturally could no longer serve as an errand for the mission of Tian Yinzong.

After discussion, the nine cabinet veterans decided that Zhang Shiquan would envoy Tian Yinzong.

Thunder House.

Lei Jiuming was lying on the bed, the gauze on his chest was still stained with blood, but there was a smile on his face.

"Xiao Huang, your strategy is really brilliant!" Lei Jiuming said happily.

"Don't be too happy, the gangs in the military aircraft battalion are not fools. They may not be able to guess them, and they will definitely try you out!" Song Yan sneered.

Sure enough, Song Yan expected that someone would soon come to visit Lei Jiuming.

Some even brought a doctor, but Lei Jiuming's injuries were real and quite serious. For a time, he could not help but want to scratch him.

Song Yanhe and Wu Wuxue did not stop too much in the holy city, and left early the next morning.

Today, Tian Yinzong can be said to have turned his face with the military aircraft battalion, so no snow is the answer to Tian Yinzong.

Gao Meixiang even made her the deputy head. Once she abdicates, she will be the head of Tian Yinzong.

I have to say that Gao Meixiang's trick is very clever, which has won the trust of Song Yong and also gained his favor.

"Son, how do we face the waiter at the military camp?"

At the head of the hall, Gao Meixiang respectfully asked Song Ye.

Song Xuan said lightly: "Naturally ... let him roll back to the holy city."

"Will this anger the military plane camp?" Gao Meixiang said with some worry.

Song Yong coldly said, "All we do is to anger the military aircraft camp! Now, the world doesn't know how many eyes are staring at Tian Yinzong. If Tian Yin Zong is defeated, the military aircraft camp's reputation will inevitably go up However, as long as we stand up to the first round of attack by the military aircraft battalion, ambitious people in the world will surely be in trouble. By that time, the military aircraft battalion will be ignorant, let alone, my southern region will be near For a while, they are unified, echoing Tianyin Zongyao! "

Speaking of which, Song Yan's eyes could not help but shine two gleams of light, seemingly to himself, but also to take an oath: "The military plane camp has ruled the people for so many years, it is time to change the dynasty!"

Gao Meixiang heard that Song Yan actually wanted to overthrow the military aircraft battalion and replaced it, but could not help but be shocked, but then she saw two hot lights in her eyes. Once the son succeeded in replacing the military aircraft battalion, as a servant of the dragon, she had the status It must be a rising boat, not to mention, she is still a master without snow, and now she will be the deputy head of all snow, and everything she will be without snow in the future. Based on this, the son will not be treated badly. she was.

Thinking of this, she knelt down to the ground and said, "My subordinate used to serve my son!"

At noon the next day, a pair of men and horses came to the gate of Tianyinzong Mountain.

Headed by a middle-aged man wearing a dark brown robe, his face is wide and his ears wide, but his eyes are like a seam.

He was Zhang Shiquan, the messenger of the mission to Tianyinmen.

"I am the ambassador of the military aircraft battalion, go and let Gao Meixiang come out to pick up!"

Faced with the disciples who guarded Shanmen, Zhang Shiquan looked arrogant.

"This lord, let's talk to the head. During this time, she was hugging her body. If she didn't see a foreigner, please go back!" Disciples Moriyama said lightly, even with a sense of irony in her tone.

Upon hearing that, Zhang Shiquan couldn't help anger: "What? She didn't dare to avoid Gao Meixiang. Does she know who this person is?"

"Regardless of who you are, if you don't see it, you won't see it!" Shoushan girl disciple said coldly.

Looking at the female disciple who guarded the mountain, Zhang Shiquan stared at the cold: "Jack, you little Shoushan disciple dare to hit this seat, come, come and give me a palm!"

Suddenly a guard from the later period came out of the crowd and grabbed the female guardian disciple out of thin air.

The female disciple named Chen Linlin, who was trained to be able to reach the ninth level of refining gas, how to withstand the means of a great master, and when she saw the other hand raised, her body flew to the other side.

"Bold, dare to hurt my people at Tian Yinzong, really when my Tian Yinzong does not exist!"

The voice sounded, a purple narrow sword furiously chopped down like lightning, scaring the great master to quickly abandon Chen Linlin and fly back.

But the purple sword qi did not let him go, the brilliance rose sharply, the speed increased sharply, and the laser came at a faster speed.

"Excessive, even the people in the military aircraft battalion dare to hurt!"

An accompanying Wu Sheng could not stand it anymore, and raised his fist with a fiery red fist, welcoming the purple sword gas.

"I think it's you who are wanton!"

A crutch appeared out of thin air, the sound of crickets, the fist burst, the crutch's momentum continued unabated, and went straight to the name of Wu Sheng's chest. After the crutch, there was an old dragon bell, like an old woman about to enter the soil.


With a scream, the shot guru was split in half by the purple sword gas. A middle-aged woman holding the sword appeared and looked at the corpse in half, then looked away. Falling on Chen Linlin: "Chen Linlin, are you okay?"

"Thank you Elder Wang for your help!" Chen Linlin quickly thanked him with a touch of excitement on his face.

"Anyway, you are my disciple of Tianyinzong, so I should take care of you!" Elder Wang said calmly.

the other side!

Listening only to the sound of "bang", the Wu Sheng from the military aircraft battalion was hit by a cane and dropped tens of meters away. As soon as he stood up, he opened a mouthful of blood, and his breath followed.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shiquan was so angry that Tian Yinzong was so bold that he dared to kill the people he brought. He glanced quickly at the old woman and Elder Wang, gritted his teeth and said, "You Tian Yinzong, this is what you want Do you want to rebel? "

"What about it anyway?"

At this moment, Gao Meixiang came slowly with a group of disciples at the Grand Master level. Suddenly, a number of disciples who kept the mountain kneeling and rumored to have seen the head.

[Author's off-topic]: Thank you for your great reward, and the second one

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