Magic Love Ring

Chapter 853: World trend

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The blood devil's attacks continue to act on the barriers of the matrix, making the matrix space shake more violently.

At the same time, the hundred zun martial arts attacked the blood monsters desperately, but these blood demons were not afraid of injury at all, but they exchanged their wounds for their lives.

Therefore, in just half a quarter of an hour, dozens of Wu Sheng died.


A light buzzing from the barriers in the matrix space made Song Yan's expression tight. If he went according to the current situation and hadn't waited for them to kill the Blood Demons, they would be out of the battle.

Thinking of this, Song Kun took out the crystal skull from the storage spirit ring.

With his mental power, he can only control fifty martial arts battles, plus the emperor is not just a hundred honorable, and now, the hundred martial arts cannot completely suppress the blood demon cymbals, so only more martial arts can be gathered. Able to kill Blood Demon Wren.

The last time he absorbed the soul power in the crystal skull, his mental strength increased by 300 points, but because of insufficient physical strength, he stopped absorbing, but now, his physical strength has improved a lot, and there is dark gold The body exists, so he can continue to absorb the power of those souls to enhance spiritual power.


A ray of true energy was input into the crystal skull, and a force of soul slammed into his body. He quickly intercepted the influx of soul force, put away the crystal skull, and then operated the meditation idea.

With the operation of the meditation idea, these soul powers were quickly refined and merged into his spiritual lake, turning into drops of mental fluid, and his mental power also rose with the water.

After half a quarter of an hour, he refined all this soul power into his own spiritual power, making his spiritual power break through to 2503 points.

Although the growth is less than 100 points, it is enough for him to control two martial arts.

As a result, the number of Wu Sheng has grown to 102.

At the same time, he took out all the **** irons and broke them into the matrix space. The barriers of the matrix space where cracks had already appeared were gradually repaired by the blessing of **** irons.

Although only two martial arts sacrifices have been added, it is these two martial arts sacrifices that have gradually allowed the scales of victory to pour to Song Yan.

Then Song Yong took out the crystal skull again.

After a quarter of an hour, he raised his mental strength to 2710 points, and the number of cohesive Wusheng reached 105.

Under the attack of 105 martial arts saints, the blood demon pupa no longer has the strength to attack the barriers of space. Besides, with the blessing of the **** iron, the barriers of space have become harder and thicker.

Finally, under the cooperation of 105 martial arts saints, ten blood demon pupas were divided into three corpses, and the blood on their bodies degraded to the level of the ten blood demon pupas in the Eastern Region.

This time, Song Yong was completely relieved.

It took three hours to finally destroy the ten Blood Golems.

When the matter was resolved, Song Yan was too tired to put the emperor's emperor into his body, put away the array of superb spirit crystals and **** irons, and one flashed back to the Qingwei gate.

Controlling more than 50 quasi martial arts battles consumes a lot of mental power.

Therefore, returning to Qingweimen, Song Xie slept for five hours before waking up.

He came to the place where business was done.

A few discs have been placed on the case file, requiring him to pass through the document.

After reading these official documents, Song Xie gave instructions one by one, and then he started to move to the Eastern Battlefield.

The army's more than two million troops have been trapped in the battlefield for a week without food or drink. If they go later, I am afraid that many people will starve to death.

"You're here!"

When he saw Song Kun, Lei Jiuming greeted him with anxiety, grabbed his arm and said, "Come on, let go of the army, or they will all die!"

When Song Kun went to deal with the blood demon sorrow, Lei Jiuming was not idle. Under his persuasion, and after he told Yan Wudi that the world ’s Kyushu was rebellious, the other party could no longer hold it and surrender.

Then he went to persuade the generals one by one. The general situation had gone, and those generals also expressed their willingness to surrender.

However, Song Ye only gave Lei Jiuming the right to enter and leave the trapped array, and he could not let them out at all, so even if Yan Wudi and the generals had surrendered, he could not let them out.

After a quarter of an hour.

The large array dissipated, and they were trapped in the array for seven days and seven nights. The military soldiers finally saw the sky again.

Except for the martial arts who were trained to reach the Grand Master, all the others were hungry, with thin skin and yellow lips.

Of course, the situation of those masters is not much better, even the invincible Yan Wuxiu who has the power is weak.

In the next three days, under the cooperation of Lei Jiuming and Yan Wudi, the military's personnel and troops were fully integrated and became a part of the Eastern Region Coalition, bringing the number of Eastern Region Coalition forces to more than 5.6 million.

Tian Yinzong, at the moment the army surrendered, spread the news, making the whole world uproar.

The trend of the East Region has been achieved, and it has become the strongest of the Nine Regions in one fell swoop.

As for the military aircraft battalion, the group only prayed for self-protection, and there was no extra strength to deal with the Eastern Region.

Song Yan's perception of Yan Wudi was not very good, so he chose to enslave him with Wu Shentong.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to help Lei Jiuming control the army's 2.6 million troops.

After he completed this task, Song Zheng sent him to Longshan battlefield again.

The human race can be chaotic, but the border battlefield cannot be chaotic. Otherwise, the demons and the two races will rush in. Yan Wudi is the commander of the Longshan battlefield. With him, the Longshan battlefield will soon fall into his control, and the bloodstream battlefield commander. Although it is a loyal **** of the military aircraft battalion, the generals on the Blood River battlefield are all familiar with Song Yong. In addition to Lei Jiuming's departure, he still has great prestige in the Blood River battlefield.

Therefore, he decided to take Lei Jiuming to the Blood River Battlefield and include the Blood River Battlefield into his Majesty.

Now, although the other seven domains have reversed, their internal unity has not yet been unified. It may take some time to complete the unity.

Song Kun planned to take all the soldiers and horses in the seven battlefields under his control while they were fighting for power.

It can be said that he caused this civil disorder, and he did not want to cause the entire human race to be engulfed by the two demons.

Of course, in fact, the main responsibility is the system. If it was not for the system to give him the task of unifying the clan family, he would not do so.

Among the seven battlefields, Longshan and Blood River have no major problems. There is also a black cliff battlefield. The commander of this battlefield is Li Feng. It should not be difficult to convince him.

In the past five days, Yan Wudi, who went to the battlefield of Longshan, came to know that he was in full control of the battlefield of Longshan. This is a ruthless master. All the soldiers and horses installed in the military aircraft battalion were killed by him, closed, so now The battlefield of Longshan has become his eloquence.

Now that the Longshan battlefield is in control, it's time to go to the Blood River battlefield. So Song Ye took Lei Jiuming to the Blood River battlefield that day.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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