Magic Love Ring

Chapter 884: National division and fire thunder

Previously, in order to save the day warrior, Song Zhe was slammed into a **** by the sword-forgetting warrior and burst into blood mist.

Subsequently, neither of them noticed that the mist of blood did not collapse, but continued to stay in the air.

Until Tongtian Wushen was defeated by Sitting Forgotten Wushen and stepped on the ground, the blood mist surged wildly, and a brand new body condensed in a very short time.

The matter of rebirth and rebirth was heard by the God of War.

But people have been bombarded and killed in a cloud of blood, and she has never heard of it, but today she saw it with her own eyes.

Feeling the change of the expression of Tongtian Valkyrie, sitting and forgetting Valkyrie looked back subconsciously, just to see Song Kun reunited with his body. For a moment, his face also appeared staggered.

"How are you?"

"Isn't it dead?" Song Yan grinned, while the soul seal was formed at this moment, flying out

Zanwu Valkyrie only felt a flower in front of him, and then a black shadow fell into his body, and then he lost consciousness.

"Give up resistance!"

Song Yan ordered.

Suddenly, the flames on Zhanwu Valkyrie extinguished.

Stepping out, Song Yan came to the Zanwangwushen, and the power of the air in his body moved fully, gathered in one palm, and patted towards the head of the Zanwangwushen.


The strength of this palm is too strong, and when it erupts, it will devour the entire seated samurai god, and the surrounding space will be distorted.

The next moment, the light dissipated, and there was nothing more than a diamond-shaped **** who was spinning slowly.

"Are you OK?"

Song Zheng put away this godhead, and then reached out to pull the heavenly **** of war.

"Can you put on your clothes?" Tsutenmu closed his eyes shyly.

After hearing that, Song Ye looked down and realized that he was completely naked. When he was just condensed out, he was busy showing the town's soul mark, and even had no time to put on his clothes. For a moment, his old face was a little red and he took it out quickly. Put on a robe: "Okay, you can open your eyes!"

Pulling the Celestial Martial God out of the pit, Song Yong slammed the three life gods into her body. However, her physical injury was already cured, but her godhead was too much, I am afraid that it was even one layer at the peak. Strength cannot be shown.

Obviously, Song Yan also saw her weakness, and moved her heart, and took out the goddess of the Mist of the Mist, and handed it to her: "Take it and absorb this godhead. Your strength should be fully restored!"

The Sky God of War looked at him with a complicated look.

Song Yan also looked at her.

After a long while, the God of War Wutian finally spoke: "You still keep this godhead, my cultivation can slowly recover!"

"Good! Just mention it if you need anything!"

Song Yan was also unpretentious, and put away the godhead again. With these two godheads, he could train two warriors in a short time.

Withdrawing from the large array and recovering the superb Lingjing, Song Kun returned to the palace with the **** of war.

The next day, a paper seal announced to the world that Fengtong Tianwu God was the national division of the Dawu Empire.

With the spread of the scriptures, Song Ji felt a certain increase in the power of luck in his body. It seems that the **** of the heavens became the master of the state, making the people of the world more attentive.

In a small courtyard deep in the palace.

Tea stove 汩汩 's steaming, Song 砚, Oriental tian 琊, Duan Mu Chong sitting around the stone table, and the tea pouring water on the side was actually Ling Fei Ning Ling, which made Duan Mu Chong a little uneasy, it was Dong Fang Tian He was calm, after all, no matter how his identity changed, he was his apprentice, and it was taken for granted that Ning Ling brought tea and water for him.

Seeing the calm expression of Dongfang Tianzhu, Duanmu Chong was very regretful. If he savagely took Song Ji as an apprentice, then there is something about Dongfang Laoer.

"Master, Uncle Duanmu, I'm calling you today, there is something I want to ask for your opinion!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, please!" Duanmu Chong respectfully said.

"There are no kings and ministers today, only elders and juniors."

Song Kun waved his hand, and then flipped his palms, two godheads appeared on his palm: "Here are two godheads. If you can achieve Valkyrie after refining, but after refining, your cultivation will never surpass these two godhead masters I do n’t know if Master and Uncle are willing to refine? ”

Oriental Tianzhu and Duanmu Chong looked at each other, and they saw the heat in each other's eyes.

Valkyrie, the pinnacle of warriors.

No matter how confident they are, they don't think they can reach Valkyrie.

Therefore, even after refining the godhead, they are very willing to refine the godhead.

In the end, the Eastern Tianmao won the goddess of sitting and forgetting Valkyrie, Duanmu Chong acquired the goddess of fog and Valkyrie, and closed in the palace. Once completely refining, the Dawu Empire will have two more gods.

The human race has subsided, but the two demons have not stopped attacking the seven battlefields.

Judging from the daily battle reports, this time the two demons did not seem to be attacking, but actually seemed to intend to join forces to destroy the human race.

Therefore, it was originally possible to adhere to the March formation, and under the crazy attack of the two demons, it could be broken up to one month.

However, January is enough.

Tiangong Institute.

After this period of continuous research and development, the members of the Tiangongyuan Academy based on the formula of the black gunpowder given by Song Kun, reconstituted a gunpowder that is ten times more powerful, and according to Song Kun's requirements, produced A very large fire thunder.

Seeing a pumpkin-sized fire thunder in front of him, Song Yan's expression was a bit strange. According to the academician of the Tiangong Academy, each of these fire thunders reached a hundred pounds. If put into the real world, such a fire thunder is definitely medium It's useless, why, because it's too heavy, even the super bomber can't bear it.

But in this world, even a warrior at the refining level can throw a hundred kilograms of fire thunder for dozens of meters. As for a gas refining level warrior, he can easily throw the hundred kilograms of fire thunder for hundreds of meters, or even On the kilometer.

As for how powerful it is, try it.

"Come here!"

The arrival of two gas-refining soldiers: "See Your Majesty!"


Song Zheng nodded.

Subsequently, the two soldiers each picked up a fire thunder, took off the machine frame, and threw it.

Two fire thunder flew at a distance of 500 meters at the same time.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two loud noises came out.

When the smoke dissipated, a deep pit of five or six meters appeared in the place where the two fire thunders landed, and a small number of small holes appeared around the deep pit. It was because there was a layer of iron beads in the fire thunder. Those small holes It was the iron beads inside the fire thunder that gave it through.

On the explosive power of fire thunder is already comparable to the full blow of the guru, but on the lethality, it is several times higher than the guru. If a fire thunder is thrown into hundreds of people, at least one hundred people can be killed. Others People will be injured more or less by explosive iron beads.

"How many fire thunders can I make in a day now?" Song Yan looked at the Dean of Tiangong Institute and asked.

"Under your Majesty, Tiangong Institute has limited manpower and can only make a thousand fire mines every day!"

Song Yan frowned and said, "Thousands are too few. I need at least 100,000 a day. You write a zipper and send it to your nephew to let the inside cooperate."

"Thank Your Majesty!"

After leaving Tiangong Academy, Song Ye set off to go to the Grand Master ’s Hall. Yes, after being named a Grand Master, the Celestial Warrior lived in the palace and was restored. Before that, he promised the Celestial Warrior's 100-year life and gave her five Ten years, now he intends to give her the remaining fifty years.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today's update is complete

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