Magic Love Ring

Chapter 892: Prince and Seven Princesses

Ten years have passed, and now it ’s twenty years

All of Song Kun's five children have grown up.

Under his training, Huang Wu and Huang Mo are both excellent.

At the age of 18, Huang Wu broke into the Grand Master, Huang Mo was even more powerful, and at the age of 17, he broke through to the Grand Master.

What makes Song Ye happy is that the relationship between the two brothers is excellent.

However, one thing that has disturbed Song Kun recently is the matter of setting up a prince.

He has only two sons. Naturally, the prince can only be selected from the two of them. In addition, they are both very good. Therefore, he also hesitated to establish Huang Wu as a prince, or Huang Huang and Prince.

However, there are many people who support Huang Wu. After all, he was born by the Queen's aunt Xie Huayu, but there are also many who support Huang Mo.

Go to the study.

"Baby meet his father!" Huang Wu and Huang Mo saluted on their knees.

"Let's all get up."

"Thank my father."

The two spoke in unison, and logically, they should call him Father Emperor, but Song Ye felt that this was too alienated, so he kept making them his father.

"It's one thing to call your two brothers today." Song Yan glanced at them with satisfaction.

Today Huang Wu is one meter eighty-five tall, handsome, handsome, and similar in appearance to Song Yan. Compared with the young Song Song, he looks like a brother.

Huang Mo's appearance is more like Ning Ling, handsome and elegant, don't look at his honest appearance now.

But in fact, this boy is a ghost, among the brothers and sisters, the most out of temperament, from young to large, the most punished is this boy.

Song Zheng continued: "Recently, the DPRK and Chinese officials have made a lot of complicity, forcing the Prince to be the father. To be honest, you are equally good in the heart of the Father. Therefore, who is the Prince? I called you for your Father, and I want to hear your opinions! "

Wen Yan said that the two brothers looked at each other and saw the tension in each other's eyes.

After a moment of silence, the brothers fell to their knees again: "Father, we are willing to obey your arrangements."

"You guys!"

Song Kun was a little speechless: "Wuer, you said first, would you like to be a prince?"

"This!" Huang Wu showed hesitation.

"The eldest husband dares to act as if he wants to, if he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to!" Seeing this, Song Yong said coldly.

"Baby thinks," Huang Wu gritted his teeth.

"Mur, what about you?" Song Yan asked again.

"Baby wants it too!"

Song Zheng nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, since you both want to, you will have a fair competition for your father. As the so-called rule of a big country is like cooking a small dish, your father will arrange you into a county order.

It ’s limited to three years. Within three years, the two of you will manage that county better, and the father will let you be the prince. However, during this period, you cannot reveal the identity of your prince, whether deliberately or not. Unintentional exposure, directly out, do you have any comments? "

"But by father's arrangement!"

The two were in unison.

"Well, go ahead and make preparations before saying goodbye to your mother. You will leave the palace for up to three days!"


Seeing the two sons retreating, Song Yong could not help but sigh gently, then immediately lowered his head to deal with the memorial.

In the past 20 years, both his cultivation practice and martial art cultivation have been steadily improving. The cultivation practice has reached the late stage of Jindan, but it will take a long time to gather Yuan Ying, but the martial art cultivation has reached In the middle of Wu Sheng, it is not far from the late Wu Sheng. At most, he can reach the late Wu Sheng.

Suddenly, after hearing a memorial sent by Tiangong Academy, Song Ming smiled. The tenth year ago, Tiangong Academy got the eyebrows of aircraft development. Seven years ago, the Empire owned the first aircraft.

Five years ago, the Tiangong Institute developed bombers and fighter jets.

After five years of research and development, according to his requirements, Tiangong Institute developed bombers and fighters using Lingjing as energy.

Lingjing Energy is far superior to gasoline energy, not to mention high stability and strong durability.

According to the report on the memorial, a sublime Lingjing can enable a bomber to fly for one month and a fighter to fly for one and a half months.

Moreover, in terms of defense, and outside the aircraft, the hidden array method, hidden sound array method, and flying silently in the air can achieve the goal of absolute invisibility. The technology and performance have far surpassed the strongest fighter in the real world.

At the same time, in addition to aircraft, the Tiangong Institute also developed Lingjing missiles, Lingjing artillery and Lingjing fire mines.

Originally, there was a lack of Lingjing among the human race. The main reason was that Lingjing was hidden deep in the mountains and underground, it was not easy to explore and mining was difficult.

However, with the advancement of science and technology, especially eight years ago, the Tiangong Institute developed instruments to detect Lingjing, so more Lingjings have been mined.

Today, there are more than five million superb Lingjings stacked in the treasury, and the top-quality Lingjings are also over one hundred million yuan. As for the top grade and the lower-quality Lingjing, there are even more.

In the past 20 years, the Imperial Academy has taught a group of students. These students were indoctrinated with the empire from an early age. After graduation, some of these students entered the military headquarters and some entered the official headquarters. Be more stable.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Ye called up the system interface.

He has completed three of the five missions issued by the system. As long as he defeats the two demons, he can return to the real world.

The time between the real world and this world is tested day by day and decade.

He has been in this world for more than 20 years, but the real world has only passed in the past two days. He thought of returning soon, but he was a little bit reluctant. After all, he has not lived in the real world for less than 20 years. The world has lived for more than two decades.

Fortunately, he has collected a large number of spirit crystals in this world. After leaving, he can also teleport back through the temple.

After a few days, go to the study.

Song Yan, wearing a dragon robe, sat with dignity behind the imperial table, and looked curiously at the beautiful woman who slowly entered the study.

"Fuji, Hu Xiaoqi has met the Emperor!"

The woman owed herself and bowed in worship.

"Seven princesses don't have to be polite, please get up!" Song Yan raised his hand.

Compared with Ji Lingqi, the charm of this Fox Princess is stronger. Generally, men only look at her for fear that it will never be forgotten for a lifetime.

"Your Majesty!" Hu Xiaoqi smiled lightly.

"Come, look at the seat for the Seven Princesses!"

Song Yan drank softly.

Suddenly, a female officer moved a soft chair.

Since the two demons of the demons were cut off, the strength of the demons has been greatly reduced. In recent years, they have been unable to shrink, but the human and demons have sent troops to attack the demons from time to time. In the construction site, the demon tribe was even harder, smashing two provinces.

A few days ago, just when Song Kun released the threat of attacking the Demon Clan, the Tiger King directly sent the seven fox princesses who had a friendship with Song Kun to discuss the alliance.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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