Magic Love Ring

Chapter 897: Death of the Demon God

The two armies faced each other.

As the commander in chief, the tiger king and the eagle king came to the front in tacit agreement, standing relatively hundreds of meters away.

The war between the two races, large and small, has not been known how many times, so they have fought. Even if they are both demons, they can't wait to kill each other.

According to the convention, the King of Tigers and the King of Eagles fought some guns before the two armies started fighting.

"Fire thunder!"

Suddenly, the king of tigers smiled strangely. Suddenly, tens of thousands of fire thunder were thrown from the beast army and fell into the bird army.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded like a scream, one after another. After a wave of fire and thunder, they directly blasted the bird army. Because the bird army was too dense and caught off guard, the death and injury were particularly serious, and the army directly killed or injured two million.

"Come again!"

Seeing the fire thunder meritorious, Tiger King's big hand waved again, and suddenly, tens of thousands of fire thunder were thrown out.


"Run away!"

Just caught off guard, these flying bird demon clans have been blown away. They have seen another round of fire and thunder, fluttering their wings and fleeing.

Seeing this scene, the eagle king could not help but be furious, but could do nothing.

The Tiger King could not help but laugh.


The King of Tigers ordered the army of five million beasts to shout and kill the birds.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Seeing that his army was in chaos, the King of Eagles knew that he had lost the war and had no choice but to order his withdrawal.

After ordering the withdrawal, the Eagle King also rose to the sky under the guardianship of several Wusheng-level demon clan, intending to escape to the birdfowl forest.

"Eagle King, today is your death date next year, leave me!"

The King of Tigers drank, and suddenly, a huge silver palm fell from the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The Eagle King and his several martial arts guards were all shot down from the air.


As soon as the King of Tigers waved, more than 20 Wusheng-level beasts and monsters rushed towards them, attacking and killing the Eagle King and others.

Because the beast side had long been prepared, the number of Wu Sheng was far more than that of the birds, so less than half an hour later, the Eagle King's Wu Sheng guards died one by one, even the Eagle King was also scarred.

Seeing that the eagle king was about to be killed by a group of martial arts of the beasts, a black shadow suddenly appeared beside the eagle king. When he saw his big sleeves, he gave dozens of beast martial arts to Zhenfei.

This middle-aged man in a black robe was thin and thin, with a hooked nose and thin lips. There was a fierce breath in those little eyes. Anyone swept by him couldn't bear the cold.

"My ancestor, you are here at last. The king has caught the king of the tiger. Take the king away!"

The desperate eagle king couldn't help seeing the man in the black robe.

At this moment, the King Tiger stepped forward, looking at the middle-aged black robe, and said with a spirit of anger: "Black Eagle ancestor, the overall situation is set, how about you to invest in my beast family, my king promises, as long as you invest in my beast , The status is the same as the Golden Tiger Silver Tiger ancestors, how? "

Hearing that, the King Eagle's face changed drastically, and he sneered coldly, "Tiger King, my king accidentally won your plan, but my king swears that today's shame will be doubled back in the next day!"

"Shut up, let's go!"

The black eagle ancestor gave a cold drink, grabbed the eagle king and flew away, but somehow he was a little disturbed.

"Where does the Black Hawk go!"

A loud drink came, and then a silver palm came flying, and it was the demon silver tiger who shot.


The black hawk ancestor snorted, but was unwilling to slam the silver tiger, and his body folded in mid-air and flew in the other direction.

"Haha! Blackhawk, deity has been waiting for you for a long time!"

There was another sound, and then a golden palm broke, forcing the Blackhawk ancestor to change direction again.

"Blackhawk ancestor, please appreciate this sword!"

A sword light seemed to come from the meteor, and once again blocked the way of the eagle ancestor.

"Terrestrial Valkyrie!"

The black eagle ancestor finally understood that he would feel uneasy. Golden Tiger and Silver Tiger joined forces. He had seven points to escape, but with a personal tribe of warriors, he had less than ten percent certainty to escape.

As for the eagle king who was caught in the hands of the black eagle ancestors, he was frightened and kept muttering: "It's over! It's over!"

"Black Hawk ancestor, please ask you again, surrender or not?"

The tiger king spoke again and asked loudly.

"Tiger King, you are not qualified to surrender to this ancestor!" The black hawk ancestor gave him a slight glance, full of disdain.

"Since it doesn't fall, go to death!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and then a young man in a black dragon robe was added to the sky.

Heavenly Son from Dragon Fist!


As if a dazzling sun rises, everyone feels that a dazzling light flashes before them, and then a giant golden dragon emerges from the light.

"Ang! Ang!"

Long Yin was shocking, and the golden dragon appeared in front of the black eagle ancestors instantly. A dragon mouth was swallowed up by him and the eagle king.

"The Emperor's mercy!"

Seeing this, the Tiger King could not help shouting.

Although the Blackhawk rejected him, his attitude was not firm. He felt that if he tried again, the Blackhawk's ancestor might die and surrender.


With a blast, the Golden Dragon exploded, and then two torn corpses fell from the air, one of the eagle ancestors and one of the eagle lords, all dead.

Raise a hand and destroy a demon god.

Among the army, the fox family one, seeing this scene, fox little seven felt dizzy and full of obsession.

"Sorry Tiger King, if you let this guy run away, there must be endless troubles, I have to die!" Song Yan landed beside Tiger King, apologizing with amused faces.

"People, my king didn't let you stop, why didn't you stop! Do you know that if you fight again, the Black Hawk ancestors will surrender!" Tiger King roared towards Song Yu.

"The tiger king is questioning me?"

Song Yan's face suddenly sank, his eyes looked coldly at the Tiger King. Suddenly, the Tiger King felt only a tight body, his hair was standing upright, and he felt a kind of chill.


Under the stare of Song Yan's eyes, the Tiger King shivered back and forth a few steps.


The figure flashed, and the Golden Tiger and the Silver Tiger landed next to the Tiger King, staring at Song Zheng vigilantly.

"People, don't ... don't get me wrong, just now the prince was just anxious and didn't question you!" Tiger King quickly apologized.

"Well, the evil comes out of the mouth, I hope the King of Tigers will take it away! Goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan rose into the sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Song Ye's departure, the Tiger King was relieved, but immediately his face became extremely gloomy, and he yelled, "This guy is really too arrogant. One day, Wang wants him to look good!"

Hearing the ruthless words of the Tiger King, Hu Xiaoqi secretly smirked and laughed secretly in his heart. You really have the ability to make the emperor look good, and you can't just put ruthless words behind your back.

It is true that the Golden Tiger and the Silver Tiger understand people and can kill Black Hawk ancestors with one stroke. In their eyes, the strength of the Emperor has far exceeded them.

Jin Hu's tone was complicated: "Tiger King, I will not provoke the human race in the future, the emperor will not die, and the demons will not have another day!"

Having said that, he couldn't help but have a deep regret in his heart, and he was afraid to join hands with the Emperor to kill the demons of the demons.

[Digression by the author]: Three more offerings, everyone big, happy holidays

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