Magic Love Ring

Chapter 904: Little trouble

After the two-hour lesson, I will go to the school ’s gym to exercise in accordance with the habits of Lu Feng.

There are nine levels of fighters. The punch of a first-level soldier can reach 200 kilograms, the punch of a second-level soldier can reach 300 kilograms, and so on, the power of a nine-level soldier can reach 1,000 kilograms.

There is no small gap compared with the nine-pounding power of the refining body in the fantasy world.

Of course, the fantasy world is a world dominated by cultivation, but this world is dominated by technology. If a 9th-level soldier puts on a single mech, he will savage the nine-level warrior of the refining body in minutes, even the warrior in the early stage of gas cultivation. Not necessarily an opponent.

These days, Song Ye has browsed a lot of battle videos. Although martial arts in this world are relatively uncommon, with the help of science and technology, they can still exert a very strong combat effectiveness.

Lu Feng practises mental powers, but he is also practicing physical training. Now, he is a fourth-level soldier with a punch of 500 kg.

The school sports hall is divided into three levels. The first level is the equipment field. As long as the students in the business school can use the equipment here for free, forging the body, these equipment can effectively improve the strength, speed, toughness and agility of the warrior.

However, these devices are generally suitable for level 1 to level 3 warriors. Above level 3, the effect of the devices is extremely small.

The second floor of the gymnasium is a gravity chamber. Practicing in the gravity chamber can greatly enhance the strength of the warrior.

However, the gravity chamber is not free to use. It costs 50 yuan per hour, and the maximum gravity multiple can only be adjusted to 3 times.

The third floor of the gymnasium is staffed by masters of physical exercises. As long as you enter there, you can get pointers from those masters of physical exercises. Of course, it is not free.

For example, a level 6 soldier costs 200 yuan per hour.

Both Lu Feng's parents died five years ago. Although the government compensated a certain amount of money, Lu Feng has spent almost five years. Therefore, he would go to the gravity chamber to practice at most. The master instructed him.

Of course, Song Kun has replaced him now, not to mention soldiers, even the God of War is not qualified to guide his martial arts, there is no need to go to the third floor.

Even if you go to the second floor, you can only pretend.

The task given by the system is to survive, then, the best way is to integrate into this world, and other system hosts do not know when it will pop out, so Song Yan will be so cautious.

An hour later, Song Xuan stepped out of the gravity chamber, rinsed in the bathroom of the Budokan, and headed straight for the cafeteria.

After eating in the cafeteria, he would return to his apartment to practice his mental strength.

The schedule is quite regular.

However, just out of the sports hall, a woman with a normal appearance took two people to stop him.

Song Yan did not speak, and looked at them dullly.

Of course, he didn't speak, because he was afraid of revealing his identity, but according to Lu Feng's personality, he should not speak.

"Lu Feng, Miss Ben asked you again, would you like to be my boyfriend?"

The woman asked sturdy.

Song Yan still did not say a word.

The woman couldn't help showing anger, and then a sneer appeared on her face: "Lu Feng, I know you're trying to become a spiritual teacher, but I tell you that there are no advanced methods and resources for spiritual cultivation , You want to become a spiritual teacher is harder than going to heaven. "

"So what?" Song Yan said lightly.

The woman smiled proudly: "As long as you are willing to be my boyfriend, if you serve me well, Miss Ben can reward you with a high-level sophisticated mystery method, so that your chances of breaking through spiritual teaching will be greatly increased!"

Just then, there were a few more students nearby.

"Hey, that kid is going to be unlucky, and she was actually taken care of by the girl Chen Linlin!"

"It is said that Shen Linlin's needs are so strong that men need to accompany him almost every night!"

"Moreover, it is difficult for her to escape her clutches, because she is one of the five largest families in Shanmei City!"

"Fortunately, I'm not handsome, otherwise I'm afraid I can't escape the clutches of this woman!"

"Come on, although this Shen Linlin changes her boyfriend faster than changing clothes, but her eyes are very high. Most men simply don't look at it, and everyone who has accompanied her has gained a lot of benefits. It is said that Cheng Fan It was through the genetic medicinal solution provided by Shen Linlin to rise to the fifth-level soldier! "

"Fifth-tier soldiers! You can have a good future in the army!"

Although separated by a certain distance, Song Yan collected the arguments of the group of students and immediately understood the identity of Shen Linlin.

So he said lightly to Shen Linlin: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested!"

As soon as the words came down, Song Yan bypassed Shen Linlin.

Shen Linlin, who had a smug smile on her face, was rejected by Song Yan, and she couldn't help feeling very angry: "Lu Feng, don't toast or eat or drink. The man Miss Miss wants to get has not escaped my palm, I Ask you again, do you agree or disagree? "

Song Yan ignored it and continued to move forward.

"Damn, you two, give Miss Ben a lesson!"

Shen Linlin exclaimed.

Suddenly, two men standing behind Shen Linlin flew out, one rounded in front of Song Yong, punched him in the chest, and the other kicked him in the back.

Pinching back and forth.

Based on the strength and speed of these two men's punches, Song Xuan judged that they should be fifth-level fighters.

Normal attacks have a power of five hundred attacks.

However, whether it is a fifth-level soldier or a sixth-level soldier, in his eyes, they are just ants-like beings, and they can kill them with a breath, but now he is playing the role of landwind, so

Seeing the attack of the two was about to fall on him, his body suddenly shifted one step to the right.

This step is just right.


Their fists and feet hit each other in midair, making the air tremble.

"Shen Linlin, don't forget, it's against the law to fight casually!" Song Yan said coldly.

"Idiot, fighting is illegal, but it's okay without knowing it." Shen Linlin sneered.

"The school is also under the cover of Skynet! Do you think it will not be found?" Song Zheng said again.

Shen Linlin rolled her eyes in disdain: "Ms. Ben has a jammer that abandons Skynet. Even if you are maimed, Skynet cannot shoot it!"

"So it is!"

Song Xun could not help revealing the color of sudden realization.

The two men were furious. In the fight, this land breeze dared to be distracted, so they didn't take them seriously.

As a result, the two walked up one by one, and punched Song Song.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The dull sound sounded. Then, the two men took three steps backwards to stabilize their bodies. On the contrary, Song Yan stood still.

"Well, that Lu Feng can repel two fifth-tier fighters. Does his strength reach the fifth-tier!"

Seeing this scene, both Shen Linlin and the students who watched the war showed extremely unexpected colors.

[Author off topic]: One more

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