Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1493 Twinkle, twinkle little star

"What is that!" Antonin Dolohov, a Death Eater who was originally smiling, looked up by chance and felt that something was wrong with the starry sky today.

The stars in the night sky seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Could it be a meteor shower? More and more Death Eaters looked up at the sky.

When Voldemort's laughter stopped abruptly, everyone had seen the situation clearly. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, it's always old Dumbledore."

These hundreds of light spots have come in front of everyone and revealed their true colors. They are all Dumbledore riding a flying broom. They faintly surrounded the Death Eaters below.

There are many masters among the Death Eaters, and Voldemort is a top magician. If it is a false illusion, they can't fail to see it.

But the hundreds of Dumbledores floating in the sky are real no matter how you look at it.

More than a hundred magicians are not surprising. Just now in Azkaban, the total number of participants on both sides was several hundred. However, more than a hundred old Dumbledore appeared at the same time, which is very scary!

For a moment, all the Death Eaters, including Voldemort, were in a state of confusion, and no one spoke. The scene was very awkward.

"Tom," Dumbledore was the first to break the silence, "Stop it, surrender, and don't make any more mistakes."

His persuasion to surrender was sincere. The laws of the magic world sometimes seem very loose, and surrender is not bad.

The former great devil Grindelwald, who was defeated by old Dumbledore, has not died yet, but has been imprisoned. Although this person has killed many people.

The same is true for these Death Eaters at the scene. They basically have lives on their hands, but they have not been sentenced to death. They were all imprisoned in Azkaban prison.

If Voldemort is really willing to surrender at this time, the magic world will not kill him, and will deal with him in the same way. Maybe he can be treated leniently.

But how can the unruly current great devil be willing to surrender? ! There is no ambiguous relationship between him and Dumbledore like between old Dumbledore and Grindelwald. It is impossible to be persuaded.

What's more, Voldemort believed that there were still three Horcruxes that had not been destroyed. Even if he was defeated, he would never die. What's so scary about that!

He woke up from his momentary shock. Although he didn't understand what tricks Dumbledore played, it was definitely not true.

Voldemort was shocked and laughed wildly: "Haha, after not seeing you for many years, you are still so naive. I am very curious, how did you find us? I confirmed that all the magic marks have been removed by me."

"Haha, Tom, you are the naive one. You must know that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens. There are still many things you don't understand."

Seeing that old Dumbledore was pretending, the Dark Lord was very unhappy: "Don't think you can fool me with a little trick, Avada Kedavra!"

He pointed the wand in his hand and sent out the Avada Kedavra curse. Since these Dumbledore can't all be real, he can try it out casually. The chance of encountering a fake is very high. As long as a fake is exposed, the morale of the Death Eaters can be immediately boosted.

"Avada Kedavra!" *N, several top Death Eaters also thought of the same thing, Antonin and others took action one after another, and several Avada Kedavra curses rushed towards different Dumbledores.

"Petrificus Totalus (petrification spell)!"

"Reducto (crushing spell)!"

"Stupefy (stunning spell)!"

"Sectumsempra (shenfeng shadowless spell)!"


The Dumbledores flying in space fought back one after another, and the spells they used were actually all kinds of spells.

Moreover, not only the attacked Dumbledores fought back, but all the Dumbledores sent out attack magic. This kind of magic fluctuation cannot be faked.

The Death Eaters were surprised to find that every attack magic was real. Their morale was quickly hit by more than half.

This is not over yet. In addition to the attacks from the "Dumbledores" in the air, there are also countless attack magics on the ground flying towards the surrounded group of people.

What are you still guessing about? Hurry up and fight back! The battle broke out instantly, and countless magical lights flew, collided, and set off countless fireworks in the night sky. It really had the flavor of Christmas Eve.

What exactly is going on? Needless to say, it is naturally related to Xiao Ming.

At the beginning, Fudge entrusted Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix to arrange traps to deal with Voldemort. They immediately began to brainstorm. This matter is not that easy.

Voldemort and his elite subordinates are geniuses in the magic world, and ordinary magic traps can't do anything to them. People must have arranged countermeasures long ago.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Whether it is the Ministry of Magic or the traps of major families, they have not played any decent role. Of course, there is also the reason for the information leak.

Just when the Order of the Phoenix was helpless, Lupin brought a powerful helper-Silver Wolf Magus.

This group of werewolves who originally belonged to Voldemort can take this opportunity to rejoin the magic world. It is not a problem to receive awards for meritorious service.

Silver wolves have a characteristic: they are extremely sensitive to smells, especially the smells of their own kind. Coupled with the blessing of the Silver Moon Wolf's divine power, they can roughly sense each other's position. The closer the distance, the clearer the feeling.

This is not magic, but a characteristic of creatures. It is a natural superpower. So Voldemort's side can't find it at all.

So, Dumbledore arranged for ten Silver Wolf Maggs to drink Polyjuice Potion and exchange identities with the prisoners.

This action was carried out secretly without the knowledge of the Ministry of Magic, otherwise it would have been exposed long ago. Moreover, they did not exchange with major Death Eaters such as Bellatrix Lestrange.

Voldemort was too familiar with these masters and was easily seen through. So the Silver Wolf exchanged with Death Eaters who were not too famous. Even two of them avoided the Death Eaters and exchanged with other criminals.

In this way, even if it was found that there was something wrong, the influence of Dementors for many years could be used to cover it up. It would not be exposed.

This inspiration came from Barty Crouch Jr. If he had not disguised himself as Mad-Eye Moody and sneaked into Hogwarts for a whole school year, Voldemort would not have been so easy to resurrect.

Now the Order of the Phoenix has copied the trick of transplanting flowers and trees, which can be regarded as retribution.

In the end, four Silver Wolf Maggs, including Lupin, successfully mixed into the ranks of the Death Eaters, and Voldemort did not suspect them at all.

Then, Dumbledore and the members of the Order of the Phoenix, led by other Silver Wolf Maggs, transferred several times and quickly arrived near the gathering place of the Death Eaters. Arranged an ambush circle.

As for the more than 100 Dumbledores flying in the sky, about 20 of them were members of the Order of the Phoenix who drank the Polyjuice Potion and Silver Wolf Maggs in disguise.

The other nearly 100 Dumbledores were multiple shadow clones cast by several ninjutsu masters, and they did have certain combat capabilities. It was impossible for magicians to distinguish the real from the fake. It also played a very good effect of preemptive. The Death Eaters and even Voldemort were scared.

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